Saturday, August 31, 2019
Questions on The Storm by Kate Chopin
The short story was first published in The Complete Works of. You can read about finding themes in Kate Chopin's stories and novels on the Themes page of this site. The Storm was written by Kate Chopin on July 19, 1898. The theme of Kate Chopin's short story, The Storm, is based on adultery. The Storm by Kate Chopin Study Guide Summary and Themes in Chopin's Short Story The Storm – What is the theme of â€Å"The Storm†by Kate Chopin? â€Å"The Storm†themes. Therese Lafirme in At Fault; at Calixta in â€Å"The Storm,†Louise Mallard in â€Å"The Story. How does Kate Chopin reveal character in â€Å"The Storm†. Scholars and critics have been writing about Kate Chopin's subjects and themes for. In the short story â€Å"The Storm†by Kate Chopin the setting supports the theme; just because you are married to someone it does not mean that you continue to love them. Set in the early 1900's with two main characters, Calixta, and Alcee. What types of conflict (physical, moral, intellectual, or emotional) do you see in this story. Chopin uses the theme of forbidden love to tell a story that is. Socratic Seminar Questions Through her stories, Kate Chopin wrote her own autobiography. In Kate Chopin's story â€Å"The Storm,†sex is a crucial part of the story. Books By Genre, Theme & The best The Theme of love in â€Å"the Storm†– Kate Chopin Degree Essay & Coursework help including documents Marked by Lecturers and Peers. An examination of the primary themes in the famous work of fiction, The Storm by Kate Chopin. You can read about finding themes in Kate Chopin's stories and novels on the Themes page of this site. Set in the early 1900's with two main characters, Calixta, and Alcee. In Kate Chopin's story â€Å"The Storm,†sex is a crucial part of the story. Chopin uses the theme of forbidden love to tell a story that is. The Storm by Kate Chopin Study Guide Summary and Themes in Chopin's Short Story The Storm – What is the theme of â€Å"The Storm†by Kate Chopin? â€Å"At the ‘Cadian Ball†(prequel to â€Å"The Storm†). Kate Chopin The theme of Kate Chopin's short story, The Storm, is based on adultery. Sex theme analysis by Ph. D. and Masters students from. Scholars and critics have been writing about Kate Chopin's subjects and themes for over fifty years. The Storm? , Chopin not only creates the perfect setting but also. The Storm – What is the theme of â€Å"The Storm,†by Kate Chopin. Kate Chopin, â€Å"At the ‘Cadian Ball,†implied throughout. Kate Chopin JenniP on John Updike? s A & P: Analysis & Theme; Anya on The Lymphatic System. Sex theme analysis by Ph. D. and Masters students from. The Storm Study Guide > The Storm Questions > What is the theme of â€Å"The Storm,†by Kate Chopin. The Storm†time and place The story is set in the late nineteenth century at Friedheimer's store in Louisiana, and at the nearby house of Calixta and Bobinot. â€Å"The Storm†themes Unlike most of Kate Chopin's short stories and both her novels, this story was not published until the 1960s, many years after it was written. Apparently Chopin did not submit it to magazines because she understood that no editor at the time would publish a work as sexually explicit as this one. Per Seyersted, a Chopin biographer, writes that â€Å"sex in this story is a force as strong, inevitable, and natural as the Louisiana storm which ignites it. The conclusion of the story, Seyersted adds, is ambiguous, because Chopin â€Å"covers only one day and one storm and does not exclude the possibility of later misery. The emphasis is on the momentary joy of the amoral cosmic force. †In this story, Seyersted says, Kate Chopin â€Å"was not interested in the immoral in itself, but in life as it comes, in what she saw as natural–or certainly inevitable–expressions of universal Eros, inside or outside of marriage. She focuses here on sexuality as such, and to her, it is neither frantic nor base, but as ‘healthy' and beautiful as life itself. Other readers, scholars, and critics have found a host of themes, ideas, and subjects to write about in this story. There are further details in some of the questions and answers below. You can check our lists of books, articles, and dissertations about Chopin at other places on this site. And you can read about finding themes in Kate Chopin's stories and novels on our Themes page. When Kate Chopin's â€Å"The Storm†was written and published The story was composed on July 19, 1898. It was first published in The Complete Works of Kate Chopin in 1969. You can find complete composition dates and publication dates for Chopin's works on pages 1003 to 1032 of The Complete Works of Kate Chopin, edited by Per Seyersted (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1969, 2006). Questions and answers about â€Å"The Storm†Q: The story's title says it is â€Å"A Sequel to ‘The ‘Cadian Ball. ‘ †Does â€Å"The Storm†stand by itself or does it need to be read with the earlier story? A: It stands by itself, but some scholars have argued that Chopin obviously intended for â€Å"The Storm†to be read with â€Å"At the ‘Cadian Ball†and that resonance is lost when they are separated (see one of the questions below). The earlier story describes how Calixta came to marry Bobinot and how Alcee came to marry his wife. Some anthologies print â€Å"The Storm†alone. Many print the two stories together. Q: Isn't the phrasing of â€Å"The Storm†sexually explicit for something written in the 1890s? A: Yes, the phrasing is way beyond what any respectable American magazine, even a comparatively advanced magazine like Vogue (in which Kate Chopin published nineteen stories), would have printed at the time. From everything we can tell, Chopin did not try to send â€Å"The Storm†out to editors. The story was not published until 1969, sixty-five years after Chopin's death. Q: So readers at the time were uptight about explicit sex in short stories? A: By the standards of most twenty-first-century American or European magazine readers, yes. But unlike today's countless magazines often selling to small, closely-focused segments of the population, American national magazines in the late nineteenth century usually appealed to broader, more heterogeneous audiences. Many, if not most, magazines of the time were viewed by children as well as adults, so editors needed to keep in mind the tastes and preferences of the people who bought their publications and, perhaps, shared them with their families. Q: What kind of relationship exists between Calixta and Alcee? What can you infer from their past? A: Much depends on whether you think of the two as characters who exist only in â€Å"The Storm†or if you see them as characters who exist also in â€Å"At The ‘Cadian Ball. Assuming you are looking at both stories: as we explain on the page for the earlier story, Alcee and his wife Clarisse are Creoles, descendants of French settlers in Louisiana. Calixta and her husband Bobinot are Acadians, descendants of French-American exiles from Acadia, Nova Scotia, who were driven from their homes by the British in 1755. Most of the Creoles in Kate Chopin's stories are comparatively wealthy, usually landowners or merchants. Most of the Acadians (or ‘Cajuns) in the stories are much poorer, living off the land, farming or fishing or working for the Creoles. So on the basis of the two stories together, you could describe Calixta as coming from a different social class than Alcee, and you could say that it's in good part because of that difference in class that Calixta and Alcee are married to other people. And you could add that, unlike anyone else in either story, Calixta comes in part also from a Spanish-speaking cultural background (her mother is Cuban) and so, as Kate Chopin presents her, she has different ways of behaving, more sensual ways of expressing her sexuality–which is partly why she is so attractive for both Alcee and Bobinot. As everyone in the earlier story understands, she's not like the other Acadian girls. In brief, Calixta is an Acadian influenced by Cuban culture who had been attracted to Alcee–and he to her–long before either of them was married (they had some passionate moments together one summer in Assumption Parish, moments that apparently scandalized some people). Calixta married Bobinot, the earlier story suggests, because Alcee was not available as a marriage partner–at least partly because his Creole family, and certainly Clarisse, think of him as coming from a comparatively higher social class. Lisa A Kirby discusses this subject at length in Kate Chopin in the Twenty-First Century. Q: I've read an article about â€Å"The Storm†that suggests Calixta has some African-American blood. Is that right? A: No. Her mother is Cuban. Everyone in the community thinks of her as Acadian with some Spanish blood. As the prequel to this story phrases it, â€Å"Any one who is white may go to a ‘Cadian ball, but he must pay for his lemonade, his coffee and chicken gumbo. And he must behave himself like a ‘Cadian. †Q: Would you describe what looks to me like an odd sort of connection between Chopin's short story â€Å"A Shameful Affair†and her stories â€Å"At The ‘Cadian Ball†and â€Å"The Storm†? A: Perhaps it's not so odd a connection. â€Å"A Shameful Affair†is an earlier Chopin story, is set in Missouri rather than in Louisiana, and does not involve Creole or Acadian society. But in some ways it's similar to Chopin's two more famous works in its focus on a man and woman attracted to each other but restrained by the sexual norms of the times. Mildred and Fred are wealthy, educated people who, because of late nineteenth-century norms, keep their sexual feelings towards others, especially others of their own class, under very tight control. It was, however, common for an upper-class man to have a â€Å"fling,†as Chopin calls it in â€Å"At the ‘Cadian Ball,†with a woman of a lower social class. An upper-class woman would not likely have a fling with a lower-class man. But Chopin in this story reverses those male/female roles. Until Mildred gets the letter from her friend (after she and Fred kiss) she does not realize that Fred is from her own class. But he's a handsome, sexually powerful guy, and it's nice–and, she thinks, safe–for her to flirt a little with him. Fred understands who Mildred is (it's not clear if he realizes that she does not know who he is), but he's on the farm precisely to get away from the norms of his class. He likes being a working-class guy at times, and he avoids contact with Mildred. But when she seeks him out him at the river, he passionately kisses her. Then, remembering himself, he flees, like Alcee Laballiere flees from Calixta in Assumption.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Body Image
