Thursday, October 31, 2019
Assessment to cover m5 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Assessment to cover m5 - Coursework Example The early microprocessors were usually 4-bits and were used in electronic calculators that used binary coded decimal. The microprocessor consists of three component units. The Arithmetic and logic unit is a digital circuit that performs all the arithmetic operations that include additions, multiplications, subtractions, and divisions, and logic operations which entail comparison operations using logic operators such as AND, OR. The control unit directs and controls the operation of other units by providing timing and control signals, it fetches and decodes machine instructions, and co-ordinates the input and output devices of a computer system. The registers act as cache memory for the microprocessor and provide the storage of data and instructions to be executed. The CPU is mounted on the motherboard (a printed circuit board that holds components of the system and provide connection to other peripheral devices) of the computer system, where other electronics are also mounted. ... The microprocessors are differentiated according to the instruction set executed, the number of bits processed in a single instruction, and the clock speed (instructions executed per second), given in megahertz (MHz). In both cases, the higher the value, the more powerful the CPU will be in terms of performance. 8-bit microprocessor An 8-bit microprocessor refers to a processor architecture that computes 8-bits as the data size. All the instructions executed by such a processor consist of 8-bits (binary digits). The arithmetic and logic unit, the internal buses, and the data processing registers are 8-bits. An 8-bit CPU can process 8 bits of data simultaneously, and its data bus consists of 8 lines to transfer data between the memory and other input/output devices. The Intel 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor that consists of instruction sets such as data moving, arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), logic (AND, OR, XOR), control transfer (both conditional an d unconditional, call subroutine, return from subroutine), setting and clearing flag bits, interrupts, stack operations and input/output instructions. This processor consists of 8-bit ALU that performs arithmetic and logic operations, the control unit, seven 8-bit general purpose registers A,B,C,D,E,H, and L, which are paired to form BC, DE, and HL. Register A is referred to as the Accumulator and it stores one operand of arithmetic and logic operation, and the results of the arithmetic and logic operations. There are two special purpose registers which are 16-bit registers, namely, the stack pointer (SP, which points to the top of the stack where data can be retrieved),
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
ASSIGNMENT 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
ASSIGNMENT 1 - Essay Example Later in the 60s and 70s overhead projectors, cameras, and most importantly, television began entering classrooms. Simultaneously, with advent of technology in each era, research was being carried to gauge its feasibility. Clark, on the basis of these studies, concludes that media does not affect learning under any conditions but it is the content that is crucial. Using the analogy of a truck, Clark projected media as a medium to transfer instruction. ‘Media attributes’, ‘symbol systems’ popularly known as animations only help in packaging the learning process (Clark, 1983). The reason why the statement was considered revolutionary is that Clark’s statement changed the way instructional media research was carried out. Instructional media research later came to be perceived as a means and not as the end of educational technology. (Jones, 1999) Though Clark does make his point when he says media is just a medium but it cannot be denied that technology has a major impact on learning. For example, a power point presentation has better recall value and helps student retain information well. Besides, students are much more tech-savvy and are more interested in various interactive forms of technology (Kimble, 1999). This highlights the need for educational technology, defined through its four perspectives: media, audio-visual, computer systems, instructional systems and design and through vocational training. Forms of media like videos, projectors and computer software play an important role in improving learning but also in understanding the application of technology. However, there has to be proper instructional system, design in place to ensure that the curricular objectives are achieved. On the other it is important for teachers to undergo vocational training to keep abreast with new technology and also understand the appli cations before they use it in
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Management Leadership Across Cultures Leadership Business Essays
Management Leadership Across Cultures Leadership Business Essays In this Tourism and Hospitality module the topic given to me is Management Leadership Across cultures. In todays increasingly competitive business environment the international nature of hospitality and tourism industry requires those managers who are fully aware of many different problems relating to leadership. They really need the knowledge and skills important to lead and motivate workforce across many different cultural backgrounds, and respond to the needs and expectations of culturally diverse guests. This issue is one of the great important and very relevant to effective management of organization in a critical understanding oh the range of issues associated with management and leadership across culture. This report covers the learning outcomes 1,2 and 3- weighting 100%. Learning outcome and main aim of this study is to evaluate the (1) critically evaluate theories of leadership Motivation. (2) Critically evaluates theories relating to managing cultural diversity. (3) Compare and contrast the styles of leadership and appropriate motivation techniques across different cultures. Using the right methodology and research work this report will cover the issues raised by the research queries. 1 Introduction With the passage of time the globalization and internationalization growing at faster pace, only few successful organizations can now survive without understanding the need to work across cultures. Even if businesses or organizations are not working outside the country or with foreign persons, it would be a challenge to identify better opportunities single cultural workforce. With the help of cross-cultural business surroundings comes a need for people to be aware of how culture influences the organization. It is disappointing, as many quickly discover, the rest of the world does not do things like we do. Cultural diversity really affects the every field of organization, and no one can overlook the cultural differences. The cause of event is the leadership challenge is very hard to achieve. the Leaders of new era should have the ability to managing people of different cultures; the leaders must have the ability to listen every one and should understand the actual meaning of diversified cultural coworkers. This is the main and the core challenge which a leader faces; when people perceive the world, communicate and view their leaders in different ways, the leaders ears may be ringing with misunderstood messages. 1.1 The Leader The superior leader gets things done with very little motion. He imparts instruction not through many words but through a few deeds. He keeps informed about everything but interferes hardly at all. He is a catalyst, and though things would not get done well if he werentt there, when they succeed he takes no credit. And because he takes no credit, credit never leaves him. Lao Tse, Tao Te Ching 1Great Man Theories: Great Man theories assume that the capacity for leadership is inherent that great leaders are born not made. 2. Trait Theories: Trait theories often identify particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. 3. Behavioral Theories: Behavioral theories of leadership are based upon the belief that great leaders are made, not born. Rooted in behaviorism, this leadership theory focuses on the actions of leaders not on mental qualities or internal states. 3. Contingency or Situational Theories: Contingency theories of leadership focus on particular variables related to the environment that might determine which particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation. 4. Participative Theories: Participative leadership theories suggest that the ideal leadership style is one that takes the input of others into account. Theories of Motivation 1.Abraham Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory: One of the most widely mentioned theories of motivation is the hierarchy of needs theory put forth by psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow saw human needs in the form of a hierarchy, ascending from the lowest to the highest, and he concluded that when one set of needs is satisfied, this kind of need ceases to be a motivator. As per his theory this needs are : (i) Physiological needs : (ii) Security or Safety needs : (iii) Social needs : (iv) Esteem needs : (v) Need for self-actualization : 2- Theory X and Theory Y of Douglas McGregor : McGregor states that people inside the organization can be managed in two ways. The first is basically negative, which falls under the category X and the other is basically positive, which falls under the category Y. 3-Mayo Theory of Motivation Elton Mayo (1880 1949) believed that workers are not just concerned with money but could be better motivated by having their social needs met whilst at work. 4-Herzberg Theory of Motivation Frederick Herzberg (1923-) had close links with Maslow and believed in a two-factor theory of motivation. He argued that there were certain factors that a business could introduce that would directly motivate employees to work harder (Motivators). However there were also factors that would de-motivate an employee if not present but would not in themselves actually motivate employees to work harder (Hygienefactors) Critically Analysis of leadership Theories 1-Trait Theory: The Trait Approach came from the Great Man theory as a way of identifying the key characteristics of successful leaders. It was believed that through this approach critical leadership traits could be isolated and that people with such traits could then be recruited, selected, and installed into leadership positions. This approach was common in the military and is still used as a set of criteria to select candidates for commissions. The problem with the trait approach lies in the fact that almost as many traits as studies undertaken were identified. After several years of such research, it became apparent that no consistent traits could be identified. Although some traits were found in a considerable number of studies, the results were generally inconclusive. Some leaders might have possessed certain traits but the absence of them did not necessarily mean that the person was not a leader. 2-The Behavioral Theory The results of the trait studies were in concluded. Traits, amongst other things, were hard to measure. How, for example, do we measure traits such as honesty, integrity, loyalty, or diligence, while in this theory of leadership its very clear that the behavior of the leader is very important, its doesnt matter how intelligent he is or how educated the leader is. its the game of behavior and game of personality. This style of leadership, we can see mostly in south Asian countries or third world countries. And in my view this kind of leadership is based on idealism. 3-The Contingency Theory The behavioral theories can help the managers for developing specific leadership behaviors they give them little guidance as to what constitutes effective leadership in different scenarios. Indeed, I feel that no one leadership style is right for every manager under all circumstances. Instead, contingency-situational theories were developed to indicate that the style to be used is contingent upon such factors as the situation, the people, the task, the organization, and other environmental variables. 