Sunday, May 24, 2020
Plank, Einstein and Black Body Radiation - 1400 Words
Plank, Einstein and Black Body Radiation. Part 1. Trace the development of the understanding of â€Å"black body radiation†and assess Einstein’s contribution to quantum theory with particular reference to it. Some recent scientific discoveries have been developed during periods of war and have not necessarily been of an altruistic nature. Discuss Einstein and Plank’s differing views of the role society and politics played in scientific research. Towards the end of the 19th century physics was mostly thought to be at an apex. One man at the time, William Thomson Kelvin [cited by Glen Elert in The Physics Hypertextbook], said along the lines of â€Å"There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.†This statement was to quickly become fiction with the beginnings of the 1900s. Two major problems in physics were still apparent; Theories on the luminiferous ether. That is the understanding that light is a wave, waves require a medium therefore, in the case of light from the sun, something must exist between in order to have its light reach Earth. This was believed to be some luminiferous (light-bearing) ether. But the properties of this ether were contradictory and beyond 19th century physics. The other problem was the complete inability of electromagnetic theory to predict the characteristics of thermal radiation. It was to be that out of this issue that the revolutionary development of quantum mechanics would occur sendingShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Positive Relationship Between Science and Religion6961 Words  | 28 Pagesstem cell is less rigid than previously thought yet not nearly as flexible as an embryonic stem cell however there is an added bonus as the use of adult stem cells avoids the potential problem of their rejection from a foreign body since they are transplanted into the same body. Due to this research and the limited success that it has enjoyed so far, many religious organizations, such as Evangelical Christian and Lutheran groups, are amending their stand on stem cell research and one of the most notableRead MoreCommon Laboratory Operations5997 Words  | 24 Pagescurrent, and led to all important discoveries of the use of electricity. The unit o f measuring electromotive force (emf), Volt(v) is named after him. He also proposed the law that the air expands at a constant rate with increasing temperature. Albert Einstein      (1879-1955) German mathematical physicist. Famous for the theory of relativity. Motion is relative and there fore, can be measured only in relation with something else. According to him, the only unchanging quantity is the speed of light.Read MoreEdexcel AS Physics in 100 pages19416 Words  | 78 Pages........................ 16 Newton’s Second Law ................................................................................. 16 Newton’s Third Law .................................................................................... 17 Free-body diagram ....................................................................................... 17 Centre of gravity centre of mass .............................................................. 18 1.4 Motion in two dimensionsâ€â€Projectile motion
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Leadership Intervention Strategies For Rebuild Team...
Situation Karina Chen, who leads an organization called Chen Shan Lawyers, the law firm by which I had been employed as a paralegal, was responsible for leading one of the teams that mainly handled criminal and family law matters. Nevertheless, while failing to discern the importance of building positive relationship with team members, maximizing the output of the team seemed to be the only thing she encouraged and valued. As a result, the team had suffered from low morale and there was no trust between Karina and the team members. Complication Poor team relationships are undoubtedly detrimental to team productivity and possibly overall organizational performance (De Dreu and Weingarten 2003). As a team leader, Karina should never underestimate or avoid the challenge of maintaining and improving team cohesiveness in the workplace. The following will therefore critically evaluate the leadership intervention strategies available for Karina to rebuild team morale and effectiveness. Resolution In order to ameliorate such a situation, it is essential for Karina to recognize and interpret the nature of the obstacle and then implement corresponding intervention strategy (Joshevska and Petkovski 2014). According to the team leadership model, Karina was confronted with a team performance problem that requires internal relational leadership actions to be taken (Northouse 2015). Those actions may include ‘reconnecting with the team by regular contact and communication’ and ‘buildingShow MoreRelatedLeadership And Change : Organization Development ( Od ), And Emergent Change1628 Words  | 7 Pagesapply to change approach in effectively. Therefore, this essay will examine the definition of leadership and change develop and then critically evaluate planned change, organization development (OD), and emergent change. Comparison and implementation these three approaches will be in the last. Orientation Normally, leaders have a critical role to play in steering change in their organization. Leadership demands fluidity