Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Criminal Law Child Protection from Pornography and Labor
Criminal Law Child Protection from Pornography and Labor Introduction The problems facing the children internationally include internet child pornography and child labor. These are problems widespread across the globe because of abating of the vices by government officials of various states and instability of various policy frameworks set by the governments.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Criminal Law: Child Protection from Pornography and Labor specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Also, the social malpractices like bribery have also led to the laxity in dealing with the menace. There is a need for the involvement of the community and organization of goodwill, in the alleviation of poverty and suffering of children. This owes to the fact that poverty is the root cause of child abuse. Internet child pornography The internet is a virtual platform for the predation of children by the unscrupulous people. The people who propagate this vice act illegally, given that it is hard to apprehend them legally. This owes to the fact that different countries have their jurisdictions and internet space. This makes it difficult for identifying, arresting, and prosecution of these criminals. Moreover, not every nation is a signatory to the international internet protocol pact. Therefore, some countries allow the practice in their jurisdiction. Sanderson (2007, 23) posits that lack of funding also contributes to the low legal response to this vice. This aggravates the situation because the legal practitioners, who ought to investigate the suspects, accept bribes, and let the suspects go unpunished. Child labor This is the forced working of children at attender age, usually between the age of 5 and 14 years. This arises from the low financial status of families. This is because their parents forcefully bond some children because they have no power to object. Furthermore, young children may not be aware of the problem until later in life. This practice denies the children the chance of attending school; hence, they grow as illiterates. This affects every aspect of their lives, including their financial stability. The practice is usually concealed. Hence it becomes difficult for the policy enforcers to crack down on the propagators of these criminals. Hugh (2009, 35) posits that the consent of the parents of the children to the vice aggravates the situation. However, financial instability is the overriding causal problem. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all governments to boost the economic and financial welfare of its citizenry to avert the vice. Children can also be abducted and subjected to forced labor by the abductors. The children are compelled to work in adverse conditions detrimental to their health and safety. The children are also denied freedom of expression to suppress complaints from the children. Indeed, they are also denied the freedom of movement, given that they may escape (Chris, 2007, 51). This makes the children afraid and traumat ized; hence; they are forever victims of circumstance. They do not receive any compensation for the services they offer.Advertising Looking for report on criminal law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Remedial measures for Internet child pornography There is a remedy to the vice of internet child pornography. Governments ought to liaise in curbing this vice. This can be done through harmonizing of policies of various governments about internet misuse. The sites that provide child pornography need to be banned from the operation and heavy fines charged. Also, the parents of children should teach, guide, and counsel their children on the virtues of life and the negative impacts of watching such pornographic videos online. This will enlighten the children of the immorality of indulging in the practice. The government also ought to create laws prohibiting the practice and provision of severe penalties for committing and a bating the practice. Corporate Social Responsibility in the International education center This is an international organization, which provides education to children across the globe. It has branches all over the world. The organization embraces the aspect of corporate social responsibility because of the vitality of the practice. This responsibility is implied for every organization. Its practice leads to goodwill from the members of society and assures of the going concern of the organization because of the many benefits derived from the initiative. This institution carries out a free educational program for all the street children around its locations in the world. This affords the street children an opportunity to access literacy and intellectual development. Furthermore, the education obtained opens all avenues of the lives of these children, including financial breakthroughs. This lowers the crime rate in such towns, given that street children grow up to be robbers and burgla rs (Hugh, 2009, 43). In this regard, society benefits from this corporate social responsibility of the institution. Ways of making child welfare projects successful There are many ways in which children can be assisted to overcome their predicaments. First is the creation of non-governmental organizations to clamor for adherence to child rights. These initiatives also advocate for the ban of all social evils done to children, including child labor. According to Farquhar (2008, 67), these organizations will spearhead the restoration of fair treatment of children across the globe. The creation of many needy children centers will provide a safe place for vulnerable children. This will reduce the numbers of cases of child mistreatment and abuse. Ways of Improving We Care organization We Care initiative can be improved through sufficient funding, which will enable the meeting of the divergent needs of children from all occupations. In this regard, parents and other people will bring the children to the organization for rehabilitation and intellectual development.