4- Participative Theories Participative theory may helps more to the managers rather than other above theories. The positive thing about participative style of leadership is distribute the power among the team members. Thats means the leader transfer and share the power among all the team members. This will help to make better decisions, because every team member will participate in the decision making process. In this case every team member has the importance and that thing motivate and enhance their confidence level. On the other hand if the leader transfer the power to that member who I not capable of doing assigned work than that thing can impact negatively. Critically Analysis of Motivation Theories Abraham Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory Maslows theory is not easy to test because of the nature of the subject involved, the difficulty with defining the plan or intention and only cover partly, for example between love and esteem, or physical and safety needs. Deprivation: The person who is not available in all of the basic needs containing as part of the whole being considered physiological, safety, love, and esteem would likely feel a powerful desire for food above all else. In the Maslow as a witness explain the example of a persisting for a long time or constantly recurring hungry person for whom no other interests exist beyond food: he dreams food, he remembers food, he thinks about food, he emotes only about food, he conscious of only food and he wants only food. Maslow suggested that people who experienced extreme emotional and/or physical the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society early in life may be permanently destroyed in terms of the social, esteem, and fulfillment of ones talents and potentialities needs. Individuals develop coping mechanisms in the face of ongoing stressors: in the context of chronic deprivation of basic needs, the person may break the connection from the higher needs, since they may seem causes despair out of reach. Adults who were process of moving up the hierarchy of needs as the lower needs become satisfied criticized theories that rest on especially significant details of human behavior under remarkable conditions, Care taken to avoid danger or mistakes against unknown situation from human behavior in emergencies to human behavior in more typical situations. Maslow stated a fact or belief confidently and forcefully that those who attempt to measure the goals of humanki nd based on not involving anyone behavior during extreme physiological deprivation is used to emphasize being blind to many things .it is important to observe human behavior under more normal circumstances in order to develop a generally applicable theory that is not distorted by reaching a high environments. Maslows theory of the hierarchy of human needs make an effort to achieve an account for the experience of the persisting for a long time or constantly recurring hungry and the chronically satisfied within the same model, but the models structure does not allow enough flexibility to account for the extremes of satisfaction and the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society as well as the normal experiences of the general population. Theory X and Theory Y of Douglas McGregor This lasting legacy of McGregors The Human Side of Enterprise and his Theory X and Y is that it shows how far management thinking has come. Objecting to the dominance of Theory X in the workplace of the time, McGregor noted that if there is a single assumption that pervades conventional organization theory, it is that authority is the central, indispensable means of managerial control. McGregor then put forward an available as another possibility or choice the art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other. Theory Y was based on the opposite set of assumptions, namely that people need not only to work but want to work. Under Theory Y, the worker finds that mental and physical effort at work are as natural as it is not working or occupied; that belonging to control and threats are not the single means of control in a company; that the average human learn s not only to accept but to attempt to find responsibility; and that most of us have a fully occupying the available area to display a high degree of forming new ideas, and original in sorting out problems. It is true that neither of McGregors two polar opposites are achievable in any organization. Even the most swollen and distended or congested corporate giant has human spirit remain hidden within it, while the most off-beam creative firms require an organization a set of ideas. McGregor recognized this fact and was busy by the terms of a will a hybrid of organizational human try hard to achieve some thing, theory Z, when he died. Mayo Theory of Motivation Mayo theory of motivation has described that treating with people as human is important. The manager Should give them self respect and importance, this is an effective tool for the people who work in an organization. But the negative aspect of this theory is that mayo has forgotten about the basic needs and one of them is money. Only the self respect is not enough other things also matters. In my opinion the mayo theory of motivation is competitively less effective that other theories of motivation. Herzberg Theory of Motivation Herzberg has discussed two factor here in my view Hygiene factors avoid job dissatisfaction, for example the company polices really matters. Are they helpful to the workers, how the administration is working, what leadership style they have? If both company policy and administration is worker friendly than it really helpful to the workers and motivates them, there few other factors which have the importance is supervision, interpersonal relationship, working conditions, salary, status and security. these are the factors if they are shown preferably in the company policies that can really motivate the employees. While in Motivation Factor work condition related to the satisfaction of the need for psychological growth, job enrichment and leads to superior performance effort Motivation-Hygiene Combinations (Motivation = M, Hygiene = H) Managing Cultural Diversity Organizations around the world has been recognizing the cultural diversity within organization is not a contradict aspect, rather can assist an organizational pursue for glory. However it is not an easy task to manage employees with different cultural backgrounds. Nevertheless there are so many policy guidelines that can make a piece of work simplified. On a wide perspective, cultural diversity can be manage through communicating (creating awareness among all employees about diverse values of peers through communication), cultivating (facilitating acknowledgement, support and encouragement of any employee success by all other workers), and capitalizing (linking diversity to every business touch on and strategy such as succession planning, restructuring, employee motivation, performance management and review, and pay back systems) strategies Analysis of Cultural Diversity in UK Top British companies are focusing on the staff with culturally diverse backgrounds as a prospective asset in performance teams. The culturally diverse teams can actually perform better as well as more sense of creativity than teams made up of people with same backgrounds. The many studies showed by psychologists is that the prime creativity of such teams is usually achieved at some expense to performance, while performance from homogeneous teams is usually at the cost of creativity. The survey of 65 companies, from the top 200 British companies, and their attitudes to cultural diversity revealed some regarded as likely to happen results. For example, companies which have a management of diversity policy are not importantly those which have noticeably increased the comparative measurements of their workforce with diverse backgrounds. Their top management is have power and influence over as much by white males (86 per cent) as companies with no diversity policy (87 per cent). But companies with active diversity policies are more likely to have brought in flexible work arrangements help with Chiltern, paternity leave and career breaks. They put a high priority on managing diversity along with other business tasks like Investors in People, business efficiencies and total quality management. And these companies are more engaged in campaigns that advance the induce of minorities. Reasons advanced by companies which do not have a circumstantial policy included: financial (not enough resources); managers not recognizing the importance of diversity as a business issue; some companies seeing no need to focus on being a fair and evenhanded employer, or, in one company, specifically avoiding following especially one that is short-lived . Benefits of Cultural Diversity For producing desired results multi-cultural managed companies have cost effective competitive advantage. It helps in boosting minority friendly reputation among progressive employees. Diverse cultural corporations help to get the best customers which have a variety of people. Diverse group of employees are seems to be more creative and efficient in problem solving as compared to similar group. Ability to manage cultural diversity increases adaptability and flexibility of an organization to environmental changes. Culture and Leadership Since World War II, globalization has been advancing throughout the world. Globalization is the increased interdependence (economic, social, technical, and political) between nations. People are becoming more interconnected. There is more international trade, cultural exchange, and use of worldwide telecommunication systems. In the last 10 years, our schools, organizations, and communities have become far more global than in the past. Increased globalization has created many challenges, including the need to design effective multinational organizations, to identify and select appropriate leaders for these entities, and to manage organizations with culturally diverse employees. Globalization has created a need to understand how cultural differences affect leadership performance. Globalization has also created the need for leaders to become competent in cross-cultural awareness and practice. Differences in Middle Eastern and Western Management Management dimensions Middle Eastern Management Western Management Leadership Highly authoritarian tone, not flexible instructions, too many management directives Less emphasis on leaders personality, considerable weight on leaders style and performance Organizational structure Highly Bureaucratic over centralized, with power and authority at the top, uncertain relationship, unclear and unpredictable organization environment. Less bureaucratic, more delegation of authority, Relatively decentralized structure. Performance evaluation and control Informal control mechanisms, routine checks on performance. lack uncertain performance evaluation system Fairly advanced control systems on cost reduction and organizational effectiveness Personnel Policies Heavy reliance on personal contacts and getting individual form the right social origin to fill major positions Sound personal management policies. Can debates qualification are usually the basis for selection decisions. Styles of leadership and appropriate motivation techniques across different cultures Leadership style influence level of motivation. However, throughout a lifetime, mans motivation is influenced by changing ambitions and/or leadership style he works under or socializes with. Command-and-control leadership drains off ambition while worker responsibility increases ambition. Styles of leadership Vs motivation techniques Leadership Style Motivation Type Motivation is Based on: Personality Type Efficiency Limited supervision Worker with decision making responsibility Self motivated Creativity Leader of ideas or people. Independent Achiever Thrives on change High Team motivated Mixed styles Goal motivated Opportunity Personality type and efficiency depends on leaders skill and/or the work environment hes created. Reward motivated Materialism Recognition motivated Social status High level of supervision Command-and-control Peer motivated To be like others Status quo Dependency Resist change Low Authority motivated Follows policy Threat, fear motivated Reacts to force Self-motivated or visionaries will not admit authority controlled environments. They will find a way to escape if trapped. In a team-motivated environment, dependency types will become inspired and strive to be acceptable with independent thinking coworkers. Associates influence the level of individual motivation. Criteria According to my research and evolution relating to the theories about Leadership, Motivation and cultural diversity is very optimistic. The above said theories are research based and really beneficial for the hotel and tourism industry. Now I will explain what are the things which will help the hotel and tourism industry to grow and flourish. Employees must know the primary aim of the organization. Remove those obstacles which stop employees performing to best effect. Motivate the staff by financial rewards, status, praise and acknowledgment, competition, job security, public recognition, fear, perfectionism, results. Use the participative style of leadership and empowered the employees. Avoid those things which can demotivate the team. Like company has made redundancies, imposed a recruitment freeze or lost a number of key people this will have an effect on motivation. Conduct the survey to check, who is most motivated and why? What lessons can an employee learn from patches of high and low motivation in the company? Its important that company goals and employee goals should be aliened or not. You may find employees are highly motivated but about the wrong priorities. Its important to realize the employees that they feel safe, loyal, valued and taken care of. Ask them what would improve their loyalty and commitment. Involve employees in company development. Its important for the company to match their internal image with its external one. Like Your Company may present itself to the world as the forward thinking technology family hotel chain. Your employees would have been influenced, and their expectations set, to this image when they joined your company. By adding coaching tools and motivation principles to their capabilities we should find the job of leading those around us, and/or helping others to do the same, more of a joyful and rewarding activity. Instead of spending all their time and energy pushing and cajoling (in the belief that your peoples motivation must come from you) you will be able to focus on leading your team, and enabling them to achieve their full potential themselves. About Hyatt Hyatt is a global hospitality company with widely recognized, industry leading brands and a tradition of innovation developed over their more than fifty-year history. Hyatt mission is to provide authentic hospitality by making a difference in