and dynamism, which requires the commitment and ability to lead change (GoldsmithRead MoreLeadership And Change : Organization Development ( Od ), And Emergent Change1629 Words  | 7 Pagesapply to change approach in effectively. Therefore, this essay will examine the definition of leadership and change develop and then critically evaluate planned change, organization development (OD), and emergent change. Comparison and implementation these three approaches will be in the last. Orientation Normally, leaders have a critical role to play in steering change in their organization. Leadership demands fluidity and dynamism, which requires the commitment and ability to lead change (GoldsmithRead MoreA Vision For Changing School Culture Essay1848 Words  | 8 Pagesassigned to my fellow students and I as a requirement for our Leadership with a Vision for Changing School Culture in a Changing Society class. Much to our chagrin, each of us, after five weeks of ever changing syllabi, were tasked with completing a component of a school improvement plan. Schentel Jones completed the â€Å"Assessment of the current state of school culture†component. Ronald Berry completed the â€Å"Supervise the instructional and leadership capacity of school staff†component. Diamond Elam completedRead MoreTransferable Skills Development13058 Words  | 53 Pagesprofessional lives. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: †¢ Develop skills in managing oneself, other people, groups, and ultimately organizations. †¢ Develop rich set of softer interpersonal, influencing, team-building, conflict management, and communications skills. †¢ Understand organizational performance, and career success in modern, dynamic and complex organizations. Transferable Skills Development: Transferable Skills Development is more thanRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesPersonality and Values 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and PracticesRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesmymanagementlab is an online assessment and preparation solution for courses in Principles of Management, Human Resources, Strategy, and Organizational Behavior that helps you actively study and prepare material for class. Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Read MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words  | 299 PagesTOP-TEAM POLITICS†¦page 90 WHEN YOUR CORE BUSINESS IS DYING†¦page 66 Y GE SE PA IN DS CK R M WA A 53 April 2007 58 What Your Leader Expects of You Larry Bossidy 66 Finding Your Next Core Business Chris Zook 78 Promise-Based Management: The Essence of Execution Donald N. Sull and Charles Spinosa 90 The Leadership Team: Complementary Strengths or Conï ¬â€šicting Agendas? Stephen A. Miles and Michael D. Watkins 100 Avoiding Integrity Land Mines BenRead MoreGeneral Electric60506 Words  | 243 Pagesexplores the concepts surrounding organizational strategy. It begins with an explanation of the term strategy and offers a basis for how to identify a company’s particular strategy. Next, it explores the importance of striving for competitive advantage in the marketplace and examines the role strategy plays in achieving this advantage. The chapter then explores the idea that strategy is partly proactive and partly reactive. Next, a discussion on strategy and ethics is given. This is followed by a closeRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pagesmarketing The management process Strategic decisions and the nature of strategy The marketing/strategy interface Summary xi xiii 1 3 3 7 11 19 37 41 43 45 45 50 53 70 71 75 77 79 79 80 81 86 88 89 101 102 104 107 109 Stage One: Where are we now? Strategic and marketing analysis 2 Marketing auditing and the analysis of capability 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Learning objectives Introduction Reviewing marketing effectiveness The role of SWOT analysis Competitive advantage and the value chain ConductingRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesSummary 23 Demonstrating Comprehension: Questions for Review 24 Key Terms 24 HRM Workshop 25 Linking Concepts to Practice: Discussion Questions 25 Developing Diagnostic and Analytical Skills 25 Case 1: Work/Life Balance at Baxter 25 Working with a Team: Understanding Diversity Issues 25 Learning an HRM Skill: Guidelines for Acting Ethically 26 Enhancing Your Communication Skills 26 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HRM: Invasion of Privacy? 9 WORKPLACE ISSUES: We Are Now Entering the Blogosphere 10 Workforce
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Frederick Douglass Rhetorical Analysis - 853 Words