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Criminal Law: Child Protection from Pornography and Labor specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The donation of various goodies like learning materials, food, and other learning paraphernalia necessities will make We Care organization a better place for all and sundry. The organization can also be improved through the use of corporate social responsibility aspect. This will create awareness to the community regarding the agenda of the organization. Conclusion There is a need for a concerted effort in ensuring the welfare of all children across the globe. The synergistic approach will eliminate the mistreatment of children and the propagation of immoral practices like internet child pornography and child labor. Internet child pornography can be eliminated through the collective ban of the practice among all natio ns across the globe. This will be possible through the constitutional amendments to accommodate the ban of internet child pornography. Child labor can also be curbed through full implementation of the child rights. This will help in the apprehension of the people who take part in child abuse. Organizations can help children through complying with the corporate social responsibilities. Helping the needy and vulnerable children will earn the organizations the reputation of the society because of the support given the children. References Chris, B. (2007). Child Protection: An Introduction. California: Publisher-SAGE. Farquhar, S.E. (2008). The Benefits Risks of Childcare (ECE) for Young Children. New Zealand: Child Forum. Hugh, H. (2009). The World of Child Labour. New York: M.E. Sharpe Publications. Sanderson, C. (2007). The seduction of children: empowering parents and teachers to protect children from child sexual abuse. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Advertising Looking for report on criminal law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Yes, There Are Chemistry Jokes and They Are Funny
Yes, There Are Chemistry Jokes and They Are Funny Believe it or not, chemistry is funny and chemists have a great sense of humor, and some even know how to use pick-up lines! Are all my jokes too basic for you? Why is there no reaction?My Chemistry teacher threw sodium chloride at me.... Thats a salt!Little Willie was a chemist. Little Willie is no more. What he thought was H2O was H.Sulfur and oxygen were best buds. They lived far from each other, so in order for oxygen to chat with his pal, he had to use his sulfone!Want to hear a joke about nitrogen oxide? NO.Heisenberg and Schrodinger are driving down the road when a cop pulls them over. The cop asks Heisenberg, Do you know how fast you were going back there? Heisenberg replies No, but I can tell you exactly where I was. The cop begins to be suspicious and proceeds to search the car. Upon opening the trunk he exclaims, Hey, you have a dead cat back here, to which Schrodinger replies Well, now I do! Thanks.Im running out of chemistry jokes. All the good ones argon.Why did the chemists pants keep falling down? He had no acetol.9 sodium atoms walk into a bar, followed by batman.Old chemists never die, th ey only fail to react as a chemist. The guy next to me asked if I had any hypo bromide, I said NaBrO.What did the nerd say when he failed a test? Ytterbium.A proton and a neutron are walking down the street. The proton says, Wait, I dropped an electron help me look for it. The neutron says, Are you sure? The proton replies, Im positive.Random Person: Why do you react violently when we put you in H20? Chemistry Cat: Because my race contains iron, lithium and neon FeLiNe origins.First man orders Id like H2O. The second man orders Id like H2O too. The second man died.The atom asks the electron, why are you small? The electron replies, because I have a low charge!This joke is sodium funny... I slapped my neon that one.What do you call a tooth in a glass of water? A one molar solution!Here is a pick-up line: You must be copper and tellurium cause you sure are CuTe! He was a boron; he couldnt even follow the octet rule. He had a solid network but wasnt a diamond. To a chemist only six states matter.A neutron walked in to a bar and asked how much for a drink. The bartender replied, for you, no charge. In the world of chemicals, a constant battle rages between the chemical supervillains and the chemical super agents. The most esteemed of these is one (OO)7, international dyeing agent of mystery. On one particularly hairy mission, he finds himself pitted against the evil genius of lore, Dr. Nitrogen Monoxide, who has set a devious trap in the form of an ordinary piece of white cloth. After falling through a cleverly placed mechanosensitive membrane protein, (OO)7 is shocked to find himself soaking into a tightly bound mesh of cotton fibers. (He is, after all, a dyeing agent.) In desperation, he calls to his nemesis, Do you expect me to talk, NO? The villain only chuckles maniacally. No Mr. Dye, I expect you to bond.The noble gases walk into a bar. No one reacts.Wanted by the Law: Schrodingers Cat, Dead And/Or Alive
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Civil Aerospace Market Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Civil Aerospace Market - Case Study Example In the following discussion we'll analyze the industry structure of the civil aerospace market in general and the two main companies in particular. vi. World's second-largest defense company. Boeing Integrated Defense Systems provides end-to-end services for large-scale systems that combine sophisticated communication networks with air-, land-, sea- and space-based platforms for global military, government and commercial customers i. FAA (US) Aerospace forecast for the period 2006-2017 states that, 'By 2017, U.S. commercial air carriers are projected to fly 1.6 trillion ASMs and transport 1.07 billion enplaned passengers a total of 1.256 trillion passenger miles. Passenger trip length is also forecast to increase by more than 120 miles over the forecast to 1,171.9 miles (up 10.2 miles annually). iv. New entrants in the business particularly from India, China and Japan. These countries are trying very hard to tap the market with state owned companies getting full support from respective governments Headquartered in France and employing about 60,000 people worldwide Airbus has made a commitment to itself that it will remain in the 40-60 percent range as far as market share is concerned1. During 2006 also Airbus was able to capture 44 percent market share with 824 new firm orders worth US$75.1 billion. Buyers'/Consu... v. Highly investment intensive and labor intensive business. Opportunities i. FAA (US) Aerospace forecast for the period 2006-2017 states that, 'By 2017, U.S. commercial air carriers are projected to fly 1.6 trillion ASMs and transport 1.07 billion enplaned passengers a total of 1.256 trillion passenger miles. Passenger trip length is also forecast to increase by more than 120 miles over the forecast to 1,171.9 miles (up 10.2 miles annually). ii. New technological breakthroughs in IT, computers and electronics industries, providing opportunity to serve the customer in a better way. iii. New product development efforts are focused on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, a super-efficient airplane that is expected to be in service in 2008. Threats i. Global slowdown (decelerating growth) in airlines business, particularly after the 9/11 incident ii. Shrinking profit margins for airlines industry, resulting in closing down of many airlines iii. Fluctuating oil prices and turbulent political scene in the middle-east region iv. New entrants in the business particularly from India, China and Japan. These countries are trying very hard to tap the market with state owned companies getting full support from respective governments v. Widespread opposition of the outsourcing moves by the unions at Boeing as well as from other unions in the country, fearing widespread retrenchments. SWOT analysis for Airbus Headquartered in France and employing about 60,000 people worldwide Airbus has made a commitment to itself that it will remain in the 40-60 percent range as far as market share is concerned1. During 2006 also Airbus was able to capture 44 percent market share with 824 new firm orders worth US$75.1 billion. Strengths: Leading position in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Effective Processes of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Effective Processes of Management - Essay Example The strategic management processes are three: strategy analysis, strategy formulation and strategy implementation. These processes are strongly interrelated. None of these processes comes first and the others follow. The order of these processes is not sequential. Henry Mintzberg supports the idea that the decisions in an organization are not always taken on optimal rationality and that the business environment is not predictable. He proposed another model of strategic management where the realized strategy of an organization is a combination of deliberate and emergent strategies. The processes of the financial management are the following: financial planning and financial control. Financial planning controls the financial resources of the organization and it plans the timing and the size of expenses. The financial processes help the organization to generate profits. Financial planning tries to increase the resources of the organization and it takes care of the money invested in the organization by external third parties/investors. Talking about investors, financial planning takes care that the investors will receive reasonable amounts of return on their investments. Change management is a necessary component of any organizational performance improvement process to succeed, including programs like Six Sigma, Business Process Reengineering, Total Quality Management, Organizational Development, Restructuring and continuous process improvement. Strategic Human Resource Management includes strategies concerning learning and development. There is a distinction between learning and development. Pedler, Boydell, and Burgoyne (1989) see learning as being concerned with an increase in knowledge or a higher degree of an existing skill, whereas development is more towards a different state of being or functioning.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Socrates - Philosophy Essay Example for Free
Socrates Philosophy Essay Plato Plato WHEN Socrates was sixty years old, Plato, then a youth of twenty, came to him as a pupil. When Plato was sixty years old, the seventeen-year-old Aristotle presented himself, joining the Teachers group of Friends, as the members of the Academy called themselves. Aristotle was a youth of gentle birth and breeding, his father occupying the position of physician to King Philip of Macedon. Possessed of a strong character, a penetrating intellect, apparent sincerity, but great personal ambition. [tags: Plato Philosophy Philosophers Essays] 3776 words (10.8 pages) $19. 95 [preview] Plato Plato Plato was born to an aristocratic family in Athens, Greece. When he was a child his father, Ariston, who was believed to be descended from the early kings of Athens died, and his mother, Perictione married Pyrilampes. As a young man Plato was always interested in political leadership and eventually became a disciple of Socrates. He followed his philosophy and his dialectical style, which is believed to be the search for truth through questions, answers, and additional questions. After witnessing the death of Socrates at the hands of the Athenian democracy in 399 B. C. , Plato left Athens and continued to travel to Italy, Sicily, and Egypt. [tags: Biography Biographies Plato Philosophers Essays] :: 4 Works Cited :: 1 Sources Cited 1795 words (5. 1 pages) $29. 95 [preview] Confusion And Plato Confusion Confusion plagues everyone in the world. Daily people are subject to struggles that involve them being confused and allow them to not fully take in what the world has to offer. Confusion simply put is the impaired orientation with respect to time, place, or person; a disturbed mental state. With that said it is evident that many things a susceptible to confusion, and being confused. When reading Plato one cannot help to be confused, some confused on the general meaning others confused on the actual wording. [tags: Plato] 911 words (2. 6 pages) FREE Essays [view] Platos Criticism of Democracy Platos Criticism of Democracy Do not be angry with me for speaking the truth; no man will survive who genuinely opposes you or any other crowd and prevents the occurrence of many unjust and illegal happenings in the city. A man who really fights for justice must lead a private, not a public, life if he is to survive for even a short time. (Apology 31e-32a) These are the words of Socrates, who spoke before the Athenian jury in the trial that would, ultimately, condemn him to his death. Through works such as the Apology and The Republic, we can see Plato’s distaste of the concept of democracy. [tags: Plato].