the lives of the people they touch every day. Hyatt focus on this mission in pursuit of their goal of becoming the most preferred brand in each segment that they serve for their associates, guests, and owners. Hyatt support their mission and goal by adhering to a set of core values that characterizes their culture. Hyatt manage, franchise, own and develop Hyatt branded hotels, resorts and residential and vacation ownership properties around the world. As of March 31, 2010, the companys worldwide portfolio consisted of 434 properties. Hyatt History Hyatt Hotels Resorts opened its first property, a small motor hotel at the Los Angeles International Airport, in 1957 and its portfolio quickly grew to include several other modest hotels along the West Coast and in Chicago over the next ten years. In 1967, Hyatt opened its first major John Portman designed hotel, Hyatt Regency Atlanta , in Georgia, which featured a space-age design with a dramatic, 21-story atrium lobby. The revolutionary architecture spawned scores of atrium lobbies around the world, effectively changing the course of the lodging industry and reshaping the Hyatt brand as an innovative and significant global hospitality leader . By 1969, 13 Hyatt hotels were in operation throughout the United States. That same year, the company launched Hyatt Regency Hong Kong , establishing Hyatt International Corporation . Over the next ten years, the companys portfolio of hotels began to expand and diversify rapidly, and in 1980 the company introduced the Grand Hyatt and Park Hyatt brands, and also solidified its entry into the luxury resort market with the opening of Hyatt Regency Maui Resort Spa in Hawaii. Hyatt Regency London -The Churchill Hyatt Regency London The Churchill provides a wide range of services guaranteed to satisfy the needs of the most discerning guests. The fully equipped Business Centre provides business Motivational Tools Used by Hyatt Employee motivation is given a very special consideration at Hyatt. The top level management of the hotel believe on the theory of Z(Japanese school of thought)In Hyatt the employees salaries are not as much high so it is because of the motivation which keep the employees enthusiastic and dedicated to their jobs as they are working with their family members. For keep motivating their employees some managers also work with the employees like as they do. We reached in laundry department; the laundry manager was working as like lowest or middle level employees. Related manager Really take much care of every employees family matters and try to help them, because they know that the employee who have problems cant work effectively. In Hyatt they usually give the promotion from within organization relating to the employees previous performance. Promotions are confer on the performance basis. This performance base motivates employees to work hard and achieve the goals, which are very objecti ve and are conscious of achievable by most of the employees. Managers play an important role in motivating employees as they give them the in time feedback about their daily official work. They also help them for solving different problems, which can be job related or professional life problems. Working environment and challenging targets are a major factor in employee motivation at Hyatt. The hotel has reward system which includes monetary awards such as, Employee of the Month award Employee of the Year Award TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT At Hyatt on the job training is given the utmost importance Hyatt have a performance evaluation system. They evaluate employees jobs, personalities and performance. Job are evaluated by their immediate managers and counter signed by the senior management. They also identify lacking after discussion with the relevant employee. On the basis of evaluation they identify the areas where the employees are lacking behind and they suggest recommendation for training. They use a performance appraisal form and use a different dimensions for evaluate performance. As they are the market leader so we need to have skilled and well trained staff. Their every waiter or room server knows the a bit Asian languages because their most of the guest are from foreigners. They believe in cross culture. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS Benefits: They have a regular analysis system and a performance appraisal method. For this they have committees who meet once in a month to discuss the performance of all the employees. They have performance appraisal method which we conduct 2 times annually for the new employee and annually for the old one and give them increment and benefits.  ¨ Bonuses  ¨ Annual Increments Rules and Regulation Policies Pays: Payday is last day of every month. Overtime is double the hourly rate of pay WORK SCHEDULE 9 work hours in one shift One day off during the week BRTESKS AND MEAL PERIODS 1 meal and 2 tea breaks in one shift 30 min for lunch/dinner. 15 min for each tea/breakfast Meals in staff cafeteria only. LEAVE Casual(Maximum 3) Sick(Medical certificate for 3 or more) Earned(Minimum 7) EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION SURVEY Hyatt Hotel conducts an Employee Satisfaction survey on annual basis. The Survey targets permanent employees of Hyatt with a view to determine their current satisfaction level on various categories. This survey mainly focuses on the following objectives: To measure, learn and improve the organization performance To ensure that the employees are moving in the right direction in order to fit in the future To listen and build upon the feedback from all employees To ensure that we are creating a successful working environment in which innovation can thrive Commitment of the top management to follow up on the employee satisfaction level This year the survey result is more than 80% satisfaction level. Hyatt conducted this survey with the help of a private firm. The top management of Hyatt feels that it is important that they keep the employees motivated and take initiatives to increase their satisfaction level Leadership at Hyatt LEADERSHIP STYLE The Hyatt general manager of the company is at the topmost position in the organizational hierarchy; Even though he is not directly involved in its operations he is responsible for taking major company decisions regarding the policy and Operations. Departmental managers are responsible for leading and controlling their subordinates. These leaders focus on their respective fields. Increasing their employees efficiency Empowerment Resolving Conflict Providing facilities Managers motivate minimum-wage employees Directing them to right way Motivation At Hyatt encouraging the employees to give new ideas so as to increase the customer satisfaction. In Hyatt there is a high degree of delegation and participation so they believe that the leadership style used in all the departments of Hyatt is democratic. Subordinates are given a fair treatment and are dealt in a very good manner so as to give them a feeling that you are not only an employee but also a member of the family. The managers at Hyatt are very supportive as they treat subordinates as equals, and have a highly open communication system. They are participative since they encourage the involvement of the employees in decision-making and make use of group discussions. However, some monetary and non-monetary rewards are used to create a high involvement from the employees especially at the lower level. THESE ARE SOME THINGS WHICH CAN BE DON
Friday, October 25, 2019
Rawls View Of Ignorance :: essays research papers
Rawls' View of Ignorance Rawls theory of justice revolves around the adaptation of two fundamental principles of justice which would, in turn, guarantee a just and morally acceptable society. The first principle guarantees the right of each person to have the most extensive basic liberty compatible with the liberty of others. The second principle states that social and economic positions are to be a) to everyone's advantage and b) open to all. A key problem to Rawls is to show how such principles would be universally adopted and here the work borders on general ethical issues. He introduces a theoretical "veil of ignorance" in which all the "players" in the social game would be placed in a situation which is called the "original position". Having only a general knowledge of the facts of "life and society", each player is to abide based on their moral obligation. By denying the players any specific information about themselves it forces them to adopt a generalized point of view that bears a strong resemblance to the moral point of view. "Moral conclusions can be reached without abandoning the prudential standpoint of positing, a moral outlook merely by pursuing one's own prudential reasoning under certain procedural bargaining and knowledge constraints." Rawls proposes that the most reasonable principles of justice for a society are those that individuals would themselves agree to behind the "veil of ignorance", in circumstances in which each is represented as a moral person, endowed with the basic moral powers. What this position supports is that while each person has different ends and goals, different backgrounds and talents, each ought to have a fair chance to develop his or her talents and to pursue those goals - fair equality for opportunity. It is not a race or contest where the talented or gifted prevail, it should be complete cooperation among all so that there may be reasonable life for all. What the "veil of ignorance" brings out is that we can accept utilitarianism as a public conception of justice only if we are prepared to let someone be subject to conditions we would not be prepared to subject ourselves. However, it is not the responsibility of my actions to ensure the fulfillment of another persons goals. These principles create an equal distribution of the "pie", if you will, yet it is not attainable unless pursued or strived for. There is no room for idle observation, meaning, that while we all possess equal opportunity as we all are equally moral persons, the choice of what you wish to possess materially as well as intellectually is the discretion and capability of Rawls View Of Ignorance :: essays research papers Rawls' View of Ignorance Rawls theory of justice revolves around the adaptation of two fundamental principles of justice which would, in turn, guarantee a just and morally acceptable society. The first principle guarantees the right of each person to have the most extensive basic liberty compatible with the liberty of others. The second principle states that social and economic positions are to be a) to everyone's advantage and b) open to all. A key problem to Rawls is to show how such principles would be universally adopted and here the work borders on general ethical issues. He introduces a theoretical "veil of ignorance" in which all the "players" in the social game would be placed in a situation which is called the "original position". Having only a general knowledge of the facts of "life and society", each player is to abide based on their moral obligation. By denying the players any specific information about themselves it forces them to adopt a generalized point of view that bears a strong resemblance to the moral point of view. "Moral conclusions can be reached without abandoning the prudential standpoint of positing, a moral outlook merely by pursuing one's own prudential reasoning under certain procedural bargaining and knowledge constraints." Rawls proposes that the most reasonable principles of justice for a society are those that individuals would themselves agree to behind the "veil of ignorance", in circumstances in which each is represented as a moral person, endowed with the basic moral powers. What this position supports is that while each person has different ends and goals, different backgrounds and talents, each ought to have a fair chance to develop his or her talents and to pursue those goals - fair equality for opportunity. It is not a race or contest where the talented or gifted prevail, it should be complete cooperation among all so that there may be reasonable life for all. What the "veil of ignorance" brings out is that we can accept utilitarianism as a public conception of justice only if we are prepared to let someone be subject to conditions we would not be prepared to subject ourselves. However, it is not the responsibility of my actions to ensure the fulfillment of another persons goals. These principles create an equal distribution of the "pie", if you will, yet it is not attainable unless pursued or strived for. There is no room for idle observation, meaning, that while we all possess equal opportunity as we all are equally moral persons, the choice of what you wish to possess materially as well as intellectually is the discretion and capability of
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Laughter and Laugh Charlie Chaplin