Today's media has become a huge benefactor for women in society's poor body acceptance. Although advertising aims to convince us to buy things, ads seldom portray people that look like us. The average female fashion model wears in-between a size two or four, while the average American woman wears a size 12 or 14. Although today's media portrays female models as alluring, and desirable by all men; it is also producing a â€Å"picture that is far removed from reality' and is fiercely â€Å"unreal, and unattainable†(452).Images of models in ads are often touched up, in order to disguise minor flaws or make the models appear even skinnier than they really are. These false body image ads, showing bodies that are not ell or representative of the general female population, have far-reaching effects. It might seem that it should be recognizable when an ad shows something not real; but we still tend to trust what is seen in the media and through that, body image can be easily confuse d. The constant barrage of unrealistically skinny women can stir up feelings of inadequacy, anxiety and depression.This is what leads to the development of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, in today's young adult population. Even before young woman were influenced by the images of media; they were being influenced tit America's top selling manufactured doll since 1 959, Barbie. The average American girl between the ages of three to 1 1 , grows up surrounded by the Barbie body image. Not every child is influenced by the toys they play with; but young children can be easily influenced, especially by their toys.Toys are designed to allow children to practice for roles they will take on as adults; that's why housekeeping toys, doctor kits, toy pots and pans, and baby dolls were manufactured. Through play, children learn about the world and their place in it. What do Barbie's teach children about the world? They teach children that is it desirable to be extremely thin, and to s trive for an unrealistic body image. Research done by the AND show that 95% of those who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25.The AND also shows, that the mortality rate associated with anorexia nervous is 12 times higher than the death rate associated with all causes of death for females 15-24 years old. Remember; these young women likely played with Barbie dolls, multiple Barbie's around these young ages. Not only can the media stir up feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and depression; but so can an unrealistically proportioned doll, that is portraying to adolescence what women should be. Body Image Today's media has become a huge benefactor for women in society's poor body acceptance. Although advertising aims to convince us to buy things, ads seldom portray people that look like us. The average female fashion model wears in-between a size two or four, while the average American woman wears a size 12 or 14. Although today's media portrays female models as alluring, and desirable by all men; it is also producing a â€Å"picture that is far removed from reality' and is fiercely â€Å"unreal, and unattainable†(452).Images of models in ads are often touched up, in order to disguise minor flaws or make the models appear even skinnier than they really are. These false body image ads, showing bodies that are not ell or representative of the general female population, have far-reaching effects. It might seem that it should be recognizable when an ad shows something not real; but we still tend to trust what is seen in the media and through that, body image can be easily confuse d. The constant barrage of unrealistically skinny women can stir up feelings of inadequacy, anxiety and depression.This is what leads to the development of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, in today's young adult population. Even before young woman were influenced by the images of media; they were being influenced tit America's top selling manufactured doll since 1 959, Barbie. The average American girl between the ages of three to 1 1 , grows up surrounded by the Barbie body image. Not every child is influenced by the toys they play with; but young children can be easily influenced, especially by their toys.Toys are designed to allow children to practice for roles they will take on as adults; that's why housekeeping toys, doctor kits, toy pots and pans, and baby dolls were manufactured. Through play, children learn about the world and their place in it. What do Barbie's teach children about the world? They teach children that is it desirable to be extremely thin, and to s trive for an unrealistic body image. Research done by the AND show that 95% of those who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25.The AND also shows, that the mortality rate associated with anorexia nervous is 12 times higher than the death rate associated with all causes of death for females 15-24 years old. Remember; these young women likely played with Barbie dolls, multiple Barbie's around these young ages. Not only can the media stir up feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and depression; but so can an unrealistically proportioned doll, that is portraying to adolescence what women should be.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Targeted Advertisement
Targeted advertisement through data mining and privacy issue. Introduction A computer user sits in front of a screen and starts browsing their favourite website while their child similarly does the same. While this peaceful pastime activity is being enjoyed, however, they are unaware of the hidden pathways through which every detail about them is being disclosed. Because of these pathways, there are people that can get hold of the users’ names, phone numbers, IP addresses of the computers and their households.They have access to information about any users’ income, medical history, gender and age, not to mention what they searched on search-engines and which websites the users visited. They can even learn which online shopping purchases were performed by the users on any recent website. They, who know every detail of users, are not the Big Brothers of â€Å"1984†nor are they hackers; they are online advertisers who deliver advertisement on the Internet. The comp uter user is vulnerable to online advertising companies that value that specific personal data.The focus of this paper is to convince advertising companies that they should enforce regulation by providing an opt-out mechanism and practice permission based data mining in order to protect consumer’s privacy. Moreover, notifying and protecting users before distributing and taking advantage of their personal information is significant to company’s accountability and furthermore allow establishing a long term relationship with customers. I will explore the issue from consumer and also an advertiser’s perspective. As a design student who has been designed companies’ logos, it is significant to gain valuable insight from this topic.By gaining the necessary information in this issue, I can navigate the internet in a more safe and secure manner as a consumer. Background of Data Mining Online advertising is a growing industry that is based upon the traffic from onl ine views. â€Å"Fifty-six of the top hundred websites based on page views in February 2008 presented advertising†(Evan, 2009, p37). For every activity a consumer performs on the internet such as making a purchase, visiting a website or searching on search engines is collected (Charters, 2002).This information is processed and stored automatically through data mining practices and becomes a significant source of revenue for online advertisers without the granted permission or any notification to the customer. Data mining is an â€Å"overall process of preparing data, discovering patterns in data, and analyzing that data into useful knowledge†(Tavani, 1999, p137). According to Murphy, â€Å"the right to privacy involves the ability of individuals to decide for themselves, how much they are willing to share about their lives, thoughts, and feelings†(Murphy et al. , 2009).As personal and behavioural data are collected, stored and sold for more effective advertis ement, â€Å"loss of control†and â€Å"loss of identity†become issues (Drumwright et al. , 2009). Moreover, all the information we expect to be remained confidential, such as health insurance numbers and medical records, also become commodities for sale. Internet users have been paying for the â€Å"free†online services with their private and personal information (Goldfarb et al. , 2011). Effects of Data Mining Firstly, data mining is based on the Internet and affects the uninformed users by the loss of control over their personal information and right to privacy.Individuals are unaware that the data about them are collected and that they â€Å"have no say in how the information about them is used†(Tavani, 1999, p141). For example, search-engine providers summarize and store the entire search history categorically that â€Å"enables them to identify the individual IP address†(Evans, 2008, p55). While there is no warning to the consumers prior to collection and storage of their data, users are unaware of the fact that data mining is being conducted every time they click something on the websites.Although, Google has reduced the storing data period from two years to nine months (BBC News, 2008), the sale of data collection to online advertisers is still in progress. The transaction of information causes the loss of control over their right to privacy. Moreover, advertisers have an access to the â€Å"cookies†, which track the websites visited and every activity an individual does on the internet. Again, this becomes a privacy issue as advertising companies’ access this information without any granted permission. The privacy issue associates with the unawareness of this invisible phenomenon of data mining.Granting more control over their personal information to the users is critical. Thus, the usage of data mining without the consent of the user is an invasion of privacy. The user needs to have more authority over their information and prevent unwanted usage of their personal information. Secondly, data mining is more than just a personal and behavioural analysis. Every time the Internet client provides private information, such as medical records, all the information is being collected and saved (Buchholz & Rosenthal, 2002).The information we expect to remain confidential and anonymous becomes a source of profit to advertisers. There is a difference of scale between revealing one’s favourite color and revealing one’s social insurance number to the advertisers. For example, Google Gmail, which provides 7GB of free space, scans and records the content of emails while displaying targeted advertisements on the side that result from Google’s ability to examine the content of the emails (Evans, 2008). The vast amount of the provided space was not really â€Å"free†and users been paying it with their private information.Revealing personally identifiable data or pri vate information such as social insurance number through these services has potential risk of misuse. Consumers may concern more if they know â€Å"search engine provider is selling the data to another vendor that has figured out a way to associate the user’s IP with other personal information including name, address, and telephone number†(Evans, 2008, p57). Google’s company’s goal is to â€Å"organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful†(Google, 2011).Yet, our information also counts toward world’s information. We should be concerned if these companies with these types of mission statements can protect the users’ privacy; users should not be blindsided to the potential risks of misuse of our private information. Targeted Advertising and Consumer Relationships Regardless of the privacy concern associated with data mining and targeted advertisement, the reason why online advertising is still on the rise and is central to the e-commerce economy is because of its effectiveness on consumers (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2008). Detailed individual data can create more efficient advertisements, compared to traditional newspaper advertisements or old banners on the websites. For example, European Union practices privacy regulation on advertisers. The responses of â€Å"3. 3 million survey takers who had been randomly exposed to 9,596 online display banner advertising campaigns,†reveal that this government restriction reduces the effectiveness of advertising by 65% on average (Figure 1. ) in terms of changing stated purchasing intent (Goldfarb et al. , 2011), Therefore, regulation means a â€Å"trade-off between the benefits of consumer privacy and the benefits to consumers of a potentially broader, less obtrusive advertising-supported Internet†(Goldfarb et al. , 2011, p50). In addition, advertisers argue that â€Å"unauthorized secondary use of data†is f ound to be insignificant and consumers are used to this way of business in terms of traditional forms of advertising (Brown & Muchira, 2004).Although targeted advertising is an effective way to advertise to consumers, reflecting too much knowledge about consumers in their advertisements may offend the users (Evan, 2009). Often, the users may use internet to search or purchase what they do not wish to share or talk about with others. Online advertisements may do what is opposite of this wish. For instance, purchasing a self-help book online to treat depression does not mean you wish to sign up for an advertisement that shows lists of other books about depression.Moreover, since computers are shared online with other users, this purchase may be unintentionally revealed to the public. Advertisers should be advised of the precautions of data mining, which tracks every piece of information about consumers for effective and smart advertisement, could drive potential consumers away instead . Targeted advertisements are only effective if they respect the consumer’s privacy and use their information only when users are aware of the situation and give their permission. The foundation of strong relationships with consumers requires trust of both the website and usage of personal information.Lack of