Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Drinking Water and Irrigation Water Shortages in the...
One would think there are enough conflicts to be had in the Middle East. The area is simply a breeding ground for turmoil, and has been for centuries. Of the many conflicts that revolve around the areas history, politics, religion, territory or ethnicity, one more can be added to the group: water. These societies all need water, but not all have the same resources to get to that water. What is the hotbed of vice in this situation is only a few of the countries in the Middle East have total control over their own water, leaving most of the others to depend on the graces of those few countries to manage their water magnanimously enough to supply them with what they need. With Turkey and Israel in control of much of the Middle†¦show more content†¦If a river is located in multiple countries, often the country downstream will find itself at odds with the country that is located upstream. According to the Water: fuel for conflict in the Middle East article in the Washington Repor t on Middle East Affairs in July, 2003, it said that generally, the country downstream was better able to utilize the rivers water for agriculture and industry, but saying that, today, newer technologies and techniques give upstream countries more options and are disrupting ancient patterns of water usage, threatening relationships built on these patterns (Washington). The lifeline of Iraq has always been the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, but most of the water from these rivers originates in another country. Eighty-eight percent of the water from the Euphrates River originates in Turkey, with the remainder from two rivers that enter in Syria (Francona). One expert has gone as far to say that 98% of the Euphrates starts in Turkey (Kaya). That leaves virtually nothing added to the river from water in Iraq, meaning that Iraqs supply of water from the Euphrates is totally dependant on the nature of control that Turkey and Syria have over the river. The Tigris largely originates in Turkey as well, supplying as much as 51% of the annual water volume, while Iraq has its only claim toShow MoreRelated Water Shortage in the Middle East Essay1272 Words  | 6 PagesWater is the main source of life on the Earth. It is vital for normal existence and functioning of organisms. Earth is sometimes called â€Å"water planet.†But, in fact, the number o f freshwater is limited. â€Å"Only about 2 percent of the planets water is fresh.†(How much water is there on Earth?) This water is not enough even to meet daily needs of mankind. 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The need for desalination? Desalination is needed where there is a shortage of natural drinking water due to a lack of water that comes about through rainfall. This is especially so in the Middle East which lies in one of the driest regions of the world. These places with low or no rainfall need to rely on other forms of water provision. It is for thisRead MoreWater Scarcity in History1668 Words  | 7 PagesNatural ecosystems require water for the survival of the plants and animals that live within them. These ecosystems help to regulate water quality and quantity of water. Wetlands hold water in periods of high rainfall, slowly releasing it during dryer periods, and purify it of heavy metals and other contaminants. Forests recharge our groundwater, which can be used elsewhere for drinking or irrigation. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Problem Of Shrinking Diversity - 881 Words
INTRODUCTION Imagine the planet Earth without plants or animals. What would it look like? Could humans live and thrive in such a world? What is scary is that in the future, such questions may not just be left to imagination. Humans have undoubtedly been affecting our environments since the beginning of our species from hunting to pollution. Some experts believe that we are now living in the period of the Anthropocene. Meaning, humans are almost solely responsible for the current state of the Earth. The planet Earth is now riddled with problems and impeding dander that, in the anthropogenic view, is attributed to humans. Correcting such problems will take more than a simple solution, if they can be corrected at all. Among the many problems within the Anthropocene, the problem of shrinking diversity poses a tremendous threat to the millions of species on the planet. Reducing the amount of green house gases released is a way to correct the shrinking diversity problem and although this solutions appe ars simple and potentially effective, it is just as riddle with problems like the big problem itself. THE BIODIVERSITY PROBLEM Over the last half billion years on Earth, there has been five mass extinctions which succeeded in wiping out ninety-five percent of the planets species. Some experts believe that we are on the verge of the sixth mass extinction. For example, journalist Elizabeth Kolbert, author of The Sixth Extinction, believes that humans are â€Å"living in a time of very,Show MoreRelatedWhat Does The Richness And Fullness Of That First Cup Of Coffee?1733 Words  | 7 Pagesleast two hours of sunlight each day (â€Å"Shrinking Shadowland†60). These are the only requirements nececssary for coffee to grow well. Coffee comes from small green beans that are really pits of a fruit resembling a cherry. The morning coffee poured into a mug comes from a small tree (or bush) that grew for seven years before it bloomed and grew the fruit that held the beans. After one of these trees produced one pound of coffee, its life was over (â€Å"Shrinking†61). It was in the eighteenth and nineteenthRead MoreThe Effects Of Cognitive Distance On Our Lives939 Words  | 4 Pagesis an outrageous travel just for a couple days. Our grandparents lifestyle of growing up is completely different than the lifestyle we are living in present day. Cognitive distance is the distance people perceive to exist. Cognitive distance is shrinking, the world may seem smaller due to technology advances within communication, faster accessibility, and the different lifestyle of civilization. 