â€Å"Now is the Time to Laugh†Charlie Chaplin once said â€Å"laughter is the tonic, the surcease for pain. †It is also often that you hear the saying â€Å"laughter is the best medicine,†which is not just an opinion, but has been proven to be true. In this paper I will prove to you that laughter is the best medicine and that one should not suppress their laughter to seem professional or respectful. No matter what the situation, laughter should be welcomed as a natural and enjoyable action that should not and cannot be controlled. The purpose of my paper is not only to prove my point but also to help everyone to appreciate and respect the natural, wonderful experience of one’s laughter and the laughter of others. Norman Cousins said that â€Å"laughter is inner jogging,†which is a good way to put the fact that laughter is actually beneficial for one’s health. Dr. William Fry of Stanford University Medical School compared laughing to inner exercise, he showed that laughing lowers your blood pressure and heart rate, improves lung capacity, massages internal organs, increases memory and alertness, reduces pain, improves digestion, and lowers stress hormones. It also exercises the muscles involved such as your chest and abdominals. A recent study at the University of Maryland Medical Center showed that laughing more and having a strong sense of humor can decrease your risk for heart attack and heart disease. The benefits also include psychological health. It lowers stress and eases anxiety and fear. It also strengthens relationships by bringing you closer to people, helping defuse a conflict, and promoting group bonding. It also helps you think more clearly. Laughter in a relationship is important because it helps you open up more to the person and it brings you closer to them. It can ease the tension during an argument and make one feel more relaxed and comfortable in any situation. Many studies have shown that children laugh around 400 times a day while adults only laugh around 15 times a day. Many professional adults look at laughter as inappropriate and disrespectful. They reduce their laughing while at work and suppress it so they look more professional and sophisticated. School children are forced to be quite and not to laugh ecause their teachers see it as disrespectful and foolish. Lord Chesterfield said that â€Å"frequent and loud laughter is the characteristic of folly and ill manners,†but how can people believe that such a natural, wonderful feeling can be such a terrible thing. There are no reasonable explanations as to why laughter is considered disrespectful. Sure if you are laughing at someone as a way of making f un of them, then that is hurtful and disrespectful, but when people cannot control their laughter, it should not be considered a horrible thing. People don’t find other natural things like sneezing or coughing to be offensive, so why should they find laughter disrespectful. Many people say that this is not the time to laugh, especially at places like funerals, church or a business meeting, but would the person that passed away want you to never laugh in their presence? And would God give you a sense of humor if He didn’t want you to use it? And would anyone want to work with someone who had no sense of humor? Of course not! If anyone ever said they didn’t want to be acquainted with anyone who had a sense of humor and knew how to have fun than they must be lying. God made us the way we are and He made us with a sense of humor for a reason. Sure there are certain times where you should control your laughter but it is more often that you absolutely should not try to control your laughter because it should be completely acceptable in almost any situation. Laughter, love and happiness are by far the best feelings anyone could have and everyone should be able to experience. You wouldn’t say that someone didn’t deserve love or happiness, so why would you say that someone doesn’t deserve to laugh? I personally love to laugh. Who doesn’t? I love laughing with my friends and family and I love to make other people laugh. I believe that a good sense of humor is one of the best qualities you can find in a friend. Everyone deserves happiness and to be truly happy you must be able to laugh in any situation. Most of my close friends are my friends because they know how to make me laugh and I love to laugh with them. As soon as I meet someone who is funny and laughs whenever they want to, I am immediately attracted to them. The number one quality I look for in a friend or boyfriend is an amazing sense of humor and the ability to make me laugh and laugh with me. Everyone knows that no one likes a â€Å"Debby downer†and I think that everyone should be as happy as they can and laugh as much as they can. I believe that true happiness comes from love, and laughter. People should see laughter as one of the best feelings and should welcome it in any situation when it is truly natural. Every day an average person should laugh for at least 15 minutes collectively. As Charlie Chaplin said â€Å"a day without laughter is a day wasted. â€
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Obesity and the Media Essay
Although advertisers and the media have a huge impact on the issue of childhood obesity, the parents have the final call on what their children eat and don’t eat. It is the parents who give in to their children’s whining and give them what they want just to please them. Childhood obesity starts when the children are old enough to realize that they can get their way when they cry for something. It is the parents’ responsibility to lead by example and teach their children healthy eating habits at a young age. If the parents have unhealthy eating habits and include fast food and fried food in their diet on a regular basis, it is likely that their children will do the same. Kids will get accustomed to eating whatever is made available for them in their home. It is the parents’ job to provide healthy snack options so that their children can get used to healthy habits at early ages. When children are first attracted to the fast food ads at a very young age, it is often because they are attracted to the toys such as the ones offered in â€Å"happy meals.†Another reason why fast food is so popular is because it is a quick and easy meal when people are busy or don’t feel like cooking dinner. My solution to these issues would be to create a fast food chain that offered healthier options. That way, when people want to drive through and order something quick, they would be able to do so while still eating healthy. These restaurants would also offer children’s meals that include a toy, which would promote staying active, and eating healthy. The advertisement that I created is for a healthy fast food restaurant called Chick-A-Dees. This restaurant would offer all natural foods, rather than deep-fried options. The ad uses bright colors and cartoon characters to get children’s attention. It also promises a toy with every kid’s meal and advertises a jungle gym for kids to play on when they come to the restaurant. If restaurants opened that made healthy food seem exciting and fun to kids, they would definitely be more likely to want to try it or even like it. The advertising of toys that are included in kids’ meals at fast food restaurants is a main reason that young kids want to go to these places. However, there are many other toys for children that are advertised on television everyday, which encourage unhealthy eating habits. Among these are: the Easy Bake Oven, Popcorn Basketball, Smores Stick, Marshmallow Gun, Girls Gourmet Candy Jewel Factory Oven, 1000 Piece Candy Jigsaw, Counting Cookies, Mix and Match Doughnuts, and McDonalds Drive Through Food Cart. (The Toy Zone) All of these toys cause children to associate unhealthy eating with fun, which is a main contributing factor to the issue of childhood obesity. The KidsHealth article makes a great point about how parents need to act as role models and demonstrate to their kids proper serving size, how to enjoy treats in moderation, and exercising regularly. This is so true; bad habits start when the child is very young, and over time they become more difficult to squash. The article mentions some habits that parents should get their kids used to such as: have regular family meals, serve a variety of healthy foods and snacks, be a role model by eating healthy yourself, avoid battles over food, and involve kids in the process. Regular family meals have a huge impact on preventing unhealthy eating habits. If the family makes it their goal to sit down for dinner together even 4 days a week, it would make all the difference. As the article titled Childhood Obesity states, â€Å"children are getting more of their food away from home.†Making family meals a regular part of the routine would prevent the family from turning to the easy option of fast food, or eating out at restaurants where they serve countless courses and portions that are much to big for one sitting. The KidsHealth website also suggests that parents stock up on healthy foods. Having fattening or sugary snacks available for kids to snack on when they’re hungry will only add to the issue. There are plenty of healthy and organic snacks that are really tasty also, and if kids get used to eating them while they’re young, they will never know the difference. Making sure your child has breakfast is also an important factor to a healthy diet, as stated in Childhood Obesity. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and necessary for a healthy metabolism. The article pretty much covers all the issues and solutions that I would like to obesity in children. If I were to add something to it I would say that it is so important that parents are involved in their child’s life. This gets even more important as they grow into teens, so it should start when they are children. Parents should know if the child is having problems in school, trouble making friends, being bullied, etc. All of these issues can contribute to the child turning to food for comfort. Another idea that the article didn’t mention is parents buying their children toys that encourage healthy activity rather than laziness or unhealthy eating. Instead of buying a videogame or and Easy Bake Oven for example, get them things to play their favorite sport with. If the child isn’t into sports, and would rather play video games, encourage active games like Wii Fit or Dance games. Getting involved in the activity is a great way to encourage it. I don’t think that the media has exaggerated the issue of childhood obesity in our society. It is a huge problem and we see it everyday, no matter where we are. The media needs to start promoting less of the unhealthy habits and show more advertisements for healthy eating and games and toys that involve activity. In order to prevent obesity and diseases that are linked to it, parents must encourage and demonstrate healthy eating habits as well as teaching their children to stay active. The prevention must start when the child is young, and remain steady and continuous as they grow.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
A Study of Succession in the Dragonfly Pond Essays
A Study of Succession in the Dragonfly Pond Essays A Study of Succession in the Dragonfly Pond Essay A Study of Succession in the Dragonfly Pond Essay Succession The combination of processes, which produce a gradual change in the structure and species composition at a particular site. Dragonfly Pond: The pond was created in 1986 by Anglian Water to provide a habitat for dragonflies. It is in a horseshoe shape and is situated next to Grafham water in Bedfordshire. Dragonfly Pond: Can Signs of Succession be Seen Around the Pond? Hypotheses: 1) The further one goes around the pond away from the open water, the depth will gradually reduce. This is because as you go along the transect more succession will have taken place, therefore the pond will be more developed containing more plants and a higher soil level due to it containing more decayed matter from each community decaying as it is succeeded until the climax community is reached and more sediment will be able to build up in the roots of the new plants. 2) There will be more vegetation as one goes further along the transect. There will be a bigger hydrosere because more succession will have taken place and therefore the conditions will favour a greater range of plants to be supported. 