Saturday, March 28, 2020
A Runners Guide to Writing
A Runners Guide to Writing Writers, Even though it may cut into your writing time, picking up a running habit can help you become a more motivated, disciplined, and well-paid writer. Heres my advice for running and writing: 1. Just thinking about it doesnt get you anywhere. With both running and writing, you have to actually do the work, and not just think Boy, I should really do some work today. In both running and writing, its easier to keep up your pace and good habits when youve got plenty of momentum. If you need a little help getting started, Fitness Magazines Running 101Â guide is a great place for beginning runners to get their bearings. 2. Consistent work is required to make progress. You are never going to beat any personal bests when it comes to running speed unless you run on a regular basis. Likewise, you arent going to finish that novel without putting in regular effort. If you go too long between sessions, itll almost feel like you have to start from scratch. 3. It doesnt have to be a solo pursuit. Some athletes prefer to run alone, but others prefer to run with a group. Likewise, while writing does require some degree of isolation, you can find the support you need to keep you motivated through social connections. Try doing a work-in-progress readings at your local bookstore, or workshopping your piece with a local writers group. 4. Youll hurt yourself if you go at it too hard. Run too long or too hard, and youll risk an injury. Carpal tunnel jokes aside, this applies to writers as well, who can burn themselves out when working under a tight deadline. Even marathon runners take a break the day after a race: If you can bang out 40 pages in one day, thats awesome, but give your brain (and your fingers) some time to recuperate afterwards. 5. Do it, rain or shine. Once you have a streak going, you wont want to break it. A little rain shouldnt stop you from running, and it will even make you feel happy on a dreary day. Likewise, forcing yourself to write a page or two on a day when you mental weather is a bit gloomy is a great way to feel like youre in control of your future as a writer. Once youve developed discipline, its almost like the work does itself. Ill always remember the day I went out on a casual jog, looked down at my phone, and saw Id run a 10k without even trying to. Likewise, with disciplined writing habits inspired Picked up a running habit? Write about your experiences for one of these fitness magazines: Runners World Submission Guidelines TrailRunner Magazine Submission Guidelines Canadian Running Submission Guidelines Womens Running Submission Guidelines Womens Adventure Submission Guidelines
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Why Do Most Humans Seek Beauty Essay Essay Example
Why Do Most Humans Seek Beauty Essay Essay Example Why Do Most Humans Seek Beauty Essay Essay Why Do Most Humans Seek Beauty Essay Essay Why most worlds seek beauty is every bit interesting as it is deep. In order to contemplate why most worlds seek beauty. I had to look at what is â€Å"beauty†. To inquire what is beauty. I had to look where beauty can be found. After reflecting on this very inquiry. I found in my thought that beauty could be found in every individual thing that exists. by at least person. Not merely on a physical plane but besides on a non-physical plane. Could I be so bold as to state that beauty is what people refer to as God. or all that is. and that people seek God or â€Å"beauty†to happen significance or confirmation of their very being? Although many can hold on certain things as being beautiful. beauty is genuinely in the oculus of the perceiver. If what is beautiful to one may non be beautiful to another so beauty can be described as an sentiment. One can hold an sentiment and another can hold. nevertheless. both are sentiment. So what is beauty? How and why do worlds seek beauty? If I can easy come to a decision that beauty is every bit single as we are human. Then I had to inquire myself how do we see beauty. Is it experienced through our sense of sight? We experience a beach. or mountain as being a beautiful thing we are looking at. Yet the reply is non so simple. Why is that beach or mountain beautiful? What about the things that happen to us that can be merely as beautiful? I think that when we experience beauty. we experience beauty through all of our senses based on the significance we put behind our thought of its beauty. Does this mean that people seek out that which is meaningful to them and happen that beautiful? In the book â€Å"Catch a Fire†. a life on the life of Bob Marley by Timothy White. I found illustrations of my thought. After Bob Marley recorded and released his first vocal. he spent most of his rewards playing his vocal for three hebdomads in a local nickelodeon until the tradesman removed the vocal because he was ill of listening to it. Bob thought hearing his music on the nickelodeon was beautiful. The tradesman did non see or experience the beauty Bob Marley felt. I can associate to both sides of this coin. I have excessively experienced the beauty in making music and the bang of listening to my music on the wireless. It was genuinely a beautiful thing to me because I had reached a end and that made me experience good. On the other manus. holding been in the music concern. I have been handed many a demo tape. which is a sample of someone’s music. I can state you foremost manus that I felt like that tradesman. I did non see the beauty or experience the same exhilaration as the instrumentalist. To state you the truth. sometimes it was reasonably painful to listen to these. Then I had to make up ones mind how I was traveling to interrupt the intelligence to the instrumentalist that I didn’t portion the beauty in his music. I am certainly many did non portion the beauty I saw in my ain music either. Another illustration from â€Å"Catch a Fire†is Bob Marley’s female parent Cadella. She saw Bob Marley her kid. as beautiful. I think that every female parent in the universe can associate to seeing her kids as beautiful. I can’t think of a more beautiful thing than my kids. Mother’s see the beauty in their kids because they love them unconditionally. Even after the tests and trials of raising your kids. the relationship may alter but the bond does non. No affair what. that beauty neer slices. When you have a kid it is like falling in love like neer earlier. So do we seek beauty to fall in love and the feeling we get from that connexion? We can see that people do seek out beauty in connexion with person or something. One of the most beautiful things in life is to see person that is connected to their passion. whatever that passion is. This beautiful connexion produces the tallness of one’s part to the universe through the action of their love of something and thereby linking or placing with others that portion the same passion or a â€Å"lover†of their plants. Peoples seek beauty and connect with one another. Connection is a basic human demand of all people. conditions it is the connexion with another human being. an art piece. a musical composing. a message. themselves. The list is eternal on the how. why. and what people find a connexion to. The most complete account of why worlds seek beauty could be found in the significance we put behind something taken in by the oculus or head. the feeling we get by seting a significance in a idea or experience that feels good. a linguistic communication that speaks to our psyche that we can place with that can bring forth life-transforming pleasance. We worlds seek beauty because it gives us pleasance and puts us in a province of cloud nine. Seeking beauty is the route to felicity.
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