America’s history is overrun with oppression and injustice based on race, ethnicity, and other traits that innocent victims have no control over. As a result, the reputation of the United States is forever tainted by it’s dark past, and still practices these surviving habits of hatred. Civil liberty issues faced since the establishment of the country have yet to be resolved because of the ever-present mistreatment, corruption in positions of authority, and the dehumanization of minorities. The poor treatment of women and people of color is a main reason why these past issues are still present in the United States today. In Frederick Douglass’s speech given on July 5, 1852, he expresses his opinions of America’s Independence Day and how†¦show more content†¦In Susan B. Anthony’s speech, she reasons that the constitution grants these rights to not just male or white male citizens, but to â€Å"the whole people†(Source E) making the pur pose of voting to serve as a means to â€Å"secure the blessing of liberty†(Source E) for oneself, and Anthony believed everyone should have an opportunity to participate. The pathos emotion in her diction moves the listener to feel what she was feeling, insisting that â€Å"women are citizens†(Source E) just like men. Hence, many women and people of color in the U.S. find themselves having to stand up to the authorities or the government to explain that they deserve to exercise the same liberties given to everyone else, sometimes in vain. In her speech, Anthony has to do just that, convince her listeners throughout her speech that she in fact committed no crime at all, but simply â€Å"exercised her citizens rights†(Source E). In order to do this, he even went as far as saying that laws that limited women and other minorities voting capabilities was a â€Å"violation of the supreme law†(Source E). Moreover, the modern day voting system reflects, under cl oser inspection, that the power does not truly lie with the people, but only with the representatives elected by the people-- which impedes on the civil liberties of the entire country. Such corrupt systems of government imposing laws limiting the freedom of particular groups further prove that civil libertyShow MoreRelatedFrederick Douglass Rhetorical Analysis930 Words  | 4 Pagesknown slave author and orator, Frederick Douglass, in his narrative, â€Å"The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave†alters the way people view slavery. Douglass’s purpose is to convince the audience that slavery should be abolished. He creates a haunting tone in order to persuade the readers that slavery is wrong. He uses many real life accounts of horrifying instances of beatings, murders and torture to prove that slavery is unjust. Douglass illustrates many emotions in hisRead MoreFrederick Douglass Rhetorical Analysis905 Words  | 4 PagesNoted abolitionist Frederick Douglass, in his self titled slave narrative addresses the indescribable sadness that the slaves were experiencing, which they portrayed through song. He intensely describes the emotions that he hears within the songs of the slaves. In the passage Douglass shows how the slaves believe that they feel, versus how they really feel, and he does this this by changing the tone throughout the passage. He uses these tones to make the reader fully feel the helplessness that theRead MoreFrederick Douglass Rhetorical Analysis885 Words  | 4 Pages In the â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass†it shows all 3 rhetorical appeals (Ethos, Pathos, Logos) which are found in all forms of writing, speeches, movies, television shows, and life within itself. Frederick Douglass used all three of these rhetoric in the narrative to tell about both his life as an American slave and his cause over ten decades ago. He uses these devices to identify himself to the readers, to bring emotion out of the readers, and to persuade the readers. Read MoreFrederick Douglass Rhetorical Analysis968 Words  | 4 Pagesorganized conspiracy to oppress, rob, and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe†- Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass is a remarkable figure when it comes to describe and expose the outcome of the oppression in the black race since memorable times seen and experienced through the centuries expressed in slavery, racism and mistreat. In â€Å"The Meaning of Fourth of July for the Negro†, Douglass states the values of not only a race but a human being in his speech, by allowing himself to representRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Frederick Douglass866 Words  | 4 PagesFrederick Douglass was an abolitionist, a human rights activist, and a former slave with a lot to say. July 4, 1852, a man was asked to speak at a Declaration signing commemoration event. This man, an African- American former slave steps up on stage and delivers a speech of the century, informing the white crowd of the slaves perspective on the celebration of freedom. In the speech, Douglass claims that the Fourth of July is a day of mourning for current and former slaves instead of the celebrationRead MoreFr ederick Douglass Rhetorical Analysis1793 Words  | 8 Pages In his memoir, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Frederick Douglass argues for the abolition of slavery by reminiscing on his life as a slave. He draws attention to the cruelties he and other slaves endure and compares it to the white masters’ humanity. To do so, Douglass also uses the irony of relationships and family in white masters but lack of recognition of such in the slaves. Furthermore, Douglass uses the irony of the use of religion in order to excuse slaveryRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Frederick Douglass Speech838 Words  | 4 PagesFrederick Douglass was a freed slave in the 1800’s who was famous for his ability to read and write, uncommon of a black man at the time. On July 4th, 1852, he gave a speech to citizens of the United States. In this speech, he called out the â€Å"hypocrisy of the nation†(Douglass), questioning the nations treatment of slaves on a supposed day of independence. Frederick Douglass effectively uses rhetorical strategies