trust leads to privacy concerns and the users unaware what websites are legitimate. Resolving such privacy dilemma is, therefore, crucial to â€Å"creating stable and ultimately profitable customer relationships†(Brown & Muchira, 2004). The major factor that can weaken the relationship is â€Å"invasion†of the privacy (Attaran, 2000). It involves â€Å"contacting consumers who have not requested such contact and is often done repeatedly†(Brown & Muchira, 2004). Also, receiving unwanted junk mail and promotions from advertisers could irritate consumers (Korgaonkar & Wolin, 1999).The result of a survey that Brown and Muchira conducted indicates that consumers who have experienced online invasion of privacy are less likely to purchase products via the Internet. In other words, the ability to handle personal information is significant to advertisers to maintain a strong relationship with consumers. Advertisers should view the protecting privacy as an opportunity to establish long term relationships with consumers. Conclusion Government regulation is practiced in some European countries to resolve the privacy issues in online advertising.Nevertheless, government regulations that may be proposed to protect right to privacy, may end up violating â€Å"the principle of respect for individual†and create another invasion of privacy (Charters, 2002). Instead of government intervention to deal with privacy issue, online advertising companies should enforce regulation by providing opt-out mechanisms, and practice permission based data mining in order to protect consumer’s privacy. Advertising businesses need to store and s ell consumer’s private information with their permission of consent and a notification.Consumers may agree with giving their information about them if they can trust whom they are providing it to. That way, advertisers do not lose the opportunity to provide targeted advertisement to consumers, which is much more effective than providing non-targeted ones. Consumers also will benefit from receiving relevant advertisements against the cost of losing privacy. The balance between advertisers and consumers can be achieved through permission based practice. The computer user sits in front of a computer and starts browsing again.This time, the website asks for permission to collect the user’s information for online marketing and advertising business. The user has the ability to opt-out, and considers that this website is indeed secure. This website creates a transparency between by the Advertising contacts and the consumers. The user is informed, given options, and protected. Figure 1. 1 – Before and after the regulation by EU References Attaran, M. (2000), â€Å"Managing Legal Liability of the Net: a Ten Step Guide for IT Managers†, Information Management and Computer Security, 8(2)2.Brown, M. & Muchira, R. (2004). Investigating the Relationship between Internet Privacy Concerns and Online Purchase Behavior. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 5(1),62- 71 Buchholz A. , and Rosenthal B. S. (2002), Internet Privacy: Individual Rights and the Common Good. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 67 (Winter), 34–40. Charters, D. (2002). Electronic Monitoring and Privacy Issues in Business-Marketing: The Ethics of the DoubleClick Experience. Journal of Business Ethics, 35 (February), 243– 254. Drumwright, E. M. , Murphy, P. E. , (2009).The current state of advertising ethics: industry and academic perspectives. Journal of Advertising. 38(1), 83-108 Evans, S. D. (2009). The Online Advertising Industry: Economics, Evolution, and Privac y. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(3), 37-60. Goldfarb, A. & Tucker C. E. (2011). Privacy regulation and online advertising. Management Science, 57(1). Korgaonkar, P & Wolin, L. (1999), â€Å"A Multivariate Analysis of Web Usage†, Journal of Advertising Research, 39(2), 53-70. Tavani, H. T. (1999) Informational privacy, data mining, and the Internet. Ethics and Information Technology. 1: 137–145.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Spirituality in Nursing Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Spirituality in Nursing Care - Essay Example This essay shall first reflect on the EBL process, and then critically discuss the main issues raised in the EBL presentation on the identified concept. Finally, it shall conclude by considering an example of one patient from my clinical practice and evaluate the implication of the concept in the practice. The Gibbs Reflection Model shall be used to reflect on the learning process in this EBL experience. This reflection model is based on the description of the event, what I felt about the event, my evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan for the event. Description of the event At the start of our EBL presentation, we met with our facilitator. We presented the concept to the group as a means of familiarizing the members to the concept and as a means of clarifying what we would be carrying out as a group. The group was given the scenario and the trigger word was spirituality. Each group member was then given a clear duty to accomplish in the presentation. There were three mai n members, including that of the chair, the scriber, and the facilitator. The chair’s role was to maintain order in the group, to agree upon what was achieved during the sessions, and to set dates and times to meet. The role of the scriber was to keep a record of the decisions and agreements of the group, and email it to the members. The facilitator’s role was to ensure that the group was working on the EBL processes and to provide feedback after the presentation. The other group members had various roles to play, mostly on searching for useful information on the topic from the journals, textbooks, or library resources. Feelings At the beginning of the project, I felt nervous and excited at the same time because I did not know how the group work process would work and I was also not sure how I was going to take part in the activity. I was also apprehensive about how other members would react to my contribution. However, even though I was nervous or hesitant, I was conf ident with my skills of leadership, sharing, task allocation, task completion, of meeting deadlines; and on the useful skills I have gained from my previous group work and my work experiences. I was able to gain more confidence when we started our group meeting and I realised that my point of view was taken into account and all my ideas were welcomed by the group. Then I was also able to contribute to the group work by doing the research and giving feedback to the group. Finally I was pleased by the fact that as an individual I could contribute to the group and that the group was also able to trust me and my work. This gave further support to Reid’s statement when he said that â€Å"group work is a mutual support in which an individual and the members of group are engaged on the enterprise of carrying out the group’s common goals†. Evaluation (What was good and bad about the experience?) The presentation was good in general as the aim was clearly explained in th e introduction and the reader had good eye contact with the audience.
Should Evolution Be Taught In Public Schools Essay
Should Evolution Be Taught In Public Schools - Essay Example In the mid-Nineteenth Century the theory of evolution was opposed by religious individuals and organizations when initially introduced by Charles Darwin. This same religiously fanaticism continues to reject the thought of humans evolving from apes. However, over the past 150 years public opinion has unquestionably evolved and most religious people today accept evolution as true. Those who continue to be willfully ignorant of the subject think there is a debate to be had concerning the age old ‘how did we get here’ question. They maintain that the Biblical version of creation not the scientific theory of evolution is correct. This emotion-filled debate normally centers on which account the public schools will teach. Eventually everyone will accept that evolution is fact and creation a myth even educationally deprived children in the State of Kansas which has chosen to teach both. Unfortunately it will be many generations in coming because society evolves very gradually. Teaching the creation story in public schools only serves to fulfill the role of defending particular religious beliefs. If kids are to be taught, it is exclusively the responsibility of the church and parents because teaching the religious stories including creation in public schools violates constitutional principle. This subject evokes strong passions from those motivated by their religious beliefs and by those who would defend the Constitution.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
Tourism - Essay Example After this point the paper will give some insight as to the overall trends in the international community specifically in the United States. Next an in depth analysis will be conducted as to how the UK travel industry has been affected by the recession and provide insight as to what strategies some organizations have opted to utilize in effort to combat the recession specifically focusing on strategies such as offering new low cost options or increased advertising. Building on these points this paper will argue that many of these changes may simply be short term strategies designed to adjust to temporary changes in consumer preferences and how some strategies are designed to be coherent long term strategies. In an article published by the Suffolk City Council (2008) a number of different groups were identified as being the most likely to be affected by the current recession. Primarily identified were in terms of individuals were people with low incomes such as those people with fixed incomes, and those people unable to cope with rising costs such as those heavily in debt. In regards to manufacturers and service providers the research summary identified that companies manufacturing durable consumer goods such as washing machines or cars will be severely negatively affected by the recession owing to the fact that consumers are reluctant to make big purchases in times of economic uncertainty. More importantly to this topic the Suffolk City Council (2008) identifies that the service sector will be the most negatively affected sector insofar as retail, financial services leisure has already seen some of its biggest decrease in output levels since the mid nineties. The reasoning behind this d ecrease in the service sector (Specifically the leisure sector) is because of the falling consumer confidence in the overall economy. According to Barbaro and Uchitelle (2008) it is the case that in the American context consumer confidence in the strength of
Monday, August 26, 2019
Legal Rights of Students with Disabilities Term Paper