3) The number of submergents will decrease slowly around the pond. The amount of submerged plants will decrease as the water level falls because these are usually found as deep-water colonisers and pioneer species whos decay year after year, gradually reduces the water depth allowing more plants to succeed them. 4) The number of emergent plants will increase slowly around the pond until marshland takes over. This is because as the water shallows the emergent vegetation can now break the surface and take over from the submergents. However as more and more silt is trapped in the rooted emergents and as they decay the water level decreases still further and marshland plants should be able to establish themselves. Planning To collect data from the pond we decided to have 15 data collection points along a 50m transect at 3.5m intervals. I chose a grided quadrat held at arms length facing away from the bank to collect values for percentage cover of emergent, submergent and marsh plant cover at each point. The quadrat had 100 squares and thus I was able to count how many full squares there were to record percentage readings. The depth I measured at arms length with a depth pole to the nearest cm. By taking points on a transect I was using a systematic sampling technique. I spent 1hour collecting the data. Risk Assessment When collecting data I was careful to step on firm ground and tried to keep off the edge of the bank and a dry sunny day was chosen to reduce the risk of falling into the pond. Accuracy and Reliability of the Data The depth was taken to the nearest cm of the depth pole and I held it at arms length from the bank for each measurement. The quadrat was held at waist height and at arms length for each measurement, however it was sometimes difficult to accurately count the number of full squares covered by a plant type. Proving Hypotheses: To prove hypothesis 3 I used spearmans rank correlation coefficient to show that there was a direct link between the depth of water decreasing and the number of emergent plants. The correlation coefficient can then be put in to a graph to give a significance level of similarity between the two factors. (see working) The significance level came out to 1% so there is definitely a strong correlation. The similarity can also be seen clearly on graph 3 where the submergents decrease rapidly after an anomalous bare ground reading at the first transect. This anomaly may have been caused by the submergent plants at this point being covered by soil falling in from the bank leaving very few plants to be seen here. A further anomaly can be seen on the percentage of total plant cover (graph 5). There appears to be very few plants at point 8, this in fact was a mud strip used as a walkway to the centre of the pond and thus plants had not taken root here. I also used spearmans rank to prove hypothesis 1 to show a direct link between depth of water decreasing with distance around the pond. The significance level came out at 1% so there is also a strong correlation. The general trend can also be seen on graph 1 where the trend line clearly shows a gradual decrease in depth with distance along the transect. This indeed should be the case because the further around the transect one goes more succession will have taken place. The pioneer species will have been succeeded by more advanced plant through autogenic succession. The submergent plants, grow up and decay year after year, gradually decreasing the depth and changing the substrate until rooted emergent vegetation takes over. The rooted vegetation traps sediment, which decreases the depth even more. Hypothesis 4 can be proved by looking at graph 4. From the trend line the number of emergent plants increases slowly with distance around the pond. This is because the emergent vegetation of the common club rush and pampus grass have established themselves more as the depth decreases. The marshland sere however has not yet fully developed and therefore didnt impact much on the graph. This should be the case as the water depth decreases further still by the decay of emergent plants but the minimum depth of 20 cm is still probably too high for marshland scrubs. Hypothesis 2 predicted more vegetation as one goes around the pond, this cant be seen from the graph of total percentage plant cover (graph 5). The graph shows very high levels of percentage plant cover along the transect and no distinct increase or change. This doesnt support my hypothesis but its not to say the hypothesis is necessarily wrong. The hydrosere has developed from the single type of submergent plant . To a number of emergent plants and even a few marsh plants. To try to prove this I should have counted the number of different species at each point on the transect. So in summary: Depth and submergent plants decreases along the transect. Emergent plants increase along the transect. Total percentage cover of plants is high throughout. Evaluation: I thought the investigation was very successful as I was able to prove all but one of my hypotheses and thus I was able to build up a clear picture of the changing seres. The main aim of the investigation was achieved in that of showing a presents of succession at the pond. The only sere not yet developed was that of marshland but in years to come no doubt it will be clearly visible as the climax community is reached in the pond. The only extension to my project could be that of collecting more data, such as that of the total number of different plant species at each point and this would have enabled me to prove Hypothesis 2
Monday, October 21, 2019
The eNotes Blog 15 Books to Give You theFeels
15 Books to Give You theFeels Lets face it: sometimes you need to cry it out. Sometimes youre in the mood for a lighthearted beach-read, and thats all well and good, but there are other times when youre looking for a deep story that can really get you going and start the tears flowing. Then again, even if youre not the kind of person who cries a lot (there are some who express their emotions in other ways, to be sure), then at the very least, we can all but guarantee youll find yourself moved by the following titles. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak Set in Nazi Germany, it sadly makes sense that this story would take on the figure of Death as its unusual narrator. Through this dark narrators eyes, the reader follows the story of a young girl enamored with words, a Jewish boy in hiding, a new mother, and an accordion-playing man as they fight for safety and survival during WWII. When a book basically opens with the line youre going to die you can bet it will either be scary or moving- in this case, the latter. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein This novel is told from the point of view of a dog, so you can assume right off the bat that its going to be open, honest, and probably bittersweet. The story starts on the last day of our furry protagonists life, and we are treated to the recollections of his life. Its a story of love, loss, family, and a man fighting for his daughter. Undoubtedly, its a sad story, but all the same its strangely very uplifting. A must-read for dog lovers anywhere and everywhere. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini By the same author who brought us The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns is about a young, Afghani woman named Mariam. Mariam, like so many living in troubled areas, is struck with one hardship after another: an abusive father who marries her to an abusive man more than twenty years her senior and an invasion by the Soviet Army, to name a couple. A realistic portrayal of pain and strength, this novel is bound to make you empathize not only with Mariam, but also feel empowered by her strength through all she faces. My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult If you want a story about some complicated family issues, then this is the story for you. Thirteen-year-old Anna Fitzgerald is born into impossible circumstances: her older sister is dying of advanced leukemia, and it has become more and more painfully clear that Anna was conceived with the intent of being a genetic match for her sister, so that she can provide transplant organs. Of course, it isnt that cut-and-dried, and when Anna seeks medical emancipation from her parents, the entire family is forced to look into their values and determine what really matters. Me Before You by Jojo Moyer *Chances are, youve seen some previews for the new movie adaptation of this one* Lou, a former barista, finds work as a caretaker for a recently disabled, extraordinarily wealthy man. As one could imagine, the two eventually form a bond, falling in love through a series of moving encounters. Basically, as you read, you think the evolution of their romance is predictable, until all of a sudden it isnt. The two must struggle through an impossible decision, the results of which will lead to unhappiness for one of them. As Buzzfeed reader NormaZ says, It gets your hopes up and then it crushes you like an Oreo. The Known World by Edward P. Jones Set in a tumultuous period of American history, readers get more than a glimpse into the facets of slavery and slave ownership. Though Jones follows the lives of multiple characters, the storys primary focus is on Henry Townsend, a former slave turned slave owner who believes he would be a much better master than the white man Until he becomes one. We the Animals by Justin Torres We the Animals, though a novel, reads somewhat like a collection of short stories, with each section focusing on a different animalistic metaphor for the characters family dynamic and providing a glimpse into the life of the narrator. The story centers on three brothers living with their Puerto Rican father and white mother as they struggle through poverty. An amazing coming-of-age story, we watch as the boys grow and learn the difference between wanting more and achieving more. The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy Two fraternal twin boys, raised by a single mother in an India rife with conflict, The God of Small Things first breaks down its characters and its readers with a string of events leading to the characters disenchantment with life. The boys, once optimistic and in love with the world that surrounded them, find themselves facing cruel, life-changing realities and must find a way to make their peace once again. Wave by Sonali Deraniyagala Following the tsunami that struck Sri Lanka, the author and protagonist, Sonali, discovered that her entire family, their home, and all of their belongings had been lost in the tragedy. While the story is heart-wrenching and emotional all on its own, Deraniyagalas telling is full of imagery and written in a raw voice guaranteed to make you feel the loss and eventual recovery she went through. Of Love and Other Demons by Gabriel Garcà a Mrquez Always one to take on the surreal, Mrquez lives up to his reputation with a simultaneous look into medicine and religious beliefs and ritual as wielded by the 19th century Catholic Church. A young girl begins acting strangely and violently and is believed by her family to be suffering from demonic possession brought about by a dog bite. The young priest sent to perform the girls exorcism finds himself in love, in spite of her behavioral abnormalities. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls *Personal Review: I love this book* An unusual love story, Where the Red Fern Grows is a tale about a boy who loves his dogs as members of the family. After saving money for years, the youth purchases his pups, Old Dan and Little Ann, and trains them to be some of the best raccoon hunters in the county. Its a story of inspiration, perseverance, family, and a boy and his beloved dogs. Its hard to write too much about this story and what makes it so poignant without giving away the story, but if you like dogs, you will love this book. In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez Historical fiction at its finest, In the Time of the Butterflies is a fictional account of the true story of the Mirabal sisters from the Dominican Republic. In the 1960s, the sisters were powerful activists, members of the underground movement opposing dictator Raphael Trujillo. The sisters were eventually found to have been ambushed and assassinated in their car, thus darkly emphasizing their political influence in the activists movement. If youre interested in history and political upheaval, this is a book for you. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton A realistic, gritty story of what life in a street gang was like during the 1960s in the United States. We are allowed into the lives of the Greasers and their conflict with a rival gang over the course of just a couple of days. In that brief period, we are made privy to murder, extortion, loyalty, and friendship in the most unlikely of places. Night by Elie Wiesel Another tale of WWII, Night provides an unflinching look into the concentration camps and the sadistic tendencies of Nazis and their supporters. The book is an autobiographical account by Wiesel, detailing his survival as a teenager in a Nazi death camp. Readers feel the fear and dread of everyday torment, perversions, and hopelessness that plagued the inhabitants of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Its a horribly upsetting story, but that in no way makes it any less worth reading. Brother, Im Dying by Edwidge Danticat Another autobiographical account, this book is about the life of a girl living with her uncle in Haiti, waiting for her parents in the United States to send for her. Over time, she becomes greatly attached to her uncle, a local preacher, and when he is diagnosed with throat cancer, she is understandably distraught and searches for a way to save his life. After determining that his best hope lies in American medical care, Edwidge and her family do their best to negotiate everyone into the country. What follows is a story of familial devotion and unfortunate government oppression.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Suffix -strophe