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Because of these technologies, there is a continuing necessity for companies to address the needs of a very diverse market so that they can be competitive. Companies must now ask themselves what they can do to increase the number of customers for which they serve while determining the needs of these customers. This business process makes diversity a crucial part of a companys growth and operation. HiringRead MoreIs Pop Music Good Or Bad Essay816 Words  | 4 Pagesarticle tackle the idea of popular music, they are vastly different when voicing their opinion. What makes a song good or bad? The Odyssey conveys the idea that an industry of good music should reflect diversity and change, not a spin off of every song you’ve ever heard. This idea of diversity brings meaning to a song and helps differentiate between artist’s works. The Huffington Post refuses to answer the question head-on. They divide music into two categories; good music and fun music. This argumentRead MoreThe Teacher Or Educator Workforce Very Interesting792 Words  | 4 Pageslearn that the teaching force is becoming larger. Where I live in Michigan there seems to be a decline in the teacher force. Since there are so many school districts closing and a great population lost in Michigan our teacher pool seems to be shrinking. People who are interested in teaching see the declines and schools and students and they are pursuing other careers. I was not shocked bout the grayer trend since in the district that I’ve worked for most of the teachers are older. I’m alwaysRead MoreEssay Endangered Languages898 Words  | 4 Pagesthe high financial contributions to multilingual system in the country. If a country has diversity of languages within its borders country spends a lot of money to finance the different education pro jects, building separate schools, teachers. Because for the country to be prospering and transparent government should treat all the nationalities fairly. This concerns minority language users too. It is not a problem if the matter is five or seven different language. But when it comes to more than two hundredRead MoreChallenges Faced By The Third Phase Of Globalization Essay961 Words  | 4 Pagesso that the speed of communication was greatly accelerated. Followed by the development of the shipping industry, it indicated the real meaning of global communication. Around the year 2000 we entered a whole new era: Globalization 3.0, which is shrinking the world from a size small to a size tiny and flattening the playing field at the same time. (Friedman, 2006). During that time, the limitation of capital, information, knowledge and technology was cancelled. With capital, technology and informationRead MoreTeaching And Learning During The 21st Century1733 Words  | 7 Pageshave a lso been redefined to guide students and the skills teachers now need are more complex than ever before. The effects of globalisation and the shrinking world highlights shortcomings and also creates new ones, this has also began a wave of change to eventual call for the need for education to adapt. Multiculturalism has led to greater diversity in every corner of the globe and the respect for the great variety of cultural significance within schools is evident. To support these issues the AustralianRead MoreEffective Group Work Based On Respect, Trust, Passion And Collaboration1290 Words  | 6 Pagespersonality and characteristics variety, it is possible confliction happened in communication because of personality. In the second, poor relationship because of different views of a point, people who work in the MDT must have variety views of some problems, and it may cause opinions confliction in communication. In the third, in the aspect of hierarchy barrier, hierarchies in the gro up work may decrease the passion of group level communication. Communication is likely to be distort when members from
Monday, December 9, 2019
Marketing and the Other Business Functions - Research in Marketing
Question: Describe about the Marketing and the Other Business Functions for Research in Marketing? Answer: The Cool Car Company based in London has the core business of buying and selling cars. The organisational structure of the company can be represented as: The main goal of the organisation is provide prompt services to its customers in buying and selling cars and to meet this goal all the departments need to work in harmony. All the departments are interconnected to each other. The functioning of one department depends on the functioning of other. A brief discussion of the roles of different departments and their interrelation is as follows: Purchase Department This department is responsible for purchase of cars by the company. The team has to work closely with the sales and marketing department as they deal directly with the customer so the demands and requirement s of the customers are known by them which information is used by the purchase team to purchase the cars. They make a planned forecast of the number of cars required based on this information. Marketing Department the main role of this department is to market the product of the company by different modes of advertising. The company has an active website which is maintained by the marketing department so it is the marketing department which is the face of the company. The information required by marketing department to update the website on the new cars available for sale, no. of cars sold, etc. would be required