Legal Rights of Students with Disabilities - Term Paper Example IDEA incorporates six key components (Mash & Barkley, 2006). Firstly, IDEA provides that each disabled child have access to â€Å"Free and Appropriate Public Education†(FAPE), where the parent is not obliged to contribute financially. This ought to be in the normal public schools. However, the child can receive the care in other specialized schools or at home, due to the fragility of his health. Additionally, a child suspected to have a disability ought to undergo an appropriate evaluation by a team of trained personnel. Besides, the multi-disciplinary team ought to employ various relevant sources in the appraisal process. The child should not undergo unwarranted tests that have a racial and cultural bias. Additionally, the evaluators should gear their tests towards scheduling for the child’s suitable education (Mash & Barkley, 2006). The concerned personnel should be able to determine the child’s eligibility, once they conclude these tests. Evaluation is impera tive, since it helps in documentation of the child’s disability. Therefore, all children suspected of any disabilities ought to undergo the process despite the way it is apparent. The parent should also recognize the usefulness of the information. Moreover, after the evaluation, the child ought to receive personalized education, owing to their exceptional needs. As such, a team of experts places the child under â€Å"Individualized Education Program†(IEP). Besides, if a child is below 3, the multidisciplinary team as well as the parents arranges for an â€Å"Individualized Family Service Plan†(IFSP), where he or she receives exceptional care within their home settings. Additionally, the parents are equal constituent of the team, and they ought to be actively involved in all processes of the program. In addition, IDEA aims to ensure that the disabled child has a favorable environment for education, which should be free from restrictions. This improves the child ’s learning capacity, thereby reducing chances of being disadvantaged. Besides, experts recommend that children with disabilities should opt for normal school system as their first choice and interact with other children without disabilities. Moreover, IDEA advocates for LRE, where the child with disability learns together with others for the longest time possible. The act explicitly provides for all learning institutions to educate all children, disregarding their disabilities nature. It is unlawful to discriminate children with disability. Before IDEA implementation, children with disability encountered such discrimination that hampered their development. The fifth principle of IDEA implies that parents and the disabled student (where possible) should actively become involved in the formulation of decisions concerning the education plan of the student (Mash & Barkley, 2006). In addition, parents or caregivers ought to receive notice from these trained personnel in cases whe re teachers and other trained personnel change the education plan for the child. The parents and guardians have the obligation to play a part in all meetings and thereby contribute fully in all decision-making processes. The last principle champions for both the parents’, as well as the child’s rights in provision of care and education to the disabled
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Human Sexuality Topic (You can pick one from the sample topics in the Research Paper
Human Sexuality Topic (You can pick one from the sample topics in the instructions) - Research Paper Example des the acceptance of homosexuality into the society that involves sexual attraction to the same gender and in this case, the relationship between two males. Developing an understanding of this sexual orientation is important because there is conflicting literature regarding its existence. While there is a school of thought that believes homosexuality is as a result of genetic predisposition, opponents to this sexual orientation view it as behavioral. Homosexuality has been there since time in memorial and is now a visible reality within the society as another form of sexual orientation. In respect to ethical considerations, the question that linger in minds of many people emanate from a secular versus a religious point of view regarding same sex attractions. In the religious circles, homosexuality is a sin considering the belief that God’s plan for sexual relationships was between a man and a woman (Guittar and Pals 53). However, from a secular point of view every person has a right to choose the sexual orientation he or she desires. In secular terms, the society is liberal and nobody should question the behavior of another person as this amount to invading privacy. However, while homosexuals consider their sexual orientation as normal behavior, the question that lingers in mind of many is why they hide their sexual orientation. In case it is a normal occurrence. Homosexuals are not always open and free about their sexual orientation partly because of personal reasons or fear of stigmatization. The topic of homosexuality is an important area of discussion because it is part and parcel of the modern society and in some western countries homosexuality is now legal. In this respect, it is important to understand the origins of homosexuality so as to avoid the conflict being witnessed between religious and secular views regarding homosexuality (Wright and Bae 492). While homosexuality has existed for ages, it is a sexual orientation that no one likes to talk
Saturday, August 24, 2019
MARKETING ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MARKETING ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example e strategies to address those needs, and development of long-term association with the customers by providing them with the products and services they required. â€Å"The Marketing concept resulted in a separate marketing department in organization and today we can see many organization have structured themselves as marketing organization where every employee is contributing towards customer satisfaction whether or not he’s a marketing person†(â€Å"What is Marketing?†). The marketing concept depends to a large extent upon the research conducted by the organization to identify the particular segments of customers, and their individualistic and collective needs. Marketing teams can achieve the satisfaction of their customers by identifying the target market and adopting the right marketing mix to achieve their objectives. The main marketing concepts are the identification of the customers’ needs and ways to fulfill them, assessment of the changing environment and the modifying needs of the customer with it so that not only the present needs of the customers can be addressed, but also measures can be taken to satisfy the expected needs in the future. It is very important for the organizational personnel to realize that marketing of the product or service an organization makes is not entirely the responsibility of the marketing department, but every department as well as individual in the hierarchy of organizational structure has a responsibility towards it. I have had personal experience of working with a firm in which the entire responsibility of marketing was limited to the marketing department, and other firm in which the responsibility was equally distributed among all departments so that the whole organization was structured into a marketing organization. I felt a lot of difference between the effectiveness of marketing between the two firms. Limitation of the marketing responsibility to the marketing department in the first organization was the
Friday, August 23, 2019
DETAILED COMPARISON BETWEEN ACT AND RULE UTILITARIANISM - Essay Example A good consequence is determined in terms of pleasure or happiness (both intrinsic and instrumental), according to Bentham. So, his concept can also be termed as â€Å"hedonic utilitarianism†since he experimented logically that we look for pleasure (hedonism) and avert pain, assuming that both pleasure and pain hold an impact on our decisions, although we are conscious of right or wrong and cause or effect. Two forms of utilitarianism, act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism are in conflict with each other. Act utilitarianism, being a results-oriented theory, supports consequentialism, assuming right or wrong on the basis of outcomes. Instead, rule utilitarianism, being an idealistic and inflexible theory, is based on rules involving conduct and related principles. Believers of rule utilitarianism don’t violate the rules, approved by mainstream. Act Utilitarian upholds that the principle of utility must be employed in all individual situations, whenever possible. Bentham indicates that most vital attributes to determine what is moral are pleasure and pain. The practicality of an action decides its rightness or wrongness, bringing about the utmost good from countless evolving outcomes. For instance, if you are in a state where you consider lying to be a supreme good, at that point, you should lie. If infringement of law leads towards ultimate good of a particular act, then that act would be correct to adhere to. Likewise, Act Utilitarianism allows for flexibility, considering individual situations and identifying the right action strategy to produce extreme happiness. Conversely, Rule Utilitarianism, associated with John Stuart Mill, concentrates on common rules that each person must obey to lead towards the greatest community benefit. Unlike Act Utilitarianism, Rule Utilitarianism institutes the best rules, followed by the whole community, though it doesn’t head
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Essay on Women Suffrage Movement Essay Example for Free
Essay on Women Suffrage Movement Essay Since time immemorial, all movements aspiring for a goal had to do something to attain it. Citizens of colonized countries had to organize themselves and fight by means of revolution to attain freedom. Slaves who aspired for freedom had to fight for their freedom. Employees who aspired for better terms and conditions had to engage in strikes and picketing before their rights were recognized. The fight for equal rights necessitated decades of struggle and massive propaganda campaign by the leaders and its members so that their aspirations may finally be recognized. The women’s suffrage movement also would not have succeeded had they not been awakened and realized that their rights were being violated. This essay seeks to prove that the women suffrage movement is the result of the leadership of important figures in our history and the awakening not only by the women but also the men that democracy demands the due recognition of the women’s right to vote. In the speech entitled â€Å"On Women’s Right to Vote†, Susan B. Anthony recounted her experiences when she was arrested for something that is her right to do – casting a vote. She was among the first female leaders who made the women realized the voting is also their right and guaranteed by the constitution. Susan Anthony explained one of the arguments against denying a female the right to vote which is that the United States was formed by the people of the United States. The people include those who are white and black, male or female, young and old who are all entitled to the same fundamental civil and political rights without any distinction. She also added that the dictionary defines a citizen as a person who is entitled to vote and hold office.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Planning for Research Essay Example for Free
Planning for Research Essay Define action research. Action research in education, is a firing-line or on job type of problem-solving or research used by teachers, supervisors, and administrators to improve the quality of their decisions and actions. It seeks more dependable and appropriate means of promoting and evaluating student growth in line with specific and general objectives and attempts to improve educational practices without reference to whether findings would be applicable beyond the group studied (Good, 1993). Explain its intended outcomes The intended outcome of action research is to improve the lives of children through education and for teacher researcher to learn more about the craft of teaching. All action researchers are committed to looking critically at what we do in our classrooms and the effects our actions have on the children in our care. Hence, the main intended outcome of action research is for educational change that enhances the lives of children. Another intended outcome is to enhance the lives of professionals. It is largely about developing the â€Å"professional disposition†of teachers, that is, encouraging teachers to be continuous learnersâ€â€in their classrooms and in their practice. This intended outcome of action research for teachers to be professional problem solvers who are committed to improving both their own practice and student outcomes provides a powerful reason to practice action research (Osterman and Kottkamp, 1993). Give examples of action research projects that researchers in your organization or field of study might engage in. Investigate the effectiveness of current math curriculum on students’ process skills and attitudes. Investigate the impact of an intervention and to monitor if it makes a difference and learn more about how best to teach math to children and to implement some of cooperative learning strategies. Monitor the impact of a new mathematics problem-solving curriculum on student performance on open-ended problem-solving questions and students’ attitudes toward mathematics in general. Investigate the perceptions of colleagues, children, and parents toward absenteeism to more fully understand why the existing policy is not having the desired outcome. References Hammersley, M. (1993). On the teacher as researcher. Educational Action Research,  1(3), 425–441. Kottkamp, C. (1993). The effects of action research on a teacher education community. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, New York, NY.