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The History Of Computers :: essays research papers
THE HISTORY OF COMPUTERS In 500 B.C. the abacus was first used by the Babylonians as an aid to simple arithmetic. In 1623 Wihelm Schickard (1592 - 1635) invented a "Calculating Clock". This mechanical machine could add and subtract up to 6 digit numbers, and warned of an overflow by ringing a bell. J. H. Mueller comes up with the idea of the "difference engine", in 1786. This calculator could tabulate values of a polynomial. Muellers attempt to raise funds fails and the project was forgotten. Scheutz and his son Edward produced a 3rd order difference engine with a printer in 1843 and their government agreed to fund their next project. In 1886 Dorr D. Felt (1862 - 1930) invented the "comptometer". This was the first calculator where the operands are entered by just pressing keys. In 1889 in also invents the first printing desk calculator. Herman Hollerith (1860 - 1929) founded IBM ( as the Tabulating Machine Company ) in 1896. The company renames known as IBM in 1924. In 1906 Lee D. Forest in America developed the electronic tube (an electronic value). Before this it would have been impossible to make digital electronic computers. In 1919 W. H. Eccles and F. W. Jordan published the first flip-flop circuit design. George Stibitz constructed a 1-bit binary adder suing relays in 1937. This was one of the first binary computers. In the summer of 1941 Atanasoff and Berry completed a special purpose calculator for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, later called "ABC" ( Atanasoff Berry Computer). In 1948 Mark I was completed at Manchester University. It was the first to use stored programs. In 1951 whirlwind was the first real-time computer was built for the US Air Defense System. In 1953 it was estimated that there were 100 computers in the world. Computers built between 1959 and 1964 are often regarded as the "second generation" computers, based on transistors and printed circuits - resulting in much smaller computers. 1964 the programming language PL/1 released by IBM. 1964 the launch of IBM 360. These first series of compatible computers. In 1970 Intel introduced the first RAM chip. In 1975 IBM 5100 was released. In 1976 the Apple Computer Inc. was founded, to market Apple I Computer. Designed to Stephen Wozinak and Stephan Jobs. In 1979 the first compact disk was released around 1981 IBM announced PC, the standard model was sold for $2,880.00. In 1994 according to Microsoft MS-DOS was running on some 100 million computers worldwide.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X Essay
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X are very prominent African American individuals throughout history. â€Å"Malcolm x and Martin Luther king were similar in some ways and different another ways†. Martin Luther king Jr and Malcolm x were similar in many ways for example, martin Luther and Malcolm x were both black. Their fathers were minister’s .they both became minister .they were both national leader they were both arrested. Malcolm x and Martin Luther king wanted to see black people in the best possible position .martin Luther king Jr and Malcolm x were both religious figures that used religious to provide structure morality courage. Determination and unity in black people. Both Malcolm x and martin Luther Jr were fighting for civil rights non-violence. Both X and King spread their message through powerful, hard-hitting speeches. Nevertheless, their intentions were delivered in different styles and purposes. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King are both remembered as l eaders who fought for a difference in black America. Both tried to bring hope to blacks in the United States. They also tried to instill within blacks power and strength so they could rise above all the hatred that surrounded them, but both of them had very different ways of promoting their message and they were both assassinated. Martin Luther king Jr and Malcolm x were different in many ways for example, martin Luther king was a devout Christian, Malcolm x was a Muslim. Martin Luther king wanted to get things accomplished without aggression or violence and Malcolm x did not. Martin Luther king wanted everyone to coexist peacefully and wanted to be counted as equal, Malcolm x wanted there to be a clear segregation of white people and black people In America. King was brought up by a rich black family, with a good education, and a good chance at life. He was a black aristocrat, and a wealthy man. Malcolm X was brought up in the ‘ghetto’, and had to learn to defend himself against racist white children. He was deprived of his father, who was found dead, murdered by a white mob. His mother became mentally ill so he was sent to a foster home. This important because I got to learn many differences and similarities between Martin Luther king Jr and Malcolm x .as a result I’ve learned many things about martin Luther king Jr and Malcolm x that I’ve never learned before.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Analyzing and Interpreting Data Essay