from various departments like sales, finance. Also a marketing plan is developed by the marketing team. The team can only develop the plan keeping finance team in the loop as the budget is decided by them. Sales Department this department is responsible for selling the cars of the company. The sales department deals directly with the customers so they are aware of the demand for cars, hence they help the purchase department in deciding on the purchase of cars depending upon the requirement and demand by the customers. Also the service since the sales person is the face to the customer so any matter relating to finance, legal or service is approached to by the customer to the sales department which further directs the customer to the concerned department. So the sales department is involved in most of the department work. Operations Department once the car is sold to the customer, the process of delivering the car to the customer starts. This is the job of the operations department. All the paper work is done by this department and it also maintains a stock of inventory. Dispatch and Service Department once all the necessary paper work is done, the final delivery of the car is done by the Dispatch. This department needs to work closely with both sales and operations department. The customer and car information is given by sales team and all documents provided by operations team to ensure right delivery of car. Also after the car is dispatched, after sale service is important which is given with support of the sales team. Finance Department this team is responsible for giving the business results and also forecast the future sales and revenue of the company. The team has to work closely with the sales and marketing team to get those figures. Also the team prepares the overall budget for the company, hence all the departments are linked to the finance dept. as their budget is also allocated by the finance dept. the dept. prepares financial statements taking cost information from purchase dept., revenue information from sales dept. , various business expenditures from operations department. Legal Department this department takes care of the legal issues that may come up during the course of the business ranging from drafting waiver forms for employees to handling suits from angry customers. This department works closely with the service and sales department as complaints from customers are lodged to them which are further transferred to the legal department to resolve the issue. Determining goals and objectives is imperative to the success of an organisation. The set goals and objectives help the people in the organisation to work in way to achieve those goals. In fact, the various stakeholders in an organisation help to identify the goals and put plans into action to achieve the decided goals and objectives. The main goal of CCC is to keep its customers satisfied by giving best quality services and also maximising its profits and having a good growth year to year. Now, all the departments work in harmony to achieve the above objectives. In order to keep the customers satisfied, the sales and service department have to perform well by resolving all their queries and fulfilling their needs. In order for the sales dept to fulfil needs properly, marketing dept. has to give right information as to the demand for the cars and the customer requirements. This information is used by the purchase dept. to decide on its buying. The operations department has to work in harmony with other depts. to ensure smooth running of the business. The measurement of the fulfilment of objectives is done by the finance dept. which is reflected in financial statements in terms of profits. Also the different dept. can give insights in forming the objectives of the organisation based on their experience. The sales and marketing dept. team will understand firsthand which of companies policies and processes are working or not and can suggest improvement. All the depts. in the process of their working can suggest improvements in the processes and the new objectives may be formed accordingly. Process Management is an approach to making an organizations work flow more effective and efficient. It includes defining a process, establishing responsibilities, evaluating process performance and improvement of processes. CCC has a process of selling a cars which starts with purchase dept. buying cars, marketing dept. identifying customers, sales dept. selling the cars, dispatch and service dept,. Delivering the car and providing after sales service, operations dept. maintain documentation, finance dept. collecting payment. CCC should document all the processes so that the employees can know the working process. Once documentation is done, the responsibilities will be allocated to respective dept.. An e valuation should be done on a periodic basis to see if work is being done as per standards or not and also if improvements are required in the ongoing process, the same should be taken care of. When all dept. will work according to laid down standards, the output will be automatically good and quality services will be given to customers. Purchase Department is an important department in CCC as it buys the cars which are further sold by the company. There are many responsibilities to be met by this dept. which include both internal i.e. specific to the company and external i.e. to the third parties. Internal responsibilities can be stated as below: Placing order for the cars Keeping a stock of cars kept as inventory from time to time Inspection of incoming cars Verification of invoices Maintain purchase record and files Reporting to the Managing Director Maintaining coordination with other departments Analyze on long term availability and costs of purchase External responsibilities include: Develop and