The Strategies To Maintain Building Efficiently Construction Essay
The Strategies To Maintain Building Efficiently Construction Essay Introduction Building maintenance management has always been seen as the Cinderella activity in the construction industry where we shall be continuously done the maintenance work. The maintenance work has always been seen and carried out by the architects, surveyors, engineers or facilities managers in term of function or discipline (Allen, 1993). The maintenance has been required starting from the construction work at the first stage, where the significance of maintenance was not recognized because most early structures were massive, overdesigned, made from natural materials, in an unpolluted atmosphere and wore out very slowly (Allen, 1993). When the maintenance was required, the individual owner was carried out and the maintenance was executed but in term of management is not properly done. The maintenance management was necessary when the advent of landlord-tenant relationships and together with the growth and spread of the population (Allen, 1993). Normally, property owners always endeavor to keep their building maintenance expenditure in the minimum cost but the building must be in good condition and well-maintained (Seeley, 1976). The building maintenance is highly desired but hardly achievable to produce where the maintenance-free, although many work can be done during design stage to minimize the cost of maintenance work. According to the Building Maintenance by Seeley, the building deteriorates at a greater or lesser rate depending on the materials and methods of construction, environments and the use of the building (Seeley, 1976). 2.0 Definition of efficiency and building maintenance The word of efficiency can be defined as an important quality because all ideas are scarce such as time, money and raw material, so they try to keep them while maintaining an acceptable level of output or a general production level. The efficiency would be reducing the amount of waste inputs (n.n. 2012). There many definition of maintenance can be defined. British Standard (BS 3811: 1964) defines maintenance as work undertaken to keep or reinstate every facility that is every part of a site, building and contents to an acceptable standard (British Standards Institution 1964) . Besides that, maintenance can be defined as the improvement of any facilities including every part of a building, services and surrounding according to an adequate standard in order to sustain the value of building facility (Allen, 1993). 3.0 Types of maintenance According to British Standard Institution, maintenance divided into planned and unplanned maintenance where there have preventive and corrective in planned maintenance and unplanned same as an ad-hoc basis because uses when necessary. Planned preventive maintenance is working direct in order to prevent the failure of facility where the maintenance done within the expected life of facility to ensure the facility can be operation continuously (Seeley, 1976) . Planned corrective maintenance where the work performs in order to restore any facility to operation or acceptable standard and unplanned maintenance where we were unpredicted the unforeseen breakdowns or damage occurred by external causes (Seeley, 1976). 4.0 Strategies to maintain building efficiently Building maintenance is an important thing where to preserve the building in its initial stage of the construction. Furthermore, the execution of building maintenance allows the building to operate effectively. The building shall be maintain in order to make sure the building can be retain investment value, an acceptable condition and required standard, looking good appearance of building, generate income for building owner and conserve historical and architectural values of building (Ali et al. 2010). There are some strategies to ensuring the efficiency in building maintenance practices which is; Work schedule Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) Involvement of Building Maintenance Profession during Design Stage Outsourcing 4.1 Work Schedule In future, more people are demanding in term of building care where they are wants their building facility always in good condition and well-maintain. For more efficiency in building maintenance, any property management shall be having work schedule for contractor to maintain each of equipment or building facility. In the building maintenance management process, every organization has their objective in order to success in maintenance work and they were determines the effectiveness of implementation in term of maintenance plans, schedules, controls and improvements (MÃ ¡rquez et al. 2009) Besides that, any organization also can produced checklist for building maintenance such as checklist for air-conditioner, mechanical and electrical, water supply and others. So, when there have several checklists at the particular area, the maintenance workers are easy to do their job where they were just going to the particular area and check any equipment through the checklist whether there have equipment breakdown or not. With have a checklist, the maintenance workers will know when the next checking for that building to do maintenance. Checklist schedule can be done in daily, weekly and monthly based on type of maintenance facility or equipment. It will be more efficiently to the maintenance workers to do their job. 4.2 Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Next, strategies to maintain the building efficiently is using the computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) where this system is software that contains the information about companys maintenance operations. This system is useful to the company because it will help their maintenance worker to handle the maintenance job become more efficiently (Herbert W. Stanford III, 2010). Other than that, CMMS also can help them to saving the data about maintenance operations where the maintenance worker will alert on the schedule for their inspection on the building maintenance area such as mechanical and electrical equipment, air conditioner, water supply and others. They are also will know when there have some equipment were breakdown or who the maintenance worker was responsible for the job (Ruud, 2009). Normally, CMMS used by companies which have high standard for their maintenance work. In CMMS, there have some package offer included which are a work orders, preventive maintenance, asset management and inventory control. All programs will be easily for maintenance workers to do their job such as scheduling maintenance procedures, tracking relevant information, keeping track of preventive maintenance components and procedures, recording data about equipment, management of tools, materials and others (Herbert W. Stanford III, 2010). 4.3 Involvement of Building Maintenance Profession during Design Stage The design of building structures is an important thing because at initial stage of the construction, the building maintenance profession shall be involved in order to make sure the suitable building design to be designed by architect. The building maintenance profession is not only involved during the construction completed but they shall be involved before the construction start. So, they can consult with the architect to do the suitable design in term of long-term planning and a long-term maintenance on which are predicted by them (Allen, 1993). After the construction is completed, the building maintenance profession is easily to do their maintenance works because the architect are design the building structure according to their planning. When the design of structure is an efficiently, its required to be understands the way how to be used and maintained the building structure. 4.4 Outsourcing Any organizations in the world try looking for new approaches in outsourcing to maintain the building facility or equipment or develop competitive advantage (Campbell, 1995). By outsourcing a particular area of building maintenance to other organization, the in-house organization can maximize their return because their management will be more efficient. Outsourcing also will be an effective way in order to reduce costs, free-up capital and improve quality and service, but outsourcing cannot be seen as an automatic way to be success (Campbell, 1995). Outsourcing also known as contract maintenance where there have a survey done by FM Link, the contracting for unskilled or semi-skilled services such as landscape services and housekeeping was very high which is 65-75%, the use of outsourcing for preventative maintenance was much lower which is 50% or less and for public owners, public schools, universities and others the use preventive maintenance was below 20% (Herbert W. Stanford III, 2010). There are some benefits of outsourcing because these benefits are related to the quality of the products and services provided to the customers (Campbell, 1995). There are some benefits enjoy by organizations which are: Contractors will be performed a good services where they were might be has more specialized the equipment and allowed the contractor to provide a good quality and service at a lower price. When do the outsourcing, the organization may provide a greater flexibility because the outsourced organization are able to operate their maintenance works according to their own plan. The supplier will enjoy personnel depth and sophistication in technical knowledge in particular area and support more specialized proficiencies. When the outsourcing strategy in well-planned, the approaches which can deliver a competitive advantage by allowed company to focus its resources on their business. 5.0 Conclusion As a conclusion, to ensuring the efficiency in building maintenance practices, the approaches will be used in this building maintenance management is expected to reduce the building maintenance costs, to improve the health, safety and satisfaction by the users. All strategy or approaches in building maintenance are easily to the maintenance workers do their job and become more efficiently. When they are doing their maintenance works according to the schedule, then the works become more save the time, the equipment always in good condition, the checklists will be done by the maintenance workers and others. Other than that, the strategy will be used in building maintenance management to ensure the performance of the maintenance works is well-maintained. The maintenance works must be effective and the most important thing is efficient.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Isabel Allende?s ?Two Words :: essays research papers
Loss and Survival in Isabel Allende’s â€Å"Two Words†Because Belisa Crepusculario had such a difficult childhood in which she experienced so much loss in her life, she is forced to become a stronger person both mentally and physically to survive such devastating circumstances. It will ultimately be this strong sense of survival that she develops through these experiences of great loss, which will guide her through the survival of life threatening situations. Belisa had a rough childhood. She was born into a family that was very poor. On top of dealing with poverty, Belisa also had to deal with living in a place that wasn’t suited very well for inhabitants. This quote explains her childhood quite well. â€Å"Belisa Crepusculario had been born into a family so poor they did not even have names to give their children. She came into the world and grew up in an inhospitable land where some years the rains became avalanches of water that bore everything away before them and others when not a drop fell from the sky and the sun swelled to fill the horizon and the world became a desert. Until she was twelve, Belisa had no occupation or virtue other than having withstood hunger and the exhaustion of centuries†(10). I believe that this quote sets up the rest of the story about Belisa because it portrays her as someone who endured many hardships as a young child and those are what helped her become a stronger person for those hardships. Belisa also had to endure great loss of family members as a young child. She was the only child out of her five siblings to survive a horrible drought that swept through the area where she lived, that claimed her four siblings. This quote explains those circumstances. â€Å"During one interminable drought, it fell to her to bury four younger brothers and sisters; when she realized that her turn was next, she decided to set out across the plains in the direction of the sea, in hopes that she might trick death along the way†(10). I believe that her strong will to survive is what made her leave home, because she did not want to just whither away into death like the rest of her family had done. She wants to live and that was quite evident. While Belisa is making her way toward the sea, she encounters others who are doing likewise, to avoid the great drought.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Teen People Magazine Essay -- BTEC Business Marketing GCSE Coursework