As a consultant, Team A has analyzed and interpreted the second set of data. The intent is to increase senior management’s understanding of the sources of employee dissatisfaction and too create a model that predicts employee resignation. The process will be to combine the week two learning team assignment and week three findings with week five findings and make recommendations to BIMS by using the statistical tables given in the appendices of the textbook and a statistical analysis application. Combined Weeks and Recommendations to BIMS The valuable information the first survey has given the employees is if employees would like to stay if he or she was offered some type of bonus for their work and their loyalty to the company. Each employee would be offered extra vacation days each quarter if their performance was high and he or she had no absences. However, questions and concerns were still unanswered completely with the data received. The management team felt that there should be another survey sent out. This next survey would address issues that were not covered in the first one and ask more detailed questions to the employees that are still working for the company as well as past employees. Some outside help to make sure the questions were unbiased was used. It was highly recommended to make sure that any employee who took the survey knew that his or hers answers and opinions would be kept is strict confidentiality. The survey was first tested on upper management to see what he or she thought about the questions on the survey. The survey was then changed to meet the concerns that still were addressed. Another survey was then presented to the upper management for final approval. Employees that were on leave from the company were also asked to take the survey. After the surveys were completed and the data was inputted the company had a better understanding on what were some of the major areas of concern. Communication was on the top of the list. A recommendation that the company can start with is communicating better with his or her employees. Some ways to do this is through more memos, emails, and meetings with department supervisors. The supervisors then can pass on information to their individual workers. This way everyone should know what is going on with the company. The employees have to feel wanted and needed. This can be done through more social events such as company barbeques, Christmas parties, and other outside get-togethers. Having a suggestion box can also do it. Employees can share his or hers opinions or concerns anonymously or he or she can make a suggestion for a change. If he or she’s changes are made within the organization he or she will receive a bonus. Sources of Employee Dissatisfaction From the analysis of the overall data that has been collected throughout the entire process, it has been concluded that the employees and management need to work on a better system of communication and cooperation. The main interpretation of the data is the dissatisfaction of the employees both former and current. This has become epidemic. The deterioration of communication has allowed the production of the company to fall. The intent of the survey and the face-to-face interview was to take a sample of the percentage of the employees not satisfied by the way that the senior management was conducting operations in which the relations of the employees were involved. The employees, as shown from the research, were feeling as though they were not appreciated and that the atmosphere that was gained from the management created a hostile work environment. The senior management wanted the surveys as a way for the employees to be able to make statements without having to place a name to the survey. Employees felt as if they are completely ignored and all suggestions that they had made that could improve relations have gone unheard. They feel as if though the management sees them as nothing more than a number that can easily be replaced without a thought otherwise. Therefore, this leaves the employees morale completely shattered and as that happens, so does the amount of productivity. When the employees feel as if they themselves, as stated by the survey and face-to-face interviews, will not work as hard and as an overall will hurt the company as a whole and they would like the senior management to take into account their disgrievences and communicate better with them. Model for Predicting Employee Resignation BIMS has developed a model for predicting employee resignation and turnover. After reviewing the surveys as well as the exit interviews; BIMS has developed a model based on logistics regression and then analyzing the turnover. They have developed five hypotheses from previous research of the effects of different factors affecting resignations and turnovers. The first hypothesis is based on the length that an employee has been with BIMS and that the more time invested in the company, the less likely they will resign. The belief is that increased tenure strengthens the propensity for employees to remain. The second hypothesis is that higher performing employees are less likely to resign than average to lower performing employees. One way to ensure higher performance is to implement a contingent reward system. In the event of continued low performance from certain employees, BIMS must be aware of the withdraw process: a major reduction in performance, possibly to unacceptable levels, and ending with resignation. The third hypothesis has to do with the age of the employee. The older the employees, the less likely they will resign as opposed to the younger employees and their length of employment. The fourth hypothesis is that more educated employees are less likely to resign than less educated employees. The more educated the employee, the greater the possibility for promotions and wage increases. The fifth hypothesis is that higher paid employees are less likely to resign than lower paid employees. The higher paid employees possess specific skills, which are more valuable to their current employer. In conclusion, if employees are offered incentives they will follow guidelines and achieve ethical practices. With better communication between management and staff it will create teamwork. Staff and management will work together more efficient and their follow through will be more appreciated. Giving the upper management a try at the surveys put them in the employee’s perspective letting them understand how employees feel. The surveys helped management come to the understanding of how to gain the respect back from their employee’s. Reference: McClave, J. T., Benson, P. G., & Sincich, T. (2011). Statistics for business and economics (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Shakespeares dealing with women in his tragedies and comedies Essays