to construct his argument and expose the hypocrisy of the nation. One of the rhetoricalRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Frederick Douglass Use Of Diction990 Words  | 4 PagesFrederick Douglass’ use of Diction Frederick Douglass was a great author who used a variety of literary devices to contribute to his overall writing. One of his main literary elements that he uses is diction. What is diction? According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary diction is the way in which words are used in speech or writing. Douglass’ use of diction helps emphasize key point about slavery that writes about. Also, diction helps to convey the message that Douglass is writing about. DouglassRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Rhetorical Analysis1050 Words  | 5 Pagesand hardship. But some, like the slave and later abolitionist Frederick Douglass, rose up from the tribulations of slavery and led the way for progress and change in America. In his autobiography â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass†, Douglass tells his inspiring yet harrowing story of his life as a slave in Maryland and his escape to freedom in New York and later Massachusetts, where he eventuall y became an abolitionist. Douglass masterfully uses ethos, pathos, and logos to craft his powerfulRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Frederick Douglass s Romeo And Juliet 1386 Words  | 6 PagesPathos et Logos Frederick Douglass uses both pathos and logos in his Narrative to push his argument against slavery by appealing to the audience’s idea of virtue and stating the harsh facts of the abuse. Douglass knows his audience well, and uses their intense feelings on Christianity to bolster his argument. His ethos is set up on the first page, as he is one that was directly abused through the process of slavery. Douglass uses the rest of the book to instill in the reader through his expert use
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Human Rights Act 1998 And Tort Law - 1940 Words
The Human Rights Act 1998 and Tort Law are seen to be together in â€Å"overlapping ways †as Franà §ois du Bois explains. In this essay we will begin by looking at the introduction of the Human Rights Act, and the claims in negligence against public authorities. Then we will look at the different views as to the remedies, whether Tort law and the Human Rights Act, should be used together and developed together, or should be used separately in a claim in negligence against a public authority. The introduction of the Human Rights Act 1998, as Oliphant and Lunney describes it â€Å"creates a new statutory remedy against public authorities for violating of the specified Convention rights†. Section 7 of the act requires that any individual that brings a claim against public authorities must be a victim. A victim under the Human Rights Act â€Å"refers to the person who could bring a case under the ECHR. Victims must be directly affected or be at risk of being directly affected by the act in questions. Victims can include†¦relatives of the victim where a complaint is made about death.†. An example of this would be the case of Rabone v Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust in which Melanie had in the past attempted to commit suicide on several occasions. After the most recent attempt she was admitted to the hospital where they observed and tested her. Two days after, she was released for two days home visit despite her tests indicating her being at high risk of attempting suicide again, which isShow MoreRelatedTrespass1218 Words  | 5 PagesOVERVIEW OF THE TORTS COVERING TRESPASS TO THE PERSON * DEFENCES TO TRESPASS TO THE PERSON * ALTHOUGH NOT A PART OF TRESPASS TO THE PERSON WE WILL ALSO ASSESS THE RULE IN WILKINSON V DOWNTON 1. OVERVIEW The aim/s of these torts: Protection from personal interference / protects your bodily integrity and your liberty. The trespass torts are actionable per se (there is no need to prove damage). A trespass to the person may well also be a CRIME and criminal law cases can be helpfulRead MoreEmployment Law Case Presentation and Analysis Essay861 Words  | 4 Pagesdoctrine of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 1964, Section 2000e-2, para. A, cited in Colorado State University-Global Campus, 2014b, p. 5), and invasion of privacy or intrusion (defined as â€Å"[i]ntrusion is an invasion by the defendant of plaintiff’s seclusion in a manner objectionable to the average person†(Colorado State University-Global Campus, 2014a, p. 2)) or a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1996 (ECPA) (Colorado StateRead MoreImpact Of The Human Rights Act 1998 On Clinical1924 Words  | 8 PagesImpact of the Human Rights Act 1998 on clinical (medical) negligence Tort law is a considerably old branch of English law, covering a wide range of areas within such as defamation, nuisance, trespass and, most importantly, negligence. The latter set out the modern concept of negligence by means of Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562. Furthermore, in twentieth century a number of fundamental elements were established in negligence, elevating its significance above all other areas of tort law. Most problematicRead MoreThe Duty Of Care On Public Bodies1196 Words  | 5 PagesAn explanation will be made on how the current law addresses the imposition of a duty of care on