maintain healthy relation with active suppliers Negotiation with various suppliers to get the best deals Assessment of demand Selection of sources of supply Monitor and control the suppliers performance Smart Objectives The three objectives to be laid down by purchase dept. for the year would be: Increase the source of supply the dept. will look out for more sources of supply i.e. procure cars from more suppliers than it is doing currently. By doing this, the company will have a competitive advantage as it will be able to negotiate well and thus bring down its cost of purchase. A decreased cost will lead to higher profit margins. Also more cars at disposal will lead to pushing of sales which will expand the operations. To maintain uninterrupted flow of materials a companys growth is characterised by increasing sales, high sales is possible only if there are uninterrupted flow of materials i.e. cars for the sales team to sell. This will ensure smooth functioning of all the departments. To procure cars at a cost which is economically consistent with the quality and service required low cost will ensure high profit margins. The various systems that could be implemented to achieve quality, time and financial constraints are: Managing Bottlenecks means identifying operations with large quantities of inventory waiting to be worked upon, removing such bottlenecks by subordinating all non bottleneck operations to bottleneck operations. Identifying quality problems using control charts, pareto diagram and cause and effect diagram Employing financial and non financial measures of quality. Monitoring the performance of various departments is very important to know if they are operating as per the set standards. The various control techniques which can be applied include: Budgetary control every dept. has its assigned budget, hence they should keep a check that their expenses do not cross the budget Inventory control - there should be a control of minimum level of required inventory at any point of time. Quality control to ensure cars sourced meet the quality standards Quality is imperative to the success of a business and in an industry like healthcare, quality is of utmost importance as a little negligence may lead to high risks. There are various quality management systems available which can be used by the managers to ensure quality by the employees in delivering the services. Quality management systems allow companies to keep up with the current quality levels, meet customer requirement for quality, retain employees through competitive compensation programs and employ the latest technology. There are three quality systems which can be deployed by the operations manager: Total Quality Management (TQM) TQM is a quality management approach in which quality is emphasised at every step of the business. It aims at developing long term quality services. The approach breaks down the process into small activities and emphasises that each activity be quality controlled. Under TQM, a quality strategy is developed by the management, the strategy development strategy is made with the involvement of all departments who are to execute such strategies. The strategy is based on customer and stakeholder needs and is communicated well to the organisation to act as a motivating force. In light of SCAS, the operations manager can deploy TQM. For this, he needs to break the process of receiving calls at 999 to receiving the patient in the ambulance and hospitalising him into smaller activities in terms of quality. Like he can set a minimum call answer time, minimum time to reach the place of emergency, the quality of medication to be provided in the ambulance and so on. While framing these quality strategies, he should also consult the employees responsible for execution of the same as they will give realistic figures for setting standards. This way the employees will also be motivated as they are involved in decision making and they will e more responsible. Also there will be more clarity as to different standards set for various activities. Continuous quality Improvement ( CQI) CQI aims to develop a quality system which is never satisfied and required continuous improvement and innovation by reducing time consuming and low value add activities. CQI has been adopted in many industries including healthcare industry mostly known in acronym FOCUS-PDCA process to improve to improve a process what is known variation a process improvement Then move through the process improvement plan: Plan create a timeline Do implementation and collect data Check analyze the results Act take appropriate action The manager at SCAS can implement CQI by rewarding the employees for delivering the desired results of giving quality services to customers. Such rewards will motivate the employees to perform well and continuously improve the performance by improving the process itself. Six Sigma six sigma is a statistical measure which tolerates no more than 3-4 defects per million. Sig sigma eliminates wastage and it is suitable for high volume business. SCAS being a business model where high volumes of calls have to be answered and acted upon, six sigma is suitable where the manager can break the process into individual steps and identify the possible defects in each step and allow only the minimum percentage defect in each step by ensuring control. Such a check will motivate employees to minimal negligence. Quality Culture means having a culture in the organisation where all the members of the organisation have a mindset of delivering a quality product or service. Having a culture which has positive internal environment and creation of delighted customers. The various benefits of having a quality culture are: Increases Cooperation since the leader involves the staff also in forming strategies, there is more cooperation