Shakespeares dealing with women in his tragedies and comedies Essays Shakespeares dealing with women in his tragedies and comedies Paper Shakespeares dealing with women in his tragedies and comedies Paper Essay Topic: Macbeth Shakespeare creates heroines that have full characters, contrary to conventional writings that show women as sexual objects only. Shakespeares women are not only presented as sexual objects; his heroines have all kinds of human qualities like innocence, seductiveness, ambition, commitment, obedience, frustration, etc. Whether playfully resolved in the comedies or brutally exposed in the tragedies, at some level, all Shakespeares works symbolically explore the conflict between male and female, or control and emotion, within society and the individual self.1 Two important heroines of Shakespeare are Lady Macbeth and Rosalind, who are famous for transgressing the boundaries drawn for women at that time. However, while Lady Macbeth becomes the victim of a tragedy, Rosalind becomes the architect of a happy ending comedy, which arouses a suggestion that Shakespeares tragedies are misogynist, whereas his comedies are feminist. Lady Macbeth is the wife of Macbeth, who kills King of Scotland in order to be the king with the temptation of Witches and his wife. The role of Lady Macbeth in this tragedy is nearly as important as Macbeths role. He is presented as a transgressive woman, who rejects her gender and wants to be unsexed in order to achieve her ambitions. When she learns that King Duncan will come their court, which will give them a perfect opportunity to kill him, she wants to be saved from her feminine qualities. Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full Of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood, Stop up thaccess and passage to remorse, That no compunctious visitings of nature Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between Theffect and it! Come to my womans breasts, And take my milk for gall, you murdring ministers (1.5 39-47)2 She follows the stereotype of her time, which associates masculinity with control, strength, and success; and femininity with weakness, loss of control, and disorder.3 Although she is a woman, she is somewhat an androgynous person because she does not conform with the conventional qualities of a Medieval woman, a female bird who takes care of her husband and children and does housework without meddling in mens jobs like politics. This is the definition of a domestic woman that is seen as natural in the society. However, Lady Macbeth is not a mother and furthermore, she has hostile feelings against children and motherhood. I have given suck, and know How tender tis to love the babe that milks me- I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, And dashed the brains out (1.7 54-58)4 Lady Macbeths political ambition is greater than her husbands in the beginning of the play. She uses her sexuality in order to persuade Macbeth to kill Duncan, and besides, she always touches on his masculinity by blaming Macbeth for not being a man, as he hesitates to commit murder. Contrary to the conventional patriarchal family, we see that Lady Macbeth is dominant over her husband, partly due to his nature which is full oth milk of human kindness (1.4 16)5 and partly due to Lady Macbeths skill in using her sexual charm. When she reads Macbeths letter informing about the prophecies of the witches, she becomes afraid that the potential good in her husbands nature will prevent him from killing the King, then she comforts herself by thinking that she can persuade her husband easily. Hie thee hither, That I may pour my spirits in thine ear, And chastise with the valour of my tongue All that impedes thee from the golden round, Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem To have thee crowned withal. (1.5 24-29)6 Her influence upon her husband and her great ambition for power cause her to go mad when she loses both of them. When Macbeth kills Duncan, with the encouragement of Lady Macbeth, he abandons the potential good in him and gives less and less importance to his wife, once his dearest partner of greatness. (1.5 10)7 He doesnt inform her about his later crimes -killing Macduffs family and Banquo, as he doesnt need her anymore to commit murder. With the change in Macbeths character, their marriage loses its passion, as Macbeth loses his emotional intimacy to his wife, being only concerned with keeping his seat. However, Lady Macbeth has predicted different conclusions when they kill Duncan. She has aspired for being queen and meddling in politics and feeling power. Also she has thought that their marriage would be more intimate when Macbeth says her Bring forth men-children only!/For thy undaunted mettle should compose/Nothing but males8 However, Macbeth loses all his emotions and passions for Lady Macbeth when he is entrapped in his evil actions. She loses not only her husband but also her access to power; therefore she goes mad and commits suicide as a result of her unnatural acts. Shakespeare introduces us the character of Lady Macduff, so that we can understand how unnatural Lady Macbeth is. Lady Macduff is a domestic woman, the accepted role for women in the Medieval age (actually in all ages), looking after her children, sitting at home waiting for her husband faithfully and not meddling in politics. She is just the opposite of Lady Macbeth, who rather behaves like a male. The common characteristics of Lady Macbeth and the witches, reflects the Medieval understanding that sees non-domestic women as witches and burns them alive. Just like Lady Macbeth, the witches are hostile towards children, as they put finger of birth-strangled babe (4.1 30)9 into their magical mixture in a cauldron. They also meddle in politics by the prophecies they make, and cause Macbeth to usurpe the crown by killing the gentle and trustful King Duncan. Macbeth kills all those people because of their prophecies, that Banquos children will become kings and Macduff will be a threat to him. Both the witches and Lady Macbeth are shown as the temptators, similar