public bodies. An evaluation will then be made to determine whether the duty of care the police owe to protect individuals from a known threat should be legally recognised. The common law duty of care was established in Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562 (HL) and refined in Caparo Industries plc v Dickman [1990] 2 AC 605 (HL). Any party including public authorities may owe a duty of care to another ifRead MoreThe English Common Law System1663 Words  | 7 PagesThe English common law system is obliged to comply with the rights and obligations under the Human Rights Act Convention. Even though they are not bound by it has been advised by the House of Lords to harmonise or comply with the Conventions, on a equivalent basis which is â€Å"no more, but certainly no less†. The Convention does not guarantee damages for violations that have occurred between private parties, it only protects them against the public authorities, thus only binding states. Generally theRead MorePublic Bodies And The Law Of Negligence1656 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"treated differently†from individuals in law in relation to the question of liability for negligent acts . This essay shall discuss the reasoning underlying the general principle suggesting that public bodies should not be held liable when exercising their statutory functions under the law of negligence for material loss. The essay shall first consider the law applicable to ‘Public Bodies and the Law of Negligence’. This section shall examine the law of negligence and discuss some of the salientRead MoreHow Laws Are Made and Classified805 Words  | 4 PagesThis assignment will demonstrate how laws are made and the number of ways in which laws are classified. Goodey et al. (2008 p.6) states that ‘law can be defined as a set of rules created by the state which forms a framework to ensure a peaceful society. If the rules are broken they can be enforced by mechanisms created by the state and sanctions imposed.’ Law is made through constitutions that give people rights but also imposes responsibilities. An example of this is the legal case of MillerRead MoreThe Development of the General Concept of the Duty of Care Essay1729 Words  | 7 PagesThe Development of the General Concept of the Duty of Care It has been said many times that the [duty of care in the] law of negligence develops incrementally so that the fact that there is no reported case succeeding against the police similar to the present one is not necessarily a sufficient reason for striking out. Lord Slynn of Hadley, Waters v Commissioner of Police [2000] 1 WLR 1607 atRead MoreLegal systems: Duty of Care and Negligence1175 Words  | 5 Pagesthe concept of duty of care and its connection to negligence serve a key role in the society. Tort law provides for legal processes following acts of negligence that exhibit duty of care. The underlying liability in negligence, however, is limited because duty of care must be justified before the courts. Acts of negligence could result in many different forms of harm or injury. Under the common law, acts of negligence could result in physical injury, psychological harm or economic loss. These outcomesRead MoreProfessional Engineering And The Laws1040 Words  | 5 PagesProfessional Engineering and the Laws The role of the professional Engineer entails a legal aspect that he or she is compelled to comply with in the execution of their responsibilities. The relevant statutes and regulations were adequately addressed in the case of â€Å"The Walkerton Inquiry†. These statutes and regulations include standard design approaches, management of water resources, construction of infrastructure and operation for the provision of quality and safe drinking water. The responsibility
Pitfalls of Targeting the Global Youth Segment of Mtv Free Essays
Market Entry and Expansion When entry a new market, especially to China, exporting is a good choice. There are many forces that lead us to choose the exporting. It involves more risk and investment as the firm sets up its own presence in the host country but the potential return is also greater. We will write a custom essay sample on Pitfalls of Targeting the Global Youth Segment of Mtv or any similar topic only for you Order Now When choosing exporting as the market entry mode, there are many advantages and disadvantages exist: Advantages Exporting can minimizes risk and investment. Since the industry and the head quarter are at the home country, it can decline the risk and investment in other counties. It just need one thingâ€â€export. In addition, exporting can also maximizes scales and use existing facilities to expend the market. When we develop the industry in other countries especially a new environment, there are many conditions that we are not sure, we can use the existing resource to save the investment and minimize risk, that’s why exporting can be benefit for developing a new market. Disadvantage There still some disadvantages of exporting. Firstly, the company may be viewed as an outsider and it can not be accepted easily in a new environment, we should look into the consumer, and make it out what customers’ need. Another disadvantage is that exporting need a lot of tariff costs and a high level of barriers to entry the new market. Because of the exporting, the corporation may spend a lot of fund on exporting, at the same