The Suffix -strophe The Suffix -strophe The Suffix -strophe By Mark Nichol Do the words apostrophe and catastrophe have anything in common besides a couple of syllables? What, if anything, does a punctuation mark have to do with a disaster? The words, taken from Greek, share an element derived from the Greek verb strephein, which means â€Å"turn.†Apostrophe, meaning â€Å"turn from,†alludes to the fact that an apostrophe signals that one or more letters in a word have been omitted, or â€Å"turned away.†(The symbol later came to be used to identify possessives- and, erroneously, plurals, though some publications persist in the otherwise obsolete style of apostrophizing plural numerals, as in â€Å"That style went out in the 1950’s,†or abbreviations, as in â€Å"This rule applies to most M.D.’s.†The former style is unnecessary, and the latter approach is rendered unnecessary by simply eliminating periods from capitalized abbreviations.) Catastrophe, meanwhile, means â€Å"overturning,†and refers to a devastating reversal in fortune. (In Greek tragedy, the term applied to the turning point in a play.) Scholar and novelist J. R. R. Tolkien coined an antonym, eucatastrophe, to denote a â€Å"good turn,†or the point at which an unexpectedly favorable outcome occurs, though his coinage is obscure. The term peripeteia, meaning â€Å"turning point†(in English also referred to as peripety), already exists, but it can refer to either a positive or a negative event. (Although a deus ex machina- the term literally means â€Å"god from the machine†and refers to a plot point representing sudden intervention that produces a happy ending- is a form of eucatastrophe, the terms are not exact synonyms.) Several other words contain the element -strophe, which stems from strephein, or elements derived from it. The word strophe itself, and its antonym antistrophe, pertain to elements of Greek tragedy, referring to the part of an ode sung by a chorus while it is turning to face another direction (east to west and west to east, respectively); the concluding movement is called the epode (â€Å"sung after†). Strophe has also come to refer to a part of a poem with stanzas of various lengths, and in the classic Greek era an antistrophe was also a dance. The term boustrophedon, which literally means â€Å"turning an ox while plowing†(the first syllable is related to that of bovine), refers to ancient writing forms in which lines are alternately written left to right and right to left, as opposed to always from the same direction. Anastrophe, meanwhile, is an inversion of normal word order for literary effect, as in the phrase â€Å"forest primeval.†The prefix strepto- is seen in the New Latin term streptococcus, which refers to a type of bacteria with a twisted shape. (The name for the medical condition caused by this bacteria, strep throat, uses an abbreviated form of the term.) The words strap and strop, both referring to a band of leather or other material (and also used as verbs), are also derived from strephein. Check out our latest YouTube video, Prepositions: In vs. On Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the FutureIs There a Reason â€Å"the Reason Why†Is Considered Wrong?Captain vs. Master
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Bilingual Tesol Classrooms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Bilingual Tesol Classrooms - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the research that expert teachers have a wide-ranging base of experience with which to instruct ESL inclusive classrooms and create classroom environments that show a great degree of cross-pollination with the world outside of the classroom. They are able to teach students concepts that will help them generally as well as having mastered the specific subject materials. Expert TESOL teachers are also better able to relate to students on a level that fosters mutual respect and understanding in creating a learning environment. In their everyday teaching duties, expert teachers show how the subject they are teaching is interrelated to the lives of their students. The existing literature generally supports the notion that there are strategies that the TESOL teacher can use to facilitate the development of ELL in classroom situations, but there are disagreements about how exactly to go about achieving this goal through effective course design in the ELL class room. For the goal, ELLs need to use English to achieve academically†. These goals are seen in the study to be complimentary, in that using English as a social medium can then lead to better acumen and a better chance for the ELL to be able to integrate this into their academic base of knowledge. This source also acknowledges how specifically, the TESOL teacher is going to face issues of diversity in several areas which reflects on course design for this aspect. The diversity that the general education TESOL teacher faces in a situation of accommodating ELL includes their ability to get materials out in other languages so that parents can understand, but it also involves focusing on English in the classroom situation. Many also point towards bilingual education programs as a reflection of multicultural education and a positive step forward.Â
Friday, October 18, 2019
Violence and Aggression in Sports is Because of the Media Research Paper
Violence and Aggression in Sports is Because of the Media - Research Paper Example A conclusion will hence be drawn as to the validity and weight of the thesis of the essay and a possible means of reducing violence and aggression in sports suggested. Introduction Violence in the field of sports is the physical and verbal actions executed during, around or directly linked to a sports event that are over and beyond the stipulated guidelines of fair play (Atyeo, 2000). This may be a boxing match, football, martial arts or even wrestling. These acts can and to include intentional assault of opposing players, abusive language and gestures towards referees. Threats also constitute violence. The violent and aggressive behavior witnessed in sports is as a result of the content of media coverage. Media (print, televised, audio and networked) has in the past swayed opinions, created and advanced perceptions and supported/ instigated different actions from the public they reach. However, it is worth noting that the media sometimes promote violence in sports unintentionally th rough live coverage. For example, the National Hockey League (NHL) of Northern America is characterized as lenient and supportive of gross misconduct, such as fighting between players. Hockey fans are entitled to watch the matches and the media is there to facilitate and satisfy this desire but its failure to censor occurrences of physical fights has in the past resulted in instances of violence perpetrated by the fans. ... the role media has played in fostering and fuelling acts of violence and aggression by sports enthusiasts and fans before, during and after sports events proving that the media coverage actively leads to and causes violence and aggression in sports. Discussion Giulianotti and Armstrong (2003) state that, â€Å"Modern day sports violence has its roots in western countries and was widely linked to the broadcasting of games on television sets†(p. 6). Popular belief suggests that initial cases of violence were directed and conducted by the working class individuals in an attempt to reclaim the various sports events which were primarily reserved for the rich and affluent members of the society. A decade later, similar incidences of hooliganism sprung up in more countries in Europe. The main reason the media creates and showcases sports violence and aggression is for the purposes of profit maximization through increased viewership and purchase of magazines and newspapers. The socie ty we live in is such that negative reports such as violence, deaths and accidents, during events attracts a considerable amount of public attention as opposed to more informative topics such as economics, healthy living, reforms among others, and the media utilizes this to its advantage. It is for this reason that the media will capitalize on every single opportunity that presents itself to report of violent incidents in sports events, with some glamorizing them and the perpetrators either with or without the knowledge that by doing so, they are just helping to polarize fans depending on their club loyalties. Children watching and reading the reports grow up knowing or thinking that violence in sports is something, which is normal and with such a trend, hooliganism in sports will never be
Sensory Perceptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14
Sensory Perceptions - Essay Example Senses play an intricate role in an individual’s thinking. It is, therefore, vital to understand some of the weaknesses they exhibit, and how these weaknesses affect an individual’s thinking. The need to process sensory information is crucial in the growth and development of individuals (Marie, 2010). This paper will examine why individuals need not entirely believe in the accuracy of sensory information, and how this might affect the decisions they make daily. There are reasons why sensory information cannot be relied on entirely by individuals. How people interpret sensory information, is dependent on their judgement. People often choose to look at things in their surrounding objectively, even though, they try not to believe they do this. These psychological biases and cognitive factors make everybody choose what to believe. What one might perceive in one way, another may choose to look at it differently (Barth & Giampieri-Deutsch, 2012). This creates a rift in the perception by individuals about their present situations. Another reason why it is hard to place trust in sensory information provided by the senses includes past experiences. How people interpret the immediate situation may be based on past experiences that led one not to trust their instincts (Barth & Giampieri-Deutsch, 2012). This affects the decisions they might make regarding the given situation. Moreover, the environmental effects affect the interpretation of data. Communication, for example, may be distorted before reaching the intended party. This may be because of noise. These environmental factors affect our perceptions, hence; would not be right to believe entirely in sensory information (Barth & Giampieri-Deutsch, 2012). Repeatability is one factor that may contribute to an individual’s accuracy of sensory data. Senses being exposed to certain conditions on a regular basis may offer an individual accuracy during the interpretation of
Educational leaders Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Educational leaders - Assignment Example †¢ Creation of an extensive environment of collaboration within schools. †¢ Creation of an extensive environment of collaboration within schools. †¢ Most importantly, in schools, the formation of action groups facilitates in resolving the problems faced by children. The collective brainstorming sessions help to come to a consensus which is accepted by everyone concerned.It means to me that leadership initiatives are important factors that help inculcate a strong sense of responsible behavior and rational approach. I should always try to rationalize the contentious issue and apply critical thinking to come to the right decision. Knowledge becomes the single most important tool that empowers individuals and encourages one to understand the problem and resolve the issue through mutually. Moreover, I understood the importance of collaborative environment where teachers, administrators, and students together make collective decisions for the welfare of the students as well as for the school. Most importantly, shared goals should also promote collective decision making. Hence the formation of problem-solving work group greatly facilitates consensus that resolves the issue amicably.I intend to apply the knowledge gained to my life in general. Effective decision making is a responsible and hugely crucial aspect of personal and professional growth. As a student also, efficient and effective decision making based on informed choice greatly improves and improvises the productive outcome of all our learning processes involving projects, class work, and examination etc.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Administrative Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Administrative Law - Essay Example ts. Consequently, there has been an urgent need to tackle and overcome such activities of prostitution which are in most communities considered as unacceptable. However, many countries in the light of the stated problem have legalized prostitution through brothels with the imposition of certain restriction so as to minimize criminal offences, simultaneously preserving social interests. For instance, even though an increasing percentage of population worldwide deciphers a strong believe that legalization of prostitution or brothels can de-motivate the performing of such offences, communities still perceive that such acts are immoral and should never be legalised as it might harm the social environment and the following generations by a large extent. Based on this understanding, in the light of Brothel Licensing Act 2011 (Cth), the case scenario of Alice will be assessed. Alice is an adult citizen of Sydney and runs a number of art galleries. Deciding that she would become a brothel â €˜madam’, Alice renovates a dilapidated youth hostel into a high class brothel. Correspondingly, she applies for a brothel license pursuant to the Brothel Licensing Act 2011 (Cth). Although she is granted with a brothel license, two conditions were mentioned rigidly in the agreement which she feels to be inhibiting her business growth prospects. Accordingly, many issues are observed to emerge opposing the license granted to the brothel. Concentrating on these issues, the report will intend to evaluate the specifications of such acts and its justness to be enacted. Decision or Decisions That Alice Can Seek Judicial Review Of The Minister decides to grant Alice a brothel license based on two rigid conditions. The first condition restricts that there be a maximum of four people on the premises at any one time. Correspondingly, the second condition deliberates that the brothel shall provide prostitution services only within the hours of 9am to 5pm and from Monday to Friday onl y. It is worth mentioning in this regard that prostitution has been found as one of the oldest professional practices performed by people even after being strongly opposed in the orthodox period of human civilisation. In the current day perspective, many countries including United Kingdom, Canada, France, and Germany among others have made prostitution and brothel legal with the intention to reduce the rate of sex crimes bringing-in various legal restrictions. Laws that prohibit prostitution and brothels have often been opposed by feminists accusing it to act as sex discrimination. Therefore, in a free and independent society, such laws are regarded as inappropriate as these legal implications tend to violate the basic rights and individual liberties unnecessarily. Prostitution services do not harm any of the party engaged in the prostitution due to mutual agreements; rather it does de-motivate people to forcefully indulge in such activities. People who agree to pay value for the pr ostitution services rendered to them at their own will and interest are the likely clients of the brothels. It has often been mentioned that it is appropriate to enact strict laws against trafficking defining it to be a category of sex crime, rather than on brothels which focuses on agreed sexual activities1. Thus, with reference to Alice’