to the Christian teaching that Eve seduced Adam to commit the original sin. The death of Lady Macbeth reflects the victory of male-dominated society, which does not tolerate an unnatural woman challenging to their power and condemn it as a witch. In Shakespeares patriarchal world, the ideal woman is seen as a passive docile and above all selfless creatureBut behind the angel lurks the monster: the obverse of the male idealization of women is the male fear of femininity. The monster women is the woman who refuses to be selfless, acts on her own initiative, who has a story to tellin short, a woman who rejects the submissive role patriarchy has reserved for her.10 Shakespeare creates this monster -Lady Macbeth- with his own hands, but he decides to kill her in the tragedy of Macbeth. Whereas, we see that he welcomes this monster, Rosalind, in his comedy of As You Like It. First of all, he makes her the most dominant character in the play, among many male characters such as Orlando, Jacques or Touchstone. Rosalinds wit and rhetoric puts her a higher place than all male and female characters, which is really revolutionary in the conventional idea that grudges knowledge for females. In Christianity, the tree of knowledge is considered a sin for women; however we see Shakespeare creating a female character that has the most knowledge in the play. Although she is disguised as a young male in order to protect herself in an unknown forest, she frees herself from the restrictions imposed upon women in this way, and she shows that she has the equal -and perhaps more capacity of knowledge and intelligence with men. Rosalind provides us a real perspective of a female on the issues of love and male-female relationships, which shows the androgynous mind of Shakespeare, who can use his brains female part and give a correct female perspective. Rosalind challenges the stereotype that women want Platonic love, which means the mens woving to love them forever, writing love poems for them and expressing their love in a highly emotional way. She doesnt like them. Although she is many fathom deep..in love (4.1 201)11 with Orlando, she tries to dissuade him from loving her by telling about the bad sides of marriage disguised as Ganymede. She says that if they marry, Rosalind would be more jealous of him than a Barbary cock-pigeon over his hen, more clamorous than a parrot against rain, more new-fangled than an ape, more giddy in..desires than a monkey. (4.1 145-148)12 Of course she wont behave like that. But she doesnt want a blind lover like Orlando, who says she will love her forever, and a day (4.1 140)13, which she protests with a rhetoric answer that expresses the evolving nature of relationships. Say a day without the everNo, no, Orlando, men are April when they woo, December when they wed; maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives (4.1 141-144)14 Rosalind has the control in her relationship with Orlando and she instructs him in order to mature his immatured love for her, which is really unnatural for the conventional society. In fact, a conventional reader would think Rosalind as a male and Orlando as a female, if he/she only read their words without knowing their sexes. She has the male attributed qualities of reason and strength, while Orlando has the female attributed qualities of emotion and weakness, which show us that all of these characteristics are universal to human beings and they should not be appropriated for a single race. Rosalind is an admired figure among feminists for her ability to subvert the limitations that society imposes on her as a woman.15 She is dominant in all aspects of the story; and her masculine behaviour, which leads Lady Macbeth to disaster in the end of the tragedy of Macbeth, results in happy ending in the comedy of As You Like It. Therefore, it is possible to claim that Shakespeares Macbeth is misogynist and As You Like It is feminist. Although it is difficult to generalize this idea for all the tragedies and comedies of Shakespeare, when we look at his Winters Tale, which is half tragedy and half comedy, it is also half misogynist and half feminist. In the first part of the play, the great misogynist Leontes rises as a paranoid, who makes himself believe that his wife Hermione is cheating him with his best friend Polixenes while there is no reason. Leontes despotism over Hermione, and Hermiones docile obedience to her husband reflect the conventional situation of women and mens hegemony over them. When Leontes accuses her of being an adultress and puts her into prison, Hermione remains passive and obedient with expressing her belief in providence: if powers divine Behold our human actions, as they do, I doubt not then but innocence shall make False accusation blush and tyranny Tremble at patience (3.2 23-33)16 The other woman character, Paulina strikes the reader with her fearless criticism of Leontes, the King of Sicily, whom the Queen Hermione can not say a word. When she learns that Hermione gives birth a daughter in the prison, she takes the baby to Leontes, hoping that she would soften him. She insists on calling Hermione good queen in spite of Leontes rage, and she says Good queen, my lord, good queen, I say good queen, /And would by combat make her good, so were I / A man, the worst about you. (2.3 72-74)17Leontes can not tolerate her apparent insolence and accuses Antigonus of not controlling his wife, which is the requirement of masculinity. When Leontes threatens Paulina by saying Ill ha thee burnt (2.3 146)18, she answers with a courage no man an show: I care not. It is an heretic that makes the fire, Not she which burns in t. Ill not call you tyrant; But this most cruel usage of your queen, Not able to produce more accusation Than your own weak-hinged fancy, something savors Of tyranny, and will ignoble make you, Yea, scandalous to the world. (2.3 147-155)19 In this manner, we can see Paulina as a transgressive woman, who challenges the king regardless of her place determined by the male society. Although she is unsuccessful in the first part of the play, which is a tragedy, she becomes the chief advisor of Leontes in the second half of the play, which is a comedy. Being repentant of what he has done, Leontes obeys her this time, when she urges him not to remarry. Also the happy ending of the play, the resurrection of Hermione takes place in Paulinaa house, which shows the dominance of a strong female in the comedy part of the play. By looking at the three plays by Shakespeare, we can conclude that the unnatural and transgressive women always lose in tragedies, whereas they become successful and have a happy ending in comedies. Therefore, it is possible to say that Shakespeares tragedies are misogynist and his comedies are feminist.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Formal Introductions in Japanese