time, there are many differences between the two countries, just like culture, custom policy and so on, they are all the restrictions when entering a new market. In the next five years, the corporation will become more and more mature, and we should change the way of the market entry. At that time, foreign direct investment (FDI) is a suitable way to operate the industry in a foreign market. Since we have been there for almost five years, we have enough fund to set up new company there. FDI can be benefit to the development of the company. It can gets greater knowledge of the local market so that we can know better of the consumers’ needs. What’s more, the company can be considered as an insider which is a good opportunity to get closer to the consumers. The most important reason is that FDI can minimize knowledge spillover, it is save for the company developing out of the home country. Country-of-origin The origin of the product is Belgium which is a developed country, it will leave a good impression on the consumer. Codiva is also a famous brand of the whole world, it is beneficial to the corporation to marketing the product. Consumer Ethnocentrism and Consumer Animosity When marketing the product, ethnocentrism is not important and effective to the consumer, the product should harmonize the local culture which is easy to accept to the consumer. Animosity is also a force we should consider. Choosing a foreign market without animosity will helpful to develop the industry, and decrease the barriers of entry. Summary According to the whole report, we have concluded the details of the description of the nature of the product, service and environment justification for country recommendation. To develop the industry maturely and successfully, we indicates the competitor identification. When setting up industry outside the home country, we analysis both of the current and the future scheme in order to make a bright development for the corporation. Customer is the most important element in the market, we made a deep understanding of them to know what they need. Then market segmentation, target marketing and positioning analysis can be beneficial to us to make the company more hopeful and promising. At last, international marketing mix and other international marketing related factors have mentioned to make a plan to the company. We have totally analysis the whole factors that related to the company in order to develop the industry more successfully outside the home country. How to cite Pitfalls of Targeting the Global Youth Segment of Mtv, Papers
Nature of Public Administration free essay sample
Before we discuss about the meaning, definition, nature, scope and importance of public administration we will try to know what is administration, organisation and management. As these terms are often used interchangeably and synonymously, it is pertinent to know the differences and distinctions between these three terms. According to William Schulze Administration is the force, which lays down the object for which an organisation and its management are to strive and the broad policies under which they are to operate.An Organisation is a combination of the necessary human beings, materials, tools, equipment and working space, appurtenances brought together in systematic and effective co-relation to accomplish some desired object. Management is that which leads guides and directs an organisation for the accomplishment of pre-determined object. To put the above in simple terms, administration sets the goal, management strives to attain it and organisation is the machine of the management for the attainment of the ends determined by the administration. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature of Public Administration or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some scholars have a different view about the administration and management. According to Peter Drucker management is associated with the business activity, which has to show economic performance, whereas administration is associated with the non business activities like activities of the Government. The other view is that administration is associated with performing routine things in known settings in accordance with certain procedures, rules, and regulations.The Management is associated with performing functions like risk taking, dynamic, creative and innovative functions. Some scholars of Public Administration are closely associated with the first view that is, administration is a determinative function. Management, on other hand is an executive function that is primarily concerned with carrying out the broad policies laid down by the administration.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Marketing & Advertising Law Free Solution for Students Click Now