Teen People Magazine The Teen People, September edition, is a magazine designed to appeal to young female readers. Its content features well known celebrities, use of bright and flashy colors, and an organized layout that attracts an upbeat, young readership interested in high-quality appearance and style. Although the magazine’s main focus may appear to insure a great fashion sense, it also concentrates on a philosophical orientation by covering a more diverse readership that includes all colors, sizes, and shapes of females. Teen People also expands its audience by recognizing both visual and text oriented audiences. To appeal to the more visual oriented audience, the magazine uses exotic photography in the advertisements for Self Esteem, Secret Deodorant, and Ralph Lauren. For the more text oriented audience, the magazine includes celebrity profiles on Ruben Studdard as well as both Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. Whether the audience is visual or text oriented, Teen People’s main objec tive is to create an animated and enjoyable magazine for young female readers. The advertisement for the clothing line Self Esteem uses an imaginative idea of a human butterfly to catch the eye of its visual oriented viewers (117). The advertisement pictures a young Mediterranean female with butterfly wings attached to her back. She is dressed in casual attire with green cargo pants and a simple khaki colored shirt. The unusual depiction and choice in clothing may insinuate that an athletic female reader can effectively express herself by dressing comfortably in Self Esteem clothing wear. The smile and happy indication illustrates that freedom of originality leads to eternal happiness. Self Esteem places the young female in the midst of... ...emales tend to desire. Self Esteem uses a deeper level of thinking to portray beauty. Secret Deodorant tends to advertise angelic beauty, whereas companies such as Ralph Lauren advertise natural beauty. Although both articles use big celebrities to attract their readers, they tend to differ in who is attracted and why they are attracted to the article. Whatever the approach may be, Teen People Magazine accurately appeals to all types of people who desire a good style sense, information on their favorite celebrities, and overall beauty. Works Cited Ralph Lauren advertisement. Teen People. September 2005: 51. Ruben Studdard Article. Teen People. September 2005: 176. Secret Deodorant advertisement. Teen People. September 2005: 64. Self Esteem advertisement. Teen People. September 2005: 117. "They’ve Got Game." Teen People. September 2005: 190.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Disability Case Study :: essays research papers
Disability Issues in the Public Workplace Eloise, a supervisor at the Federal Administration Agency (FAA), was faced with trying to ensure productivity when one of her workers became ill, and was not maintaining her level of work. Brenda, who had been a computer programmer for the Management Information Systems Support Division of the FAA for nine years, was diagnosed with breast cancer in January of 1991. She left work immediately to have an operation and to start treatments. Brenda was supposed to return to work after the medical procedure so Eloise reached out to her in February. Brenda stated that she did not feel up to it, that she would continue to use her sick leave and would return in March. Seeing that Brenda would not be back in the near future, Eloise asked the other workers in the office to â€Å"pitch in†and help pick up the slack in work due to her absence. To entice one employee to pitch in, she upgraded his work status from a GS7 to a GS9 (which is what Brenda’s status was) until Brenda returne d. In March, Brenda could not return to work on her scheduled date and had her medical leave extended until she became better accustomed to the chemotherapy treatments. Brenda returned to work on April 1st. She was apparently not up to speed and could not handle the work that was assigned to her. In addition, she stated that she needed some accommodations in order to stay at work. These accommodations included rest hours during the workday and the need to leave work early on certain days. Eloise allowed these accommodations. When Brenda started taking breaks and putting her feet up on her desk to relax, the other workers didn’t seem to mind, and they would even try to be quiet around her. Brenda felt like the other workers had changed their attitude towards her and â€Å"freeze up when she came into the room.†Eloise tried to explain that it would be natural for the others to feel uncomfortable around her and recommended that Brenda speak to Employee Counseling. Brenda refused and soon thereafter started to call in sick again. Even with Brenda’s return, the other workers still had to continue doing her work. The worker that Eloi se upgraded to a GS9 was returned to GS7 upon Brenda’s return. He refused to do Brenda’s work unless he was reinstated to GS9 status.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Emergency Medical service Essay
The purpose of this report is to socially analyze the first assignment that has already been conducted. This report is divided into two parts, the first part reflects on the matter of the first assignment to identify and list significant issues discussed in the assignment. The second part performs a social analysis of the identified problems of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) organization by using a number of sources related to the subject. Personal reflection of first assignment In the first assignment, my task was to analyse and construct a common KADS model for an Emergency Medical service (EMS) situated in Netherlands. EMS was facing difficulties in serving the large area around its location in a proper and efficient way. Many efficiency related issues were arising regarding the functioning of EMS. On analysis it became apparent that these difficulties were related to three types of delays that were encountered: †¢ Patient delay †¢ GP arrival delay †¢ Treatment delay In order to overcome these difficulties, some solutions were recommended. Analysing real life organizations and making recommendations for betterment is not an easy task and relatively new for me therefore, lots of effort was put in gathering the relevant information, understanding the job descriptions and requirements. Then in depth analysis and thorough study of the working of organization was performed to reach the proper conclusions and the recommendations made were also tested for efficiency and betterment. The common KADS methodology was employed to perform the analysis and resolve the problems regarding the real life data of organizations which was a new concept for me and common KADS requires analysis and modelling to be performed through tables that depict many aspects of organization like problems and opportunities, solutions available and the process and working of the organization. Application of these methodologies to improve the efficiency of working of an organization and finding solution is different and new but with constant effort I was able to grasp the general idea of application of common KADS and making use of the common KADS methodology tables were used for analysis of EMS organization and solution was found to resolve the difficulties faced by the organization in its working. The example of Ice cream case study provided by the lecturer went a long way in helping me understand the idea of common KADS and how we perform analysis of real life organization data using the common KADS methodology. On reflection I find common KADS methodology interesting to study and I fully understand now the worth of this tool in making in depth analysis of organizations to find solutions for betterment in an organization. Common KADS is an efficient tool to use in group projects for data analysis and to make inferences regarding the state of organizations. Social analysis: In the previous assignment Common KADS modelling and analysis was applied to the EMS organization and three problem areas were identified: patient delay, GP arrival delay and treatment delay. In this section we will analyse the above identified problems and we shall define social theories to gain in depth understanding of these problems. The first problem identified is the patient delay. Patient delay is the average waiting time of the patient before calling the GP. This estimated time for the EMS organization is one hour. Reducing this delay can play a major role in decreasing the rate of death due to patient delay. In Netherlands monarchy system of government is established where a policy exists in which an individual or a function is in authority and controls all other persons under him in a company or organization. In this situation most people are trained to work under one person’s authority without any interference (Davenport & Prusak 1997). In this kind of monarch system of government implemented in Netherlands, people often own little responsibility as they are more prone to listening than action. Therefore, most of the people are hesitant in calling the GP even when they feel sick, until they are quite sure of their ailing condition. This patient delay problem can be solved by starting awareness programs in public to make them take due action quickly and contact the GP when they fall ill. According to Nonaka and konno(1998, pp42) the tacit knowledge can be exchanged between the individuals through a lot of activities such as being together, spending time and written or verbal instructions which is called the socialization. Moreover, this awareness is considered as a tacit knowledge so it can be imparted to the general public by distributing some educational materials and starting some training programmes that provide heuristic lessons to the public. As a result, the people will become aware of the danger of waiting too long before calling the GP and how it may affect their health. The disqualifications of the GP to make the right decision at the right time could be the result of the lack of education or the lack of training and experience. To overcome the problems related to poor diagnosis of the GP the EMS organisation needs to recruit more experienced and qualified GP staff or train existing GP by arranging different work shops and seminars where the GP could be further educated through the exchange of experience between the staff. The third problem identified during analysis was the treatment delay. In the treatment delay another 25 minutes are wasted before treating the patient after arrival and diagnosis at the hospital unless the patient is diagnosed to have AMI. The reason of this delay can be associated with the relationship between the paramedic and the doctor. As mentioned before, the system of government in Netherlands is a monarchy system. This system is covering all the levels of governmental organisations where the paramedic level comes under the GP level. As a result of this structure, the paramedic examines the patient before the GP as he was with the patient in the ambulance before reaching the hospital. The GP should listen to the paramedic’s account of patient condition and involve the paramedic in making the treatment decision regarding the patient. To find a solution to this problem the system of dealing with the levels in hierarchical structure must be changed. For example, the EMS should implement the federalism system which involves representative democracy which would help in eradicating the problems faced due to a weak central government and a high level of local autonomy (Davenport & Prusak 1997). Conclusion Therefore after conducting the above reflection on my previous assignment and performing social analysis I find myself better acquainted with the common KADS methodology. It is a worthy tool in analysing and resolving the problems of any organization. As in the case of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) this tool was helpful in identifying the major delay problems faced by the patients and provided many alternative solutions for the betterment of EMS service available for the patients.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Engage the Mind miour mind is the scene of the crime†, was the tagline for Christopher Nolan's Inception, a film that came out the summer of 2010. Inception was an original film by the man that brought audiences the acclaimed Batman trilogy. The film was given a 160 million dollar budget and the premise was questionable, a movie about dreams and reality. The stakes were high as the film could either be a summer blockbuster or a flop.Not only did the film manage to captivate its audiences, it earned more than 00 million dollars in the US alone. It was critically acclaimed and till this day Inception will be remembered as the â€Å"dream, within a dream, within a dream,†a complex film for intellectual and action moviegoers. Inception will stand the test of time for many years to come due to its ability to engage those who see it with its complex plot and its questionable ending. The audience is left to guess if the main character was left in a dream or if it really is eal ity.In an era full of mindless action films, a movie like Inception makes the brain follow the characters, the plot, and the conflict with close detail. If you happen to look away for a few minutes the chances of understanding the film are minimal. But if you happen to pay close attention, you won't be disappointed. With the help of a stellar cast and amazing visuals and excellent cinematography, Inception is the definition of cinema at its finest.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