The Chinese Decision to Enter the Korean War Essay
The Chinese Decision to Enter the Korean War - Essay Example China's intervention in Korea cannot be ascribed simply to wanting to maintain the semblance of balance of power, "a theory of state behavior [that] explains and predicts how states respond to threats posed by a potentially dominant, revisionist and aggressive state"1, based on the assumption that states seek to, "maximize their power in order to survive in a competitive international system".2 US presence in the Asian region led to China and the US pursuing purely security related strategies that were mutually exclusive, inadvertently generating mutual hostility. Similarly, Chinese responses cannot be generalized into the Chinese merely wanting to secure their national interests without taking into consideration many other factors such as leadership challenges, domestic imperatives, and political consensus amongst domestic bureaucracies that can impinge upon foreign policy. The general understanding and belief is that China's foreign policy has been shaped primarily by external stimulus with domestic factors playing only a marginal role. However, the inability of existing theories to fully explain the reasons for China's entry into the conflict signifies that we must look at explanations that go beyond functional concepts of International Relations but also look more closely at internal factors and domestic compulsions. Students of international relations a... This is particularly relevant in the context of the Korean War, when one recollects that China was then emerging from the throes of a protracted civil war and that the People's Republic of China had been formally declared less than a year earlier, in October 1949. When the internal polity of a country is in a state of flux, any government which is seen as defending a nation's interests will only emerge stronger. China's entry into the Korean conflict can therefore, largely be seen to emanate as a result of the CCP converting a external 'threat' into an opportunity to consolidate its position internally. Korea was annexed by Japan in 1910 and remained under Japanese occupation until the end of World War II. In August 1945, the Soviet Union and the United States decided to oversee the surrender of Japanese forces to the North and South of the 38th parallel respectively. This was to be a temporary arrangement, with a united Korea the ultimate aim. In the interim, the US and the Soviet Union established governments in their respective zones that were sympathetic to their political ideologies. The US installed Syngman Lee in South Korea, while the Soviet Union backed North Korea Kim Il-Sung, with both wanting a unified Korea, under their own system and stewardship. However, North Korea was bolstered by Soviet advisors and military equipment was better prepared to seize the initiative. The North Korean attack across the 38th Parallel in June 1950 was a resounding success North Korea could not capitalize on their gains. North Korea failed to accomplish two crucial tasks, namely the total annihilation of the South Korean army and the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Administrative Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Administrative Law - Essay Example ts. Consequently, there has been an urgent need to tackle and overcome such activities of prostitution which are in most communities considered as unacceptable. However, many countries in the light of the stated problem have legalized prostitution through brothels with the imposition of certain restriction so as to minimize criminal offences, simultaneously preserving social interests. For instance, even though an increasing percentage of population worldwide deciphers a strong believe that legalization of prostitution or brothels can de-motivate the performing of such offences, communities still perceive that such acts are immoral and should never be legalised as it might harm the social environment and the following generations by a large extent. Based on this understanding, in the light of Brothel Licensing Act 2011 (Cth), the case scenario of Alice will be assessed. Alice is an adult citizen of Sydney and runs a number of art galleries. Deciding that she would become a brothel â €˜madam’, Alice renovates a dilapidated youth hostel into a high class brothel. Correspondingly, she applies for a brothel license pursuant to the Brothel Licensing Act 2011 (Cth). Although she is granted with a brothel license, two conditions were mentioned rigidly in the agreement which she feels to be inhibiting her business growth prospects. Accordingly, many issues are observed to emerge opposing the license granted to the brothel. Concentrating on these issues, the report will intend to evaluate the specifications of such acts and its justness to be enacted. Decision or Decisions That Alice Can Seek Judicial Review Of The Minister decides to grant Alice a brothel license based on two rigid conditions. The first condition restricts that there be a maximum of four people on the premises at any one time. Correspondingly, the second condition deliberates that the brothel shall provide prostitution services only within the hours of 9am to 5pm and from Monday to Friday onl y. It is worth mentioning in this regard that prostitution has been found as one of the oldest professional practices performed by people even after being strongly opposed in the orthodox period of human civilisation. In the current day perspective, many countries including United Kingdom, Canada, France, and Germany among others have made prostitution and brothel legal with the intention to reduce the rate of sex crimes bringing-in various legal restrictions. Laws that prohibit prostitution and brothels have often been opposed by feminists accusing it to act as sex discrimination. Therefore, in a free and independent society, such laws are regarded as inappropriate as these legal implications tend to violate the basic rights and individual liberties unnecessarily. Prostitution services do not harm any of the party engaged in the prostitution due to mutual agreements; rather it does de-motivate people to forcefully indulge in such activities. People who agree to pay value for the pr ostitution services rendered to them at their own will and interest are the likely clients of the brothels. It has often been mentioned that it is appropriate to enact strict laws against trafficking defining it to be a category of sex crime, rather than on brothels which focuses on agreed sexual activities1. Thus, with reference to Alice’
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Dramatic function in the play Essay Example for Free
Dramatic function in the play Essay In the play, A View From The Bridge, we are faced with emotions that we have probably all felt or will feel during our lifetime. However, when these emotions are taken to extremes, it could lead to unimaginable consequences. Covered here are some of the more complex and intriguing relationships that shape the whole play, from beginning to end, from the innocent love of a young woman to the dark sinister workings of a mind driven beyond logic and reason. One of the most interesting and complicated relationships in the play is that of Eddie and Catherine. Catherine is Eddies niece through marriage and has been cared and provided for by him ever since her mother died whilst she was still a baby; with a sense of her childhood, her babyhood, and the years and during that time, they have grown very close, Eddie treats her like his own daughter. He likes it when she greets him when he gets home, when she treats him like a father; Eddie is pleased and therefore shy about it However, as revealed later the play, Catherine thinks of Eddie as more than an uncle or a father, she thinks of him almost as her husband; If I was a wife I would now Im supposed to turn around a make a stranger out of him? She was originally talking about Beatrice but towards the end of the sentence, she was talking about herself, putting herself in Beatrices place as though she was the wife that was making s stranger out of the husband. Catherine matches Eddies love for her perfectly, seeking his approval in everything she does, she is eager to please him and is happy when he is happy; You like it? she asks about her skirt, you like it? she asks about her hair. In fact, when Eddie says beautiful she says You like it, huh?; this is a rhetorical question, shes seeking more than approval, shes seeking confirmation, because Eddies opinions matter to her and it pleases her tremendously to see that he likes what shes doing. However, when Eddie says that shes walking wavy and aint all the girls Catherine is very upset; almost in tears because he disapproves. There is a point where Catherine cares too much about Eddies views, from the play, we can tell that she has put off a few of her lifetime ambitions to keep him happy; as Beatrice says: I dont understand when this ends. First it was gonna be when she graduated high school, so she graduated high school. Then it was when she learned stenographer, so she learn stenographer. So what are we gonna wait for now? Eddie has obviously been thinking up all kinds of reasons to keep her at home. He says that he just doesnt want her working with the wrong people and that she should get a good education and go and meet a nice, well-educated (preferably rich) young man and settle down and get out of the working class world. Most of this we can believe, not only does Eddie love Catherine, he is also very protective of her; I know that neighbourhood, B., I dont like it. Maybe Catherine doesnt realize it but all her fondness is what makes him so overprotective of her, she acts like a little child around him; Catherine: He thinks Im a baby. Beatrice: Thats because you think youre a baby. I told you fifty times already and Eddie is so used to that he just cant accept the fact that she is growing up. He likes to come home to her childish antics, he likes to have her waiting on him hand and feet. There may be a slight ego problem when he realizes that Catherines pay is going to be so high, even higher than his if the estimate he gave Marco is a direct correspondence of his salary; But I think you could probablythirty, forty a week, over the whole twelve months of the year. Eddie is obviously not ready to give up the job as the man of the house, metaphorically speaking, hes used to having everyone look up to him. He doesnt take Beatrice seriously and Catherine has always been so childlike and adoring, she sits on her heels beside him. Suddenly, Eddie feels that someone is threatening his position and that concept scares him, its the same fear as when Rodolpho steps into Catherines life, hes becoming the object of Catherines affections, not Eddie. Quite a lot has been mentioned on the boyfriend front; Eddie is unwilling for Catherine to show interest in the male populous; Eddie: Listen, I could tell you things about Louis which you wouldnt wave to him no more. Catherine: Eddie, I wish there was one guy you couldnt tell me things about. Not only does this show that he discourages any interest Catherine develops, he also does it very often, sometimes when Catherine isnt even interested in them, just to be on the safe side. Could there be more to this relationship than just parental concern, care and love? Could it be that Eddie is harbouring some secret desire for Catherine that he is too ashamed to act upon but is enough to make him feel better when she only has him and no one else? A father would be glad if his daughter found love, but a boyfriend would be jealous, and Eddie was certainly not glad when Rodolpho wins over Catherines heart. In the beginning of Act Two, Eddie was drunk and when he came home, he kissed Catherine on the lips. As the Romans said, in vino veritas, which means there is truth in wine, what is normally hidden is exposed as the person loses sense of inhibition and sometimes even logical thought; in this case, Eddies desire for Catherine. Of course, Catherine has already been pretty upset with him already and this was just putting salt to the wound. She didnt admit straight away to Rodolpho that Eddies views were once again affecting her judgement, she asks him the questions that Eddie has been harbouring ever since he arrived and especially after talks about marriage and says that they are her own questions, she even suggests that they go live in Italy because she imagined it would be beautiful but really its just covering up her fear of Eddie, even though she did admit to it; Im afraid of Eddie here. Rodolpho saw right through her, he could see that she was frightened and wanted to get away from Eddie. Rodolpho: My heart dies to look at you. Why are you so afraid of him? At this point, Catherine still feels that Eddies change of mood was partially her fault; I would just feel ashamed if I made him sad. Ever since the beginning of the play, Catherine always seemed to be in constant uncertainty and fear of Eddie, but never of his actions, more of his opinions because it mattered so much to her but since after the kiss, she has developed a physical fear of him, of what he could and would do to her and the people she loved and that includes Eddie himself. Wait outside, dont argue with him Catherine says, wanting to keep Rodolpho safe from Eddie.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Neorealist And Neo Marxist Approaches To Globalisation Politics Essay