Question: Discuss about the marketing advertising law. Answer: Introduction The modern businesses demand high magnitude of market engagement through the means of advertising and marketing. Seldom, does a business stand a chance, if the proper provision of Marketing and advertising are not put in the perfect slot prior to the reach of the larger market. As with the global observance on the campaigns and marketing efforts, it is estimated that significant amount of the drastic environmental effects caused through the extensive methods used in Marketing. Marketing is essential for the growth and the penetration of the products but it has created immense problem for the environment and the same has been put to debate over and over again. However, the regional influences have been the prime factor that has emerged as the guiding factor in the recent times. This can be best cited with an example and to provide an apt example the Australian Consumer Law will be taken into consideration and Kmart Corp will be discussed. Australian Consumer Law The Australian Consumer Law is legislation for consumer protection that commenced from January 2011. Unlike the United States, the Australian law has the strict venture in the consumer domain, S18 ACL, comprised in Schedule 2 of the act, prohibits the conduct by the corporation in the trade that has misleading or deceptive information. Moreover, recent advertisement efforts have been reviving on the issues that portray larger and provocative inputs through the marketing means worldwide (Intini Kuhtz, 2010). Hence, the Australian laws have been one of the better fronts in dealing with the issues. It has been noted that Green Marketing came into existence in the 1980s and 1990s when the Government and regulatory bodies were being more open to the exploitation of freedom of reduced coverage on Marketing regulations. Plans, tools, and inspiration branding on a sustainable note are the new rules for Green Marketing (Angelos et. al, 2011). Hence, the needs of the global reference to deal with such efforts are proving more rapid since more companies are gauging on the marketing options all around the world. Example Kmart Corp. had advertised biodegradable American paper plates wheresas, Tender Corp. had advertised biodegradable wet wipes for Bath, and Dyna-E had represented its towels as biodegradable product in the market. The factors were found to be untrue in later contexts of the marketing efforts by the companies. The factors were could not be found genuine and it was just to enhance the image of the product in the market. Though actions were taken, the larger vagueness of the infrastructure was visible. One of the other examples that depict the manifestation of Marketing Machines can be seen in contemporary campaigning in the United States of Reverend Billy and his backing up of the choir of the church of Stop Shopping. Using theater nonviolent direct action, and the protests of every kind, Bill Talen became a Public figure (Angelos et. al, 2011). The fallacy of the whole incident is the lack of focus on the marketing objectives as perceived of the campaigning efforts. However, few of the governmental effort has been the highlights worldwide to inhibit and control such kind of irrelevant and deviated outcome of Marketing., For instance, Certification was one of the primary projection of law that was made mandatory in certain countries followed by many more countries , especially in Europe. Certification is a market-based tool for and social and environmental change and is dependent upon companies and consumers sharing the common values and goals articulated in certification standards and guidelines (Johansson, 2002). As with the statement that defines the certification attribute, it is evident that all the marketing efforts are exposed to a certain degree of sophistication mainly that arises due to non-compliant groups involved in the production and circulation of marketing methods. Need and issue of Marketing and Advertisements Hence, the need of renewing and remaking the advertisements does not aid the environmental development that is the primary aim of the whole reformation pact being put forward. Green innovation can be specifically segregated into green products, as well as processes that include technological innovation that are reverent for the designing of green products, utilizing the energy efficient, recycling of waste, and technological parameters to avert the pollution (Chen, 2006). As observed, it is recommendable that the companies should undertake products and processes innovation to lessen the influence of the product and services on the environment (Intini Kuhtz, 2010). Green innovation is a big landmark and is highly recommended so that it provides immense stability to the overall business. The major issue that arises from the contextual references to the varied cases of malignity in the implication of Marketing efforts has put more reverence to the role of Government in the regulation of activities which otherwise has no effective regulatory norms. The government should Green advertising should be used by the government for promotion of the concept of green environment to enhance the awareness level so that environment can be protected. the environment (Nick, 2010). Hence, the need for an extra edge of reverence from the authorities is indeed the need of the time. It aims to provide development and balanced growth. Regulatory push is vastly needed to ensure that the results do not deviate and the companies follow the rules with proper reverence (Nick, 2010). Green Marketing Case Laws The landmark efforts that cover all scenario of product management, the performance and influences have been shown that the innovation of green product has positive effect on the performance of the firm and competitive capability (Paulette, 2005). On the contrary to the statement, the Private organizations generally tend to be profit driven and lack of primary regulatory methods fail