from them. Enables change there is strong communication and and the information is accessible so the information can be used as direction for what to do next and how to improve , thus enabling change Process improvement there is no blame game and the blame is on the process, so efforts are directed towards improving the process. Staff develops, takes risks, admits failures and learns The various methods that the company can use in evaluating and monitoring the performance of employees for continuous improvement are: the manager can carry out inspection on the accident sites or the call centre where all the calls are answered. Such inspections can be sudden so that the actual working of employees can be seen and improvements can be suggested. Also manager will have the chance to see the employee on the job, so any shortcomings in the process can be identified on the job and rectified thereafter. Consumer Surveys Consumer surveys can be carried out by the company as to their reaction to the quality of services being offered by SCAS. This will provide the company with first hand information and the process can be tailored as per customer needs. Third party assessment the company should obtain certification from International Organization for Standardization which measures the company performance in terms compliance with international quality standards. Statistical Indicators statistical indicators give suggestion for issues for performance management, quality improvement and further scrutiny. Indicators assess the company performance both internally and externally. The indicators should be designed in a manner that it can measure the achievement of predetermined objectives. The main objective of the organisation is to provide quality service to its customers and also maintain promptness in its services as it is an emergency case. However, off late employees at SCAS have compromised on quality in order to fulfil targets, hence it is imperative for the operations manager to implement changes in the operations to make it more efficient and effective. The various improvements suggested by the manager are: Provide incentive on qualitative basis instead of quantitative the employees should be rewarded for providing quality services instead of quantitative. They should be encouraged to take extra care while responding to emergency calls on 999 as these are life risking cases and should be done with utmost care. Development of customer oriented culture in the organisation currently the employees are compromising on the quality of service to customer, this may be due to absence of a customer focused culture in the company, the manager should try to build such culture by emphasising on customer service, involving employees in decision making w.r.t. customer satisfaction. Addressing employee grievance - the manager should make special efforts to listen to employee grievance if any and try to resolve their problems. Putting a performance improvement plan in place putting a plan that sets specific goals for improvement, attendance being one of them. Explain clearly the consequences of not fulfilling it. The improvements suggested above would be beneficial to the whole organisation. Other departments can also implement the above improvements as it will only lead to increased employee motivation. Customer oriented culture will not be specific to only emergency department but all other departments as all are necessarily working for its customers. The WHS Act and Regulations has made it mandatory for a person/company who has a duty of ensuring health and safety to manage risks related to it by eliminating it or if it cannot be completely eliminated, then of minimising the risks. The risk assessments required to be undertaken by CSAS by law are: Work out how severe the harm could be it includes working on how severe the harm could be in terms of may it result in serious injury or even death. How many people are exposed to such hazard or could one failure lead to another failure and so on. Work out how hazards may cause harm in most of the cases, the accident occurs due to a chain of events, hence, it is important to work on each component of the chain from the starting point till the end and determine where things may begin to go wrong. Work out the likelihood of harm occurring it means considering how often is the task done, how often are people close to the hazard. Health and Safety requirements under different situations: When new staff has joined the organisation employer must give information about the risks in the workplace and also give training on how to protect one from risks. A new telephone system has been introduced to assess any risks associated with the operation of the telephone. Also train the employees on the usage of new system. Dangerous waste product need to be disposed the waste is disposed off in a manner that the disposal does not harm the people staying in the area of disposal. Maintenance work needs to take place in call centre dept. the calls should be transferred to other dept. i.e. the incoming calls should not be stopped. Health and Safety Policies and Procedures are administrative measures to control hazards in the workplace and should be used to eliminate or reduce risk of injury or illness at workplace. The various policies for CSAS are: Elimination of risk elimination of any toxic substance or hazardous process which is not important for the system to work. Substitution substituting a hazardous process with one which is less harmful. Isolation isolating a hazardous substance or process from the employees to reduce risk of illness or injury. Administrative Controls changing the procedure of work to reduce exposure to existing hazards. Personal protective clothing and equipment proper training also must be imparted for use of protective clothing and