In Making the Most of Foreign Factories by Kasra Ferdows (Notes)
* Not tapping into the full potential of foreign factories * Only use them for benefit of tariffs and trade concessions, cheap labor, etc. * Some companies do use them to full potential and gain exponentially from it. * Use them for the previous reasons mentioned, but also to get closer to their customer and suppliers, to attract skilled and talenterd employees, and create centers of expertise for the entire company. The answer for why these two approaches lies in the managers hands, which they have answered a simple yet fundamental question: How can a factory located outside a company’s home country be used as a competitive weapon not only in the markets that ir directly serves but also in every market served by the company? * Ex. Some managers don’t consider manufacturing to be a source of competitive advantage, they will establish factories with a narrow strategic scope, which they provide those factories with limited resources. In contrast if they do†¦then they will be productive and innovative by achieving many goals. Lower tariffs are causing foreign plants to close * Increase in sophistication of manufacturing and product development and the growing importance of having world-class suppliers are causing more multinationals to place less emphasis on low wages. * Factories are being strategically placed in foreign countries where they can have the most advanced infrastructure and workers skills, rather than in the areas that offer merely the lowest wages. * Companies are concentrating production and development in the same organization. * Servers companies * Moving horizontally across the matrix
Deviant Behavior
A cross-cultural perspective on deviant behavior would show that there are certain actions which are deemed acceptable in one society but is considered as a deviant behavior in others. For example, in societies where the primary religion is Hindu, they prohibit people to kill or slaughter the cows, or more specifically the zebu (Schaefer, 2008). The cows are even allowed to feed on fruits in the market while other people have to feed on the small quantity of food left (Schaefer, 2008).Religious factors serve as the primary reason why the cows are treated in such a manner. From a functionalist perspective, the worship of cows is considered as an important part of the Hindu society and the purpose it serves the people when it comes to producing milk and agricultural purposes is very important to them (Schaefer, 2008). Other religions in other parts of the world do not have as high regard for the cows as the Hindus do that leads to a difference in the treatment of cows for the other soc ieties.Likewise, the value of cows as food for the other countries plays a vital role on whether it is to be eaten or not. The perception of people with regard to the severity of the crime committed would have to depend on the reputation of the person and the nature of the crime done. There are certain stereotypes that every society holds vis-a-vis the role that the offender holds in a particular community. For example, a highly-respected person is suspected for the killing of a common person in the community.This would either create disbelief or condemnation of the person where people may either defend the person in belief that he/she could not do it or would express their utter disgrace for what he has done. On the other hand, on the other hand, if the killers were of less influence in the society, this would not be given particular attention especially by the media. However, as what happened in the novel â€Å"In cold blood†by Truman Capote, the status of those who were k illed also affect the perception of people of the crime. References Schaefer, R. (2008). Sociology. (7th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Ancient Greek and Roman Similarities.
The ancient Greek and Roman civilizations of Europe began to progress toward a more civilized order of society. As there were no previous establishment to base their ideals on, it was understandable that there were some difficulties in their progression as a society. Although the ancient Greek and Roman governments fell, both had similar paths of creation, conquest, and destruction. Greek society began by the formation of the city-state. The city-state, based on tribal allegiances, was generally the first political association during the early stages of civilization. ( Perry, 45) This was the first step in the progression toward early self-government. Greek city-states generally moved through four stages: rule by a king (monarchy), rule by landowning aristocrats (oligarchy), rule by one man who seized power (tyranny), and rule by the people (democracy). (Perry, 46) Plagiarism Detection >Roman society began by the influences of surrounding cultures and quickly grew beyond the confines of a city-state status economy. The more advanced civilizations of both Etruscans and Greeks were gradually absorbed by the Romans. From them, Romans acquired architectural styles and skills in road construction, sanitation, hydraulic engineering (including underground conduits), metallurgy, ceramics, and portrait sculpture. (Perry, 84) Their need for growth led them to form a republic. As in the Greek cities, the transition from theocratic monarchy to republic offered possibilities for political and legal growth. (Perry 85)Both Greeks and Romans tried to realize some form of democracy. It is to Greece that we ultimately trace the idea of democracy and all that accompanies it: citizenship, constitutions, equality before the law, government by law, reasoned debate, respect for the individual, and confidence in human intelligence. (Perry, 52)Because Rome tried to maintain a republic it had different needs compared to the Greeks. The Romans, unl ike the Greeks, were distinguished by practicality and common sense, not by a love of abstract thought. In their pragmatic and empirical fashion, they gradually developed the procedures of public politics and the legal state. (Perry 88)The fall of the Greeks was a direct result of a breakdown of social theories. When people no longer regarded the law as an expression of sacred traditions ordained by the gods but saw it as a merely human contrivance, respect for the law diminished, weakening the foundations of the society. The results were party conflicts, politicians who scrambled for personal power, and moral uncertainty. (Perry 55) Plagiarism Detection >The Romans suffered a similar fate as a result of an unfocused administration. Instead of developing a professional civil service to administer the conquered lands, Roman leaders attempted to govern an empire with city-state institutions, which had evolved for a different purpose. (Perry 95)The Greek and Rom an cultures truly revolutionized the art of civilization. They initiated new ideals for the interaction of people in a society. They both had similar paths of creation, conquest, and destruction. They shared similar beliefs and as a result shared similar fates. Future societies can look at the mistakes made in the past and build from them, but if we are not careful, future mistakes may be built from past societies.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The Distribution of Economic and Social Resources Essay
The Distribution of Economic and Social Resources - Essay Example The essay "The Distribution of Economic and Social Resources" discusses the article "Families on the Fault Line: America's Working Class Speaks about the Family, the Economy, Race, and Ethnicity" by Lillian B. Rubin who identifies four different working class families: white, black, Latino and Asian. They have much in common fighting with harsh realities of life and social problems. The three main themes cover social, cultural, and economic changes which affect these families. A major concern of social thinking is to identify the nature of these relations and to trace their social and political effects. Taking into account social factors, Rubin unveils social realities form the backdrop for future generations. For instance, Rubin explains that white ethnicity has deep roots and is closely connected with psychological and political factors. The author underlines that new immigrants including Latino, Asians, and blacks force the white working class to ‘establish a public identity ’ that helps them to rise above new comers. It includes job opportunities and equal pay, training and childcare, etc. Poor education and absence of equal opportunities with â€Å"white†working class majority are the main factors limiting the equal distribution of economic and social resources. To analyze the issue of racism, it should be mentioned that racisms are depicted as regimes of state power organized via institutional frameworks as part of the disciplinary power of state agencies, but which is subject to ongoing contestations.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Organization Behavior Case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Organization Behavior Case - Research Paper Example It is very important to keep the people working in your organization motivated and satisfied all the time. Having good relation with your labor is one very important thing if you want your business to enjoy a good financial situation. In this case the Southwest Airlines had to face a lot of problems and crisis as a result of its CEO being ignorant to developing good relations with the labor. The company was in big crisis and had lost its strong financial position. Moreover under the leadership of Kelleher the company gained back its financial success as the main focus of this CEO was to address the issues related to labor as early as possible and he knew the importance of these relations. Introduction to the issue The main issue with the Southwest Airlines was that it lacked an appropriate leadership style that would best fit the company. In the decade when the company was facing problems and crisis the main problem was that it lost a good relationship and a factor of trust between t he employees, labor and the top management. A leader in true sense is someone who leads his followers along the way or path towards their goals and objectives (Blanchard & Hersey, 2008). Leadership is the characteristic that will enable a person to inspire group of people to realize common interest or goal (Judge and Robbins, 2010). The base of any organization rests on the philosophy, vision, goals and values of the management. As a result this drives the culture of the organization that is made up of the formal, informal and social environment of the organization.... Trust is based on two things mainly that are familiarity and risk. Trust has a lot of dimensions mainly like integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty and openness etc. Integrity relates to things like truthfulness and honesty, competence means the interpersonal and technical knowledge and skills, consistency relates to predictability, good judgment and reliability under various situations, loyalty means the willingness to safeguard and protect face for any other person and openness relates to the reliance on someone else to provide you the truth in full (Scott, 2008). There are three types of trusts that employees in your company can experience with you. One is deterrence or fear of punishment based trust, the other is identification or trust based on mutual understanding, appreciation for other people’s desires and wants, and the knowledge based or behavioral predictability based trust that roots back to the interaction history. At Southwest Airlines under Parker’s leadership the basic issue was that the trust was deterrence based. It means that the trust was just there as he was the CEO of the company and the employees feared punishment and were forced to trust Parker whereas they dint not like his leadership style at all. As it is evident from the information provided that the previous CEOs and the current CEO of Southwest Airline are more people oriented. This type of approach develops trustworthy bond between the employees and its top management. As it is found out by various researches that mistrust eliminates the trust factor and leads to reduced productivity. So the failure to develop trust was one of the major