to control the initial sections of companies and corporation , where the process of regulation could be yielding. But as with positive aspects portrayed, there are good chances of the awareness campaign by the authoritative agencies could be successful in implementation in the larger scope of Green Marketing. The government can implement the strategy of green advertising to enhance the concept of green environment in the context of environment protection (Abd Rahim, Ahmad Zukni, Ahmad, Lyndon, 2012).Especially in cases of multi-national companies who might spread all over but fails to cope with the inte gral part of laws that operate in each of countries under the reference. However, the introduction of Australian Consumer Law in 2011 has led to protection of consumer in Australia under one roof. Section 18 of ACL has replaced section 52 TPA. From the organizational point of view, there are not many negative influences that inhibit the growth aspects of the product or the company, since there is more international recognition and attributes that reside with Green Marketing. The firms can thereby enhance the inclusive performance of the environmental and total efficiency of the business by implementing the standard clause of ISO 14001 EMS. Amongst the benefits are perceived are; enhance the strong corporate image, reduce waste, minimization of costs, increasing satisfaction of the customer, enhancing productivity, enhanced goodwill, increased market share, and overall profitability.( Fotopoulos, Kafetzopoulos, 2011). Hence, it is evident that the laws in place are the only process of the conveyance of the rightful attributes with Green Marketing. It was held in the case of Taco Co vs. Taco Bell that conduct needs to be determined and tested to ascertain whether it is misleading or deceptive. It is noticeable that marketin g depends on the parameters of regional importance and the local governments should be active in the guidance through a corrective manner. Though, the vague operating efforts of Marketing with multinationals and conglomerates have been one of the larger issues that are uncontrollable with initial effects. These are escalated due to the various inclusive parameters that are either comprised of the reorganizations or the regulatory bodies that fail to efficiently include the transitional efforts. Another apt example is the case of ACCC vs. Charishma Mohini Wickremesesinghe Seneviratne where step was taken against Sevens International Ltd because of misleading concept under section 52 after the company advertised a fact that Safety Nature nappy were 100% biodegradable. However, it is noticeable that supported aspects of the green products, methods, as well as services have become major strategies of the business that are influenced by the factors of competitive issues and requirements of the customer (Posmas et. al, 2011). Hence, there are obvious reasons for successful implementation of the process if taken actively by the government and related bodies. Conclusion However, the larger observance of the need of law is just because, the current infrastructure does not put the emphasis on Environmental responsibility to all the organizations that operate around the world. Rather, much of the government regulations are limited to industries and other kinds of reserves. Hence, the only propaganda is awareness since there are more factors involved that do not directly come under the scope of governance. Green innovation is chiefly responsible for the development of a new product (Grundey Zaharia, 2008). The strength of the global competition and alterations in the preferences of the consumer based on greener prerogatives force the need of new product development that refers the development of green product. Thereafter environmental new product development (ENPD) is initiated that gather the issues of the environment into the design of the product (Shel,2013). Thus, re-designing products that are existing by utilizing the natural resources, productio n parameters, materials, and other disposables, with the goal to lessen the affect on environments can even be tagged as a green product. On the Contrary, the use of the term eco-design while providing explanation of the product is that to stress minimized Environmental influences without the compromise on the product criterions, like the quality and inclusive performance. (Shel, 2013). Hence, conclusively, there are collateral benefits from Green Marketing that are not being put forward , but the prospects remain with laws that could drive the need for an effective practical approach to the Environmental challenges being faced in the planet today. References Angelos L. Psomas, Christos V. Fotopoulos, Dimitrios P. K. (2011). Motives, difficulties and benefits in implementing the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 22(4), 502 - 521 Belz F., Peattie K. (2009). Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective. John Wiley Sons Chen, Y., Lai, S., Wen, C. (2006). The Influence of Green Innovation Performance on Corporate Advantage in Taiwan. Journal of Business Ethics, 67(4), 331-339 Grundey, D. and Zaharia, R.M. (2008). Sustainable incentives in marketing and strategic greening: the cases of Lithuania and Romania Baltic. Journal on Sustainability, 14(2), 130 143 Intini, F. and Kuhtz, S. (2010). 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