equipment to employees. The effectiveness of the policies and procedures can be measured in short term and long term. Short term measurements include Assessment of plans being properly implemented Reduction in number of injuries Proportion of HS grievance which were resolved Long term measurements include: Rates of injury and illness Hidden coat of injuries/illness Training Guide for employees of SCAS SCAS is committed to providing safe and Healthy workplace to all and to providing training to achieve this. The employees can play an important role in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace through: Being involved in workplace safety system Wearing protecting clothing and equipment when required Reporting all incidents and accidents Reporting any discomfort or injury Informing about any health and safety concerns Sticking to the policies and procedures Keeping the work place tidy to minimise risks of any trips. Your participation is appreciated. References Wind, Y, Marketing and the Other Business Functions, Research in Marketing, Vol 5, pages 237-264 Micu,D, Ifrim,L, Daraban,C, Purdescu,C, (2012), Corss-Functional Linkages Between Marketing and the Other Business Functions in an Industrial Organisation, Vol. 74, Iss.3 Daft,R.L, (2009), Organization Theory and Design, South Western Educational Publishing Burt, David N., Donald W. Dobler, and Stephen L. Starling.World Class Supply Management: The Key to Supply Chain Management.Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2003. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Significance Of The Beginning Chapter Of Frank Mccourts Angelas As
The Significance Of The Beginning Chapter Of Frank Mccourt's Angela's Ashes He is just another poor Irish boy. His story is of poverty, emotional struggles, and growing up. Have we not read about that already? Everyone thinks their childhood is unique, but do we not all have basically the same experiences? Frank McCourt experiences events similar to other children, but that fact is forgotten once the reader begins Angela's Ashes. Actual reality becomes less important than this little boy's perception of reality, upon which the focus is set and remains there throughout the book. McCourt is not telling the story of what happened, but rather of how the events related to his own development. He draws the reader into himself by writing in the first person and using a personal tone which always reflects his outlook. In the first chapter, he inconspicuously establishes himself as the only character in his memoir, causing the reader not to follow him through his childhood, but to become him as a child. ?People everywhere brag and whimper about the woes of their early years, but nothing can compare with the Irish version?(1), McCourt writes as he begins to describe the world in which he grows up. For he creates a separate world for himself, where people he knows wander in and out whenever they can hold his attention. McCourt's world serves as a coping mechanism as well as an expression of his creativity. He surrounds himself with the depressing truth about his home and family, but brings in each morsel of truth with his own explanation, often humorous, thus exposing himself only to his interpretation of reality. McCourt's task is to contain his world in the four hundred sixty pages of the book and to have the reader immersed by the end of the first chapter. The opening pages provide a foundation for McCourt, himself, and for his perception, enabling the reader to follow his stream-of-consciousness sentences throughout the book. He gives a flash preview of the book's content on the f irst page, giving the reader an idea of what he is getting into. McCourt then abruptly interrupts himself (which becomes common throughout the book) as though he has forgotten to mention some pertinent fact, and then proceeds to introduce his parents. Although he is now writing from his parents' point of view, the reader is quite aware that this is still McCourt's interpretation of their story. After briefly establishing both his mother and father's basic background, he begins his first story of the book. McCourt wisely chooses the story of his parents first meeting, their marriage, and his birth, which all occur in a surprisingly short span of time. This first story allows the reader to get accustomed to McCourt's style of story telling and also plunges the reader into the lives and personalities of his parents. In building a foundation for them,he creates the two individuals who are the foundation of his early years. His language includes very little actual description, but he imp lies hundreds of little details which the reader can sense, but must read on to further understand. Once McCourt is born, he shifts the perspective immediately to his point of view. He begins with his first memory as a toddler, conveying his thoughts through simple, short sentences. As he progresses through his childhood, he uses grammar and vocabulary corresponding to his level of knowledge at his current age in the book. By the end of the first chapter, the reader succumbs to dwelling in McCourt's world as though it were his/her own memory. In the beginning of the book, McCourt's interpretation of reality is established as well as his attitude about his family's financial and emotional struggles. He conveys to the reader his knowledge that he is poor through bits of his parents arguments. McCourt accepts the fact that they have hardly enough money to feed the family and that he can do nothing to change the situation. However, he does not deny that he keeps hoping for better times. McCourt realizes early on that his father is responsible for supporting the family, and he feels ashamed that his beloved Dad can hardly keep a job. He wants to have food
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