Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Fathers Have Few Rights in Washington State Essay example -- Argumenta
During a child’s early years he/she establishes parental bonds which will influence the rest of his/her life. However, in Washington few children will realize this bonding with their fathers. In fact, the evidence is clear, census reports, court records, and statements from the people of Washington themselves all point to a State biased against fathers. Unfortunately, this bias extends beyond just the courts, even beyond state run agencies like DSHS; this behavior runs rampant through our very streets. We, as citizens, partisans, and voters of Washington State have been given the impression, through media outlets, feminist organizations, and movies that mothers simply make better parents. In reality, there is another side of the story, one which we rarely saw or heard, until now. The other side of the story starts in the early 90’s. 1991 census reports, less than 20% of all custodial-parents were children’s biological fathers. When asking why, one could look to SPARC an online resource for men which reports 50% of all mothers admitted to seeing no benefits being provided by fathers; and 40% of all mothers admitted to interfering with the father’s visits as punishment. Taken together, these statistics portray a picture of men as providers, and incapable of being nurturing parents (SPARC). According to Cohn, Alvin W. based on census reports, infant fatalities decreased, general living conditions for juveniles had seen a substantial increase, and single father homes also increased between 1991 and 2001. These particular increases portray that fathers, in contrast to popular belief, are capable of providing nurturing stable homes for their children, possibly even more so then mothers. However, today, based on the WSCCR (Washingt... ...gov/wsccr/docs/ResidentialTimeSummaryReport2010.pdf†Bleckblog, Anonymous, â€Å"Fathers rights endangered in Washington Stateâ€Å", Sun, 05/31/2009 - 22:20 â€Å"http://bleckblog.org/comp/node/3400†Alan Booth, Mindy E. Scott, and Valarie King â€Å"FATHER RESIDENCE AND ADOLESCENT PROBLEM BEHAVIOR: ARE YOUTH ALWAYS BETTER OFF IN TWO-PARENT FAMIIES?†Columnist, Tabitha S. "Labors of Love: Trying to make Marriages Work." Seattle Post - Intelligencer: A.17.Washington State Newsstand. Apr 07 1995. Web. 29 Sep. 2011 Thompson, Bankole, â€Å"Fathers, step up†Michigan Times, 6/13/07 Mike Mccormick â€Å"Obama's Responsible Fatherhood Bill--Not Enough Carrot, Too Much Stick†the Buffalo News, 6/30/07 Mike Mccormick and Glenn Sacks â€Å"Protect Fathers' Loving Bonds with Their Childrenâ€Å", Web, 1 October, 2011, http://acfc.convio.net/site/DocServer/Protect_Fathers_Article_June_18_2008.pdf?docID=1521
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