Sunday, August 11, 2019
(Oral Presentation script) Ethical problems in international marketing Essay
(Oral Presentation script) Ethical problems in international marketing - Essay Example uch as, racial discrimination, corporate social responsibility, public awareness of risks associated with product use, keeping high prices for citizens of developing countries, and respecting the political and cultural environments of other countries. After describing the problems and their effects on a company’s image, the researcher provides some effective mechanisms to deal with those international marketing issues. Through discussing these problems, this research highlights the importance of considering ethics while doing international marketing. In the present world, ethical marketing is the key to success for a company in the international world. Those days have gone when companies needed to consider the business laws, customers’ needs, and culture of only their host nations. Today, companies need to consider the cultural, political, and economic environment of all those countries where they plan to expand their businesses. Failing to consider any of the ethical marketing issues can result in destroying the image of the company among international customers. Marketing managers are responsible to draw their focus properly on each of the ethical marketing issues in order to achieve the desired set of goals. Therefore, in this paper, the researcher will focus the international marketing ethical issues and the ways to overcome those issues. If a company discriminates against any particular race while marketing the products in the international world, it can put an adverse impact on the image of the company. For example, if a company markets a color fairness cream in an African country by saying that White is the best, it would be against the ethics of marketing. Companies also need to make public aware of the risks associated with the products being marketed. For example, if a pharmaceutical company is marketing a new drug in other countries, it should make people aware of the side effects of the product, if any, in order to make them decide whether they
Saturday, August 10, 2019
FEA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
FEA - Assignment Example The results are then used to undertake weight optimisation of the model. The limits of the redesigned model are the face bearing the load, strength of the load and the fixed points which are not alterable. The only changing variables are the geometry and materials used. The model was then analysed in the SimulationXpress Analysis Wizard. The first step in this process was to fix the position of the 4 holes where the bracket will be fastened to the body of the structure. This is carried out in the fixtures section and the faces assigned as fixed geometry as shown in figure 2. This fixes the lower section of the bracket to its location in the machine, structure or component where it will be employed. The external load on the geometry is a force of 1kN and is applied on the region of 750and 50mm from the upper section of the load bearing face. This force does not act on the whole region hence a sketch is created 50mm from the upper section and creating a split line to allow the force to applied on the hatched region of the load bearing face on the drawing. Figure 3 shows the model with the split line created. The simulation results are produced giving the stress, displacement, deformation and the safety factor. Determining the maximum displacement and stress is the key objective at this point. The maximum Von Misses stress is 737.96mPa while the yield stress is 620.422mPa. This shows that the stress experienced is higher than the yield stress and hence failure due to the 1KN load applied. This is shown in figure 5. The results from part A are used to carry out a redesign of the bracket which are then validated with Finite Element Analysis. The main objective of this redesign work is to reduce the weight of the bracket by at least 10% and the deflection should not be more than 10%. In this redesign work, the material was the main focus for reducing the weight of the bracket. The aim was to select a material similar to steel but is lighter in weight. Aluminium
The Creation of a Trust Which Depicts the Formalities That Are Essay
The Creation of a Trust Which Depicts the Formalities That Are Required In the Dissemination of the Deceased Properties to the Beneficiaries - Essay Example In the paper, John drafts a will and appoints Tessa and Vincent as the trustees of his widow Susan and the two children. On the death of John Susan accuses the trustees of breaching their mandates, therefore the following advice is going to be very important to determine whether Susan will be able to win the case and granted trust of the properties. It is notable will contained no express power; it simply stated that Tessa and Vincent were to hold the said properties until the opportune moment for them to grant them to the right beneficiaries who are the family. According to Target Holdings Ltd v Redferns, the right of the beneficiary is to have the trust administered in the best way it was intended in conformity with the general law and the trust instruments. Thus, according to law, the beneficiary will always be granted access to the will or deed and the accounts which are linked to the trust. Proper justifications are to be given to any shortcomings which may be pinpointed; ho wever, in this case, it is apparent that the trustees never informed the beneficiaries on the investments they had made. Thus, there is a breach of contract which makes them liable for the loss and any abnormalities which come about. It is evident that the trustees misapplied the money in their hands for their personal use. None of the beneficiaries is really aware of what is going on until when they make the claim and want to have the money for their own use. According to the case of Wallersteiner v Moir, the trustees are liable for any unnecessary delays and circumstantial impacts they may cause the beneficiaries. Susan is thus in the right position to sue the trustees and claim their authority inappropriate in managing the properties and accounts. There is a falsification impression which is created in the whole process. It is sufficient that the trustee is liable to a want of ordinary prudence. By the trustees delegating their duties to the Best Finance Company, they defied thei r obligations entirely. Besides that, there is no clear motive for them to surrender managerial roles of the will to this company which has questionable characters and performances.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Country Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Country Report - Assignment Example On the other hand, the discovery of oil in the 1940s transformed Qatar (O’Brien, 2010, p.412). At present, it has high standard of living with highest GDP per capita in the world as of 2010 of more than USD 88,000 (Greenfield, 2012). For the present paper a comparison of the fiscal policies and inflation rates of these two countries are considered. Furthermore, in the UK, during the regime of the labor governments, government’s size and spending grew significantly. Compounding the budget deficit Labor government bailout several British banks in 2008 and indulged in massive government’s borrowing (United Kingdom, 2013). In 2010, after formation of Prime Minister David Cameron’s Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition government austerity measures were implanted rigorously. In early 2012, the economy returned to recession and growth averaged zero over the year as a whole. In its budget announcement of March 20, the UK govt. decided to stick to its def icit-reduction plan, which is broadly fiscally neutral (United Kingdom, 2013). UK Fiscal Policy and Inflation rate- UK Government’s fiscal plan is underpinned by a forward-looking fiscal mandate to achieve cyclically-adjusted current balance by the end of the rolling, five-year estimate period, as cited in the June Budget 2010. The fiscal mandate directs fiscal policy decisions over the medium term, ensuring that the Government sets plans steady with a reduction in the structural deficit. The fiscal mandate is based on: †¢ A cyclically-adjusted aggregate, to allow some fiscal elasticity at times of economic uncertainty; †¢ A rolling five-year forecast period, to ensure that fiscal consolidation is delivered over a realistic and probable timeframe; and †¢ The current balance, to protect the most productive public investment expenditure. The establishment of Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has significantly enhanced the credibility of the UK’s fisca l framework by ensuring that the Government’s fiscal policy decisions are based on independent forecasts for the economy and public finances (Copy of the Budget Report, 2013 p12). Figure-1 (Deficit, national debt and government borrowing - how has it changed since 1946? 2013) UK inflation has been above target since December 2009 and the central bank has quoted this as one reason for not resumption of its bond repurchase program. High inflation has had an erosive impact on the UK economy, reducing households’ disposable income Approximately a 40% rise in food prices and the impact of rising oil and commodity prices coupled with a weakening pound, plus hikes to VAT [sales tax] and tuition fees took a huge toll on the high street (Katrina, 2013). Figure-2 Source: United Kingdom Inflation Rate, 2013 Qatar’s Fiscal policy and inflation rate- While many advanced world economies were twirling under severe recession in the recent past, Qatar has taken head on, th e global financial crisis, reflecting timely and focused policy response by the authorities. The considerable advancement of liquefied natural gas capacity, large government support to the banking system, and increase in public spending helped Qatar in sustaining high growth rates. Heavy investment in liquefied natural gas (LNG) production capacity and increases in LNG production over the last couple of years have been the main drivers of Qatar’s robust growth (Qatar Economic Statistics at a Glance, 2012,p.4) Figure-3 (Qatar Economic
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Longitudinal Strategic Development Study Virgin Essay
Longitudinal Strategic Development Study Virgin - Essay Example In order to understand the strategic development history of Virgin, it would be necessary to refer to the context of strategy, as a key criterion for the success of business operations. In accordance with Waters (2006) the term corporate strategy ‘contains all the strategic decisions that affect the whole diversified corporation’ . In the above context, corporate strategy refers to a series of organizational problems, such as the following ones: a) which part/ sector of the organization is of more importance for the organization’s growth, b) at what level integration should become one of the organization’s activities, c) how the growth of the organization can be secured – especially in the long term, d) in which way the organization’s mission could be achieved, e) how the strategies of the organization’s different sectors can be combined so that organizational culture is secured, and so on. In other words, the corporate strategic history shows the methods used by the organization for promoting its culture and achieving its goals; these methods can be differentiated across organizations – in accordance with the conditions in the internal and external environment but also the aims and the values of each organization. It is clear that the strategic development history of successful corporations, like Virgin, can be identified in the practices these firms used not just for entering the global market but also for securing a long term growth – as proved through the organization’s current performance, analyzed in the section that follows. The strategy of Virgin has been considered as unique – mostly in terms of its structure and operational processes. As already explained above, the group includes a
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