Neorealist And Neo Marxist Approaches To Globalisation Politics Essay Globalisation is the process of integration which is international and arises from the mixture of products, ideas, views and some other aspects of culture. Neo Realism and Neo Marxism are the different approaches that have different theories, rules and regulation which can be used by different geological countries to accept the different cultures and the technologies to achieve the globalisation. Neo Realism uses the concept of self-interest and that is the reason it is considered as realistic theory to different aspects while Neo Marxism uses the concepts of Marxism and also incorporates elements from other intellectual traditions like critical theory, psychoanalysis or Existentialism. Globalization process requires different approaches to be followed to get success in particular field. As all we know globalization requires the consideration of many aspects so that it could be accept globally, so the application and selection of the appropriate theory is much important. Globalization is the main factor these days in the success of any country, company, or organization as the global presence only tells about the popularity or the importance of that thing. There are different theories that can be applied like classical or neo classical realist theory, left critical theory, deconstructionist ethics theory, neo Marxism theory or post structuralism theory etc. The application of these theory can be done of anti globalism or alter globalism. We will here compare the neo realism and neo Marxism approaches that can be applied for globalisation and how they can impact the globalisation and which one is better. The comparison will lead to the understanding of the theories and their importance for the globalization. Neo Realism Approach: Basically Realism is considered as the view that different aspects of internationalization are derived from competitive self-interest. Realism is an international theory basically which is centred upon following four propositions. 1. First proposition considers the that no actor above states is capable which can regulate the interactions and states must get all the relations with other states in the environment at their own instead of control from someone else which means that the international system is anarchic. 2. Second proposition considers the states as most important actors. 3. This proposition considers all states as unitary and rational actors which tend to pursue their self-interest. 4. Last proposition considers that all states concern about the survival mainly. In short we can say that realists believe in the self-centred and competitive humankind. Theorists like Thomas Hobbes consider the human nature to be egocentric and conflictual and exceptional in some special cases. These views are different from the liberalism approach that is used for international relations. Realists consider Sovereign states as the main actors in the international system and they afford special attention to large powers because they mainly impact the international stage (Gene Callahan, (2010) pp 872). International institutions, multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations, individuals and other actors like sub-state or trans-state are considered as less influential. Realists believe that all states cant guide their actions by a universal principle. They believe that every state must be aware of different actions of the other states around it and a pragmatic approach should be used in case of any problem. Neo realism is same as classical realism but it focuses on anarchic structure of international system in spite of human nature. It considers that states are main actors due to the non existence of any political monopoly above sovereign. Main attention is given to the forces which are above or below the states using levels of analysis or structure-agency debate while state will be the main actors. This theory considers international system as a structure which acts on the state and individuals as they are below the level of the state who acts as agency on the state. Neo realism differs in the emphasis which it places on the permanence of conflict in spite of being affected from English School. It says that states should be constantly prepared for conflict using economic and military build-up so that state security can be ensured. Some of the prominent neo realists are Hans Morgenthau, Kenneth Waltz (Structural realism), Robert J. Art, Robert Jervis, Stephen Walt(Defe nsive realism), John Mearsheimer(Offensive realism), Robert Gilpin(Hegemonic theory). The main focus of the realist approach to international politics is on the importance of power to establish relations between states. Realists believe in self-help they consider that states should rely on themselves to provide order and to resolve the issues. States should be capable enough to handle the situations and should not depend for any particular power. Criticism: There are different criticisms for the neo realistic theory like it has the problem of Indeterminacy, federalism and democratic peace. These all can be summarized as follows: Problem of Indeterminacy: Though the theory is very rigorous but still there are some fundamental drawbacks which present problems in generating different hypotheses and testing theory. The theory is very indeterminate because it focuses on different effects of the structure of international system on the behaviour of states and on international outcomes (Marianne Wikgren, (2005) pp 19). It says that structures have their effects indeterminately and indirectly. These all can also be found in balance of power theory also. Democratic peace: The theory of realism does not apply to the democratic states relations with each other because some studies found that such type of states dont go for war. However, Realists and proponents of other schools have critiqued both this claim and the studies which appear to support it, claiming that its definitions of war and democracy must be tweaked in order to achieve the desired result. Federalism: Federalism comes from a theory which divides the final authority between different sub-units and a centre. In such type of cases, sovereignty is constitutionally split between at least two territorial levels and results in final authority at each level which can act independently of the others in some area. This gives the citizens the right to have political obligations to two authorities. The allocation of authority between the sub-unit and centre may vary. Typically the centre has powers to shape different policies like defence and foreign policy, but at the same time different sub-units may also have international roles. The sub-units are also allowed to participate in central decision-making process. Neo Marxism Approach: Neo-Marxism is used for different twentieth-century approaches which append or include Marxism and Marxist theory and incorporates different important elements from other intellectual traditions like critical theory, psychoanalysis or Existentialism. One good example of syncretism in neo Marxist theory is the contradictory of class location theory from Erik Olin Wright which incorporates critical criminology, Weberian sociology and anarchism. Neo Marxists have tried to supplement the deficiencies which were perceived in orthodox Marxism (Alf Walle, (2001) pp 805) or dialectical materialism and that is the reason why many theorists and groups has designated the use of prefix neo. Most of the prominent neo-Marxists like Herbert Marcuse and other members of the Frankfurt School were sociologists and psychologists. New left considers neo Marxism under its broader framework. In a sociological aspect, neo-Marxism is basically the addition of Max Webers broader understanding of social inequality like status and power to Marxist philosophy. Critical theory, French structural Marxism and analytical Marxism are different strains of neo-Marxism Neo Marxism came in the existence to explain those questions which were unexplained in Karl Marxs works. There are many different branches of Neo-Marxism which are usually not in agreement with each other and their defined theories. There are basically two theories of neo Marxism, which are as follows: Neo-marxist theories of development: Dependency and world system theories are connected to come up with the Neo-Marxist approach to development economics. In this approach exploitation is considered as external exploitation which was used to be considered as internal exploitation in orthodox Marxism. Neo-marxian economics: This approach stresses on the monopolistic capitalism in spite of competitive nature of capitalism. Kalecki andBaran and Sweezy are associated with this approach. Neo-Marxism is the application of Marxist ideas to the global economic conditions which currently exists and considered as a school of economic thought. It was very common during the 1960s and 1970s as many neo-Marxist scholars showed that how capitalist policies can hinder the development and can increase the inequality between the Global North and South. So, neo-Marxists produced different modern world system and dependency theories in form of clear illustrations to show how neo-liberal capitalism has brought increased inequality to the global economy. Criticism: Basically Neo Marxism was a relaxation of the economic determinism and positivism of classical Marxist theories. Its main focus was more on the society rather than on the system alone. It incorporated other sociological views which were developed after Marx so that a more holistic view of social class structures and dynamics can be provided and the target was to focus more on society. Different criticisms for the neo Marxism theory are as follows: It has more concentration on economic relationship which is like going over to the limit as it considers the economic relationship as most important factor. This theory is considered as economically deterministic due to the more emphasis on the economic relationship and it has ignored the other relationship like family, education. Friendship, religious etc which also give shape and determines the success. As it has concentrated on the economic relationships and conflicts, it has overlooked the conflicts that can rise in other forms (non-economic) also. This theory has either overlooked on these factors or has a slight description like it argues that the male-female conflicts are not simply economic rather they are patriarchal. It has under-emphasized the subjective interpretations of individuals when looking at the way in which people see and act in the social world (Thomas M. Jeannot, (1994) pp 91). A persons subjective interpretation of their class, for example, might be quite different to their objective class position. Many forms of Neo-Marxism have been criticised (usually by other Marxists) as being little more than a left-wing variety of Functionalism (Left Functionalism as Jock Young has termed it). In place of society existing for the benefit of all, Young argues that many Marxists simply substitute the idea that society exists for benefit of a ruling class). Some forms of Neo-Marxism resemble little more than a giant conspiracy theory, whereby a Capitalist Ruling Class are able to manipulate other classes in society for their own ends / benefits. Critics like Sir Karl Popper have claimed that Marxism is unscientific in its methodology. In particular, he argues that Marxism is not a theory that can be tested and possibly falsified, mainly because it sees the replacement of Capitalism by Communism as historically inevitable. In this respect, Popper classifies Marxism as a faith. The Marxist perspective lends itself to always examining social relationships in terms of their conflictual basis (just as the Functionalist perspective tends to look at those same relationships in terms of their consensual basis). This emphasis might be misplaced. Conclusion: As per the above discussion, both approaches have different implications for the globalization and have aim to satisfy the need of the states and regions for their success. On the one side neo realist theory tries to aim at individual on the other side neo Marxist theory tries to aim at the economies. Realist theory considers each individual responsible for their own tasks while neo Marxist theory talks in terms of economic stability and other factors (Kavous Ardalan, (2009) pp 525). The globalisation is the process which requires the integration of ideas, views and other factors that can help to get a better international system in the place. So while choosing the best theory for the globalisation, it is important to consider that the theory which is required should be more realistic and should focus on the growth and responsibility of all as a whole, not as an individual. So, neo realism is the theory which is realistic while neo Marxism is the theory which considers the economy as a whole. So I think a mixture of both can be better to be adopted for globalization process. But most preferable should be neo realism theory as it aims at the development of all and the responsibility of all individual state so that they can be economically strong at their own and can give rise to a good competition in the world scenario while keeping in the mind about the international relations.
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