Formal Introductions in Japanese Japan is a country whose culture stresses ritual and formality. Proper etiquette is expected in business, for example, and even saying​ hello has a set of strict rules. Japanese culture is steeped in honorific traditions and hierarchies depending on a persons age, social status, and relation. Even husbands and wives use honorifics when speaking to each other. Learning how to make formal introductions in Japanese is vital if you plan to visit the country, do business there, or even take part in ceremonies such as weddings. Something as seemingly innocuous as saying hello at a party comes with a strict set of social rules. The tables below can help ease you through this process. Each table includes the transliteration of the introductory word or phrase on the left, with the word or words written in Japanese letters underneath. (Japanese letters are generally written in hiragana, which is the more widely used portion of the Japanese kana, or syllabary, having characters that are cursive.) The English translation is on the right. Formal Introductions In Japanese, there are several levels of formality. The expression, nice to meet you, is spoken very differently depending on the social status of the recipient. Note that those of a higher social status requires a longer greeting. Greetings also become shorter as the formality decreases. The table below shows how to deliver this phrase in Japanese, depending on the level of formality and/or the status of the person you are greeting. Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Very formal expressionUsed to a higher Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. To a higher Douzo yoroshiku. To an equal Yoroshiku. To a lower Honorific O or Go As in English, an honorific is a conventional word, title, or grammatical form that signals respect, politeness, or social deference. An honorific is also known as a courtesy title or an address term. In Japanese, the honorific o 㠊 or go 㠆can be attached to the front of some nouns as a formal way of saying your. It is very polite. o-kuni someone elses country o-namae someone elses name o-shigoto someone elses job go-senmon someone elses field of study There are some cases where o or go does not mean your. In these cases, the honorific o makes the word more polite. You might expect that tea, which is very important in Japan, would require an honorific o. But, even something as mundane as a toilet requires the honorific o as the table below illustrates. o-cha tea (Japanese tea) o-tearai toilet Addressing People The title san- meaning Mr., Mrs., or Miss- is used for both male and female names, followed by either the family name or the given name. It is a respectful title, so you cannot attach it your own name or to the name of one of your family members. For example, if a persons family name is Yamada, you would great him as Yamada-san, which would be the equivalent of saying, Mr. Yamada. If a young, single womans name is Yoko, you would address her as Yoko-san, which translates into English as Miss Yoko.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Astronomy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Astronomy - Term Paper Example Moreover, the discovery by these spacecrafts of Jupiter’s gravity changing as well as the decrease in the number of volcanic eruptions in Io, a moon of Jupiter, led scientists to be more interested in an in-depth Jupiter exploration. Therefore, the Galileo mission was devised, whereby not only would the spacecraft orbit Jupiter, studying its environment in great detail, but it would also carry a probe that would be launched into Jupiter’s clouds and collect data. About eight hundred people worked on the Galileo mission, as per NASA’s statistics. The Galileo arrived at Jupiter approximately six years later on 7th December 1995. The spacecraft was 17 feet high, with a magnetometer boom that extended 36 feet to one side. It weighed a total of 2,223 kilograms, inclusive of the 118 kilograms of scientific instruments and 925 kilograms of propellants. The scientific instruments it carried, as listed in NASA’s website about the spacecraft, included a solid-state imaging camera, a near-infrared mapping spectrometer, an ultraviolet spectrometer, a photopolarimeter radiometer, a magnetometer, an energetic particles detector, a plasma investigation, a plasma wave subsystem, a dust detector and a heavy ion counter. The atmospheric probe that was to be launched in the atmosphere of Jupiter was 50 inches in diameter and 36 inches tall, and weighed 339 kilograms. It is noteworthy that the Galileo did not carry enough fuel for it to be able to fly directly to Jupiter; therefore, the scientists devised a technique whereby the spacecraft would be able to borrow energy from Earth as well as Venus to enable it to reach Jupiter. The flight path that was devised was named â€Å"VEEGA†– Venus-Earth-Earth Gravity Assist. The spacecraft was to be slingshot into gathering enough momentum to be able to reach Jupiter. It was a pioneering method and it was successful. The Galileo not only made